31 octubre 2015

Carnes rojas: Quien mueve los hilos ?

Hace 20 años que se sabe que la carne causa una serie de enfermedades y lo publicitan ahora

Antes de entrar en materia recordemos el montaje de las vacas locas que sirvio para colocar la soja y el maiz trasgenicos en todos los piensos de los animales en Europa:

28 octubre 2015

WASHINGTON - OTAN - compran periodistas en Alemania

Relojes de oro, equipos de buceo,  viajes con alojamiento en hoteles de cinco estrellas...por escribir a favor de los intereses norteamericanos. 

Así lo cuenta Udo Ulfkotte, excorresponsal de Krankfurter Allgemaine Zeitung
"Ahora Washington incluso sopesa volar una planta de energía nuclear en Ucrania y que se insista en que los culpables sean separatistas o rusos”

Entrevista a Udo Ulfkotte

“Ahora Washington incluso sopesa volar una planta de energía nuclear en Ucrania y que se insista en que los culpables sean los separatistas o los rusos”, afirma el periodista alemán Udo Ulfkotte, ex corresponsal de Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, uno de los principales periódicos alemanes. 


Ha publicado un libro: Gekaufte Journalisten (“Periodistas comprados”), en el que describe cómo políticos estadounidenses y alemanes influyen en los medios alemanes, para que los periodistas den el sesgo deseado a los eventos mundiales

Periodistas comprados
Ulfkotte afirma que los periodistas son instados a sesgar sus escritos primordialmente a favor de la posición estadounidense y a oponerse a Rusia.
Udo Ulfkotte habló con nosotros sobre cómo exactamente sucede algo semejante y sobre su vida actual después de que esas revelaciones fueron hechas públicas.

P: Sr. Ulfkotte, usted ha dicho que recibió mucho dinero para escribir artículos pro estadounidenses. ¿Cuán lucrativo es ser un periodista pro estadounidense en Alemania?

Udo Ulfkotte: No recibí dinero – recibí regalos.
Cosas como relojes de oro, equipos de buceo, y viajes con alojamiento en hoteles de cinco estrellas.

Conozco a muchos periodistas alemanes que en algún momento pudieron aprovechar esto para comprarse una casa de vacaciones en el extranjero. Pero mucho más importante que el dinero y los regalos es el hecho de que te ofrecen apoyo si escribes artículos pro estadounidenses o pro OTAN. Si no lo haces tu carrera no conduce a ninguna parte – te asignan a estar sentado en la oficina y a ordenar cartas al editor. 

Ulfkotte ha trabajado durante 17 años en el reconocido diario Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung y se denunció a sí mismo de haber recibido dinero por parte de los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, a cambio de un enfoque amable de temas que influían a ese país.

  “Me avergüenzo de ello, me encontré sin quererlo apoyando el belicismo como una extensión del largo brazo de propaganda de la OTAN, y lo único que puedo hacer para reparar ese mal es contar toda la verdad”, reconoce.

“Mucha gente que no sabe mucho sobre cómo funciona el periodismo en Alemania o en Occidente en general se sorprenderá. Para los que todavía creen en la independencia y la libertad de nuestros medios leer este libro, sin duda alguna, será un choque”, comenta.

P: Según lo que usted ha dicho, los periodistas son corrompidos subrepticiamente, invitándolos a viajes a EE.UU. con todos los gastos pagados. ¿Pero se venden por tan poco los profesionales serios?

UU: Cuando vuelas a EE.UU. una y otra vez y nunca tienes que pagar nada, y te invitan a entrevistar políticos estadounidenses, te acercas más y más a los círculos del poder. Y quieres permanecer en ese círculo de la elite, por lo tanto escribes para complacerlos. Todos quieren ser una celebridad periodística con acceso exclusivo a políticos famosos. Pero basta una frase equivocada y tu carrera como celebridad periodística se acaba. Todos lo saben. Y todos participan. ......

 El problema no es solo que los medios pertenezcan a los grupos empresariales de la Élite Global, sino que además los más interesados (EEUU y OTAN) compran directamente a los “periodistas”. 
(Obviamente, que nadie piense que el problema se limita a los “periodistas” alemanes…).

Por otra parte, repugna pensar que los propios “periodistas” se dejen comprar así, hasta el punto de subvertir totalmente lo más elemental de su profesión: la difusión de la verdad (y, para colmo, al servicio de las guerras más abyectas). ¿En qué manos está la información que recibimos? (ver p. ej. Verdades y mentiras sobre Siria (VII): Los medios de masas).


 El libro que acaba de publicar el periodista Udo Ulfkotte, con 17 años de experiencia en el prestigioso diario Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, revela la práctica extendida de los pagos a los medios alemanes por parte de EEUU y la OTAN para promover su agenda, y en apenas dos semanas se ha convertido en un éxito de ventas.
El libro titulado Gekaufte Journalisten (‘Periodistas comprados’), documenta un trasiego de sobres desde la embajada estadounidense en Berlín, con sede junto a la Puerta de Brandemburgo, en dirección a las principales redacciones de medios alemanes, diseminados por la ciudad.

Apunta multitud de casos concretos, con nombres y apellidos, una lista que cobra especial credibilidad porque su propio nombre aparece en la lista.

El autor admite haber recibido dinero de los servicios de inteligencia de EEUU por enfocar varios temas desde un cierto punto de vista y denuncia que, gracias a este tipo de práctica, no son pocos los medios de comunicación alemanes que se han convertido en sucursales del servicio de propaganda de la OTAN.

La obra ofrece un informe sistemático que identifica qué periodistas están relacionados con qué organizaciones de lobby, como Atlantik-Brücke, Trilaterale Kommission, German Marshall Fund, American Council on Germany, American Academy, Aspen Institute y el Instituto para la Política Europea.

Ulfkotte sugiere que hay listas de periodistas que circulan entre estas organizaciones, periodistas a los que se puede llamar para determinadas campañas de imagen y que sirven para orquestar artículos de información, editoriales, intervenciones en tertulias radiofónicas y televisivas, creando un conjunto que silenciosamente domina la opinión pública alemana.

“La idea de escribir este libro surgió hace cuatro años, durante una conversación con un periodista con el que yo mantenía una relación de amistad paternal, Peter Scholl-Latour. Decidí que había que escribir de una vez la verdad sobre lo que hacen los medios alemanes”, relata el autor. “Ahora estoy preparado para asumir las consecuencias que seguramente tendrá para mí la publicación de este libro”, añade. Sobre su propia participación en este sistema de manipulación de la opinión pública, afirma: “Me avergüenzo de ello, me encontré sin quererlo apoyando el belicismo como una extensión del largo brazo de propaganda de la OTAN, y lo único que puedo hacer para reparar ese mal es contar toda la verdad”.

21 octubre 2015

INGENIERIA SOCIAL - Manipulacion profesional de masas a nivel planetario

El Instituto Tavistock y el control de la mente - Daniel Stulin

El Instituto Tavistock desarrolló las técnicas de lavado de cerebro masivo que fueron utilizadas por primera vez de forma experimental en los prisioneros americanos de la guerra de Corea. Sus experimentos en métodos de control de masas han sido ampliamente utilizados en el público americano, un sutil aunque vergonzoso asalto a la libertad humana, modificando el comportamiento individual a través de la psicología de tópicos.Mis Libros tavistock

Quien creo el Hippy , el movimiento LSD, la "contracultura" , ....quien controla la ideologia de los grandes movimientos mundiales .....?

Instituto Tavistock: organismo real situado en Essex, Inglaterra, creado para controlar el destino de todo el planeta y cambiar el paradigma de la sociedad contemporánea.

Daniel Estulin destapa ahora la existencia del Instituto Tavistock, un organismo real considerado el máximo centro mundial de control mental. Una sofisticada organización creada para controlar el destino de todo el planeta y cambiar el paradigma de la sociedad contemporánea.

En este libro revolucionario, Estulin revela los orígenes y el modus operandi del Instituto, quién está detrás del mismo, cuáles son sus objetivos y cómo nos afecta a nosotros, las víctimas, en nuestra vida cotidiana. Pero también aprenderemos a combatir sus métodos. 

Desde la música, pasando por la contrainsurgencia, las drogas, la televisión... A fin de cuenta, todos estamos expuestos a los oscuros mecanismos creados por un grupo de psicólogos, psiquiatras y antropólogos pagados por la oligarquía internacional que controla el mundo a fin de favorecer sus propios intereses.

El Instituto Tavistock originó las incursiones de bombardeos masivos a civiles, llevados a cabo por Roosevelt y Churchill simplemente como experimento clínico de terror de masas, guardando los registros de los resultados a la par que observababan a los “conejillos de Indias” reaccionar bajo “condiciones controladas de laboratorio”.

Todas las técnicas fundacionales americanas y de Tavistock tienen un único objetivo: romper la fuerza psicológica del individuo, y dejarlo incapacitado para oponerse al Nuevo Orden Mundial. Cualquier técnica que ayude a romper la unidad familiar, y los principios inculcados por la familia acera de la religión, el honor, el patriotismo y el comportamiento sexual, es utilizada por los científicos de Tavistock como arma de control de masas.

Reportaje Instituto Tavistock   Crónica El Mundo 27/11/2011 Tavistock el mundo Daniel Estulin

El cuartel general del Instituto Tavistock se halla en Londres. Su profeta, Sigmund Freud, se estableció en Maresfield Gardens cuando se trasladó a Inglaterra. La Princesa Bonaparte le había regalado una mansión. El trabajo pionero de Tavistock en la ciencia comportamental, siguiendo las líneas freudianas de "control" de los seres humanos, lo colocó como centro mundial de la ideología fundacional.

Su red de trabajo se extiende ahora desde la Universidad de Sussex hasta Estados Unidos, a través del Instituto de Investigación de Stanford; 
Esalen; el M.I.T.; 
el Instituto Hudson (http://watch.pair.com/Hudson.html); 
la Fundación Heritage (http://watch.pair.com/heritage.html)
el Centro de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos de Georgetown, donde el personal Departamento de Estado recibe formación; 
el Servicio de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aérea estadounidense
y las corporaciones Rand y Mitre.

El personal de las corporaciones deben seguir adoctrinamiento en una o más de las instituciones controladas por Tavistock. 
Una red de grupos secretos: 
la Sociedad Mont Pelerin, 
la Comisión Trilateral, 
la Fundación Ditchley, y
 el Club de Roma, es dirigida siguiendo las instrucciones de la red Tavistock.

Programa de RADIO con Daniel Estulin 26-11-2011.
Entre broma y broma mucha informacion extremadamente esclarecedora:
Parte I

Parte II



People should be reminded that the individual sovereignty of our minds and bodies is our most valuable possession.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

A revolution is taking place in the United States instituted by the controllers, whose agents have learned their materialist, immoral philosophies at the knee of monsters like Cameron and Delgado. They are putting in place mind control technologies, advanced surveillance, computerization, indoctrination, prisons and other people-control technologies, that will render freedom meaningless and obsolete, syllables fallen from the lips of a mind-controlled moron. They are launching new assaults on people's lives every minute.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Here stands the New Man, his mind and body stolen from him, soul reduced to the impulses of the animal he thinks he is. His conception of reality is a dance of electronic images fired into his forebrain, a gossamer construction of his masters, designed so that he will not under any circumstances perceive the actual. His happiness is delivered to him through a tube or an electronic connection. His God lurks behind an electronic curtain; when the curtain is pulled away we find the CIA sorcerer, the media manipulator, the cyberneticist, the weaver of the Dreamscape.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[...] National Security Agency, which is at this time the largest intelligence agency on the planet.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Around the world, electronic messages are intercepted by a collaboration amongst several spy agencies headed by the American NSA, termed ECHELON.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In other words, SAIC is involved in the upgrading and integration of the computerized infrastructure of the Establishment.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Is the idea that the Internet can be used for increasing surveillance on the public just paranoia on my part? Then we should examine who currently controls the medium: American intelligence agencies. At this time the major nexus of control of the Internet resides in the monopoly of "domain registration," the keys to the broad Internet landscape. These domain names are registered as Internet Protocol numbers, and until recently were deeded by Network Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of the government funded National Science Foundation. While Network Solutions registered the LP. numbers, it was done as a free public service. This is no longer taking place.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In China, they have also not held their tongues about what they see as the necessity of Internet control. Xia Hong, an advocate of government monitoring of the Net has said, "The Internet has been an important technical innovator, but we need to add another element, and that is control. The new generation of information superhighway needs a traffic control center. It needs highway patrols: users will require driver's licenses. These are the basic requirement for any controlled environment."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The Internet provides the ability for almost instantaneous monitoring of the content of communications. It is possible that the 'wide open information frontier' of the Internet, as it currently exists, is going to be a temporary thing, and that a program of increased monitoring and regulation—as well as a more aggressive use of mind control, such as foreseen by Dr. Persinger—will emerge.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

One problem is that along with ability to disseminate information widely and almost instantaneously, due to its technical flexibility the Internet also has the potential for assimilating—for literally devouring—all of the major information sources on the planet. With high-tech linkages and interfaces it is quite probable that worldwide television, radio, computer, and print media will all be sucked into the maw of what is currently called the Internet. All of these information and communication sources are gradually being linked together into a single computerized network, providing an opportunity for unheralded control of what will be broadcast, what will be said, and ultimately what will be thought.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In the 1930s, British intelligence agent and one-world theoretician H.G. Wells proposed a mind control plan that is apparently coming to fruition now, at the turn of the 21st century, with the creation of the Internet. At a November, 1936 speech before the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Wells laid out his idea for what he called a "World Encyclopaedia." Wells said:
"I want to suggest that something, a new social organization, a new institution—which for a time I shall call World Encyclopaedia... This World Encyclopaedia would be the mental background of every intelligent man in the world... Such an Encyclopaedia would play the role of an undogmatic Bible to world culture. It would do just what our scattered and disoriented intellectual organizations of today fall short of doing. It would hold the world together mentally... It would compel men to come to terms with one another... It is a super university. I am think of a World Brain; no less...Ultimately, if our dream is realized, it must exert a very great influence upon everyone who controls administrations, makes wars, directs mass behavior, feeds, moves, starves and kills populations... You see how such an Encyclopaedia organization could spread like a nervous network, a system of mental control about the globe, knitting all the intellectual workers of the world through a common interest and cooperating unity and a growing sense of their own dignity, informing without pressure or propaganda, directing without tyranny."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Evaluating the above information, it is obvious that with the state of the art in computers, electronics, implants, and other forms of manipulation that a threshold has been crossed. We have reached a point where the mind masters can now or very soon will be able to completely control our perception of reality. They will be able to own our reality completely, so much so that we will not know that our thinking, our perceptions, are not our own, but are dictated to us from an exterior source.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

But then, the CIA and other intelligence agencies have always used the beliefs of occultists, religionists, and UFO hobbyists to further their own agenda.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

It is not surprising to note a Scientology connection in remote viewing experiments. Hubbard's church had, according to their own literature, since the early 1950s been involved in "exteriorizing" individuals from their body, and at least believed that they had engaged in out-of-body travel, as can be determined by a perusal of non-introductory Hubbard texts of the sort that are kept away from the newbies.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In the early 1970s research into what has come to be called 'remote viewing' was begun at Stanford Research Institute.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

According to Andrijah Puharich, Monroe stimulated his ability to go out-of-body by sniffing ether.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Within all of the jargon, most of which I have eliminated in this paraphrase, Persinger's message is that the entire human race can be mind controlled through the use of television and radio networks.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Persinger is saying that experiences, feelings, memories—virtually any mental state—can be artificially injected into a human brain from an exterior source. The most frightening thing is that the means for doing this already exist in a fully operational form on a worldwide basis.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Among Persinger's accomplishments is the ability to cause subjects to think that they have been abducted by aliens, or have had an encounter with angels or God through the use of a modified motorcycle helmet equipped with solenoids to send electromagnetic pulses through the frontal lobes of their brains. "Ultimately," Persinger says, "human experience is determined by what is happening in the brain. And the experience of God can be generated by a process that has nothing to do with whether God exists or not."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

HAARP is the world's largest electromagnetic broadcasting station, composed of 180 high frequency broadcast antennae, with power estimated at 72,000 times more than the next most powerful radio transmitter. The project is the creation of the U.S. Air Force Phillips Lab, the Naval Research Laboratory, and the Office of Naval Research. Although announced as a facility for ionospheric research, HAARP seems to have a number of other potential uses, including weather control and electromagnetic sweeps that can be used for mind control of large populations.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

A giant leap forward in the technical capability for mind control came with the discovery that electromagnetic energy could be used to influence, disable, or kill humans at a distance.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In some cases the accounts of believed victims may have been influenced by the tales of others. They may be referencing things that they have read or heard from others. Thus, not to make light of such things, an incident of childhood sexual abuse might be turned into an abusive encounter with a prominent politician. A childhood nightmare of cloaked Satan-worshippers might be remembered as fact. Daddy's clients in the insurance trade might fit all the earmarks of members of the Illuminati.
Even Dr. Colin Ross, a well-known researcher on multiple personality disorder and mind control admits this difficulty in evaluating these cases:
"You cannot tell just by listening to a patient's story.. .you can't tell that it is true. Also you can't tell that it is false. In other words you can't tell without some sort of outside proof. That is proof that it really happened, or proof that it didn't happen. What I have learned especially in the last five years, there is really no limit to how detailed, how compelling, how full of feeling...how detailed a bunch of memories can be and actually be totally real, or never have happened. I have worked with people who have had really elaborate memories of all kinds of things with tremendous amounts of detail and then we have been able to prove it never happened. You can't tell."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

According to [Katherine] Sullivan she heard other possible plans for initiating the New World Order, including using Christian evangelists to push belief in the "tribulation" or "last days" of the Earth. Sullivan says that she was led to believe that AIDS was created specifically to key into belief in the biblical Revelations. Another possibility that was talked about was the assassination of a president, providing the opportunity for FEMA to take over the country and to institute totalitarian control.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[Katherine] Sullivan believes that the purpose of faking UFOs and aliens is to prepare the people of the world to believe in aliens. She explains that she has heard discussions about the possibility of a faked UFO invasion that would psychologically decimate the populace so that they would gladly submit to total control.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Inside the UFO were "people that looked like aliens," and this UFO prop was used to make people think they had been abducted by extraterrestrials. Based upon the bragging of her father and other information, [Katherine] Sullivan believes that these "aliens" were first created in German labs during World War II experiments on embryos. She calls these pseudo-aliens "The Children," and says that they are programmed so that they believe that they are extraterrestrials.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[Katherine] Sullivan remembers that there was a location near Dallas where a full-sized UFO equipped with an hydraulic lift had been transported to or constructed in a large room. Her understanding is that government UFOs were based on World War II German technology, and that there are several UFO bases that are currently in operation, including one in the Himalayas, and another at an underwater base near Hawaii.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

According to [Katherine] Sullivan, the CIA and the KGB have been working together for many years [...]
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Sullivan recalls that mind control subjects were frequently programmed through music, including chords, sequences of notes, and lyrics. Music by the Beatles was used more than any other type, but also Pink Floyd ("used in NASA time programming") and The Who, especially portions of the rock opera "Tommy." Movies were also used as programming devices, with the most common being "the Wizard of Oz" and Disney's "Alice in Wonderland".
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Although a number of lesser gods and goddesses were mentioned in their [Luciferians] rituals, the main 'god' was known to me as 'Ra.'
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Sullivan believes that the Bilderbergers are at the top of the heap in terms of international control, the "top of the top," she says, and remarks that the members of the group associate mainly with each other, thus fostering a cultish mentality in their ranks.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Sullivan believes that the Luciferians see the lower classes as cattle, and are determined to phase out what they consider to be inferior races. They are determined to create a one world order where Luciferianism can be openly practiced, and where such activities as pedophilia and bestiality will be legalized.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[Katherine] Sullivan claims that one of her mind controllers was Henry Kissinger, of whom she says, "I still love Henry Kissinger, even though I should be absolutely furious at him, I haven't found that anger yet." She states that Kissinger was one of the few controllers who did not rape her, and was "a very lonely man, an absolute genius," and in a "lot of pain and fog somewhere." Oddly, she still has a degree of respect for him because he was "honest about being a bastard."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[...] The entertainer "took me to several of Hugh Hefner's penthouse parties in Los Angeles. There were windows all around and at night you could see all the twinkling lights of the city." According to [Brice] Taylor she was prostituted to members of "the Rat Pack" of Hollywood celebrities. [...] Taylor indicates that she was also prostituted to several presidents.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[Brice] Taylor reports that her "owner" was a popular Hollywood entertainer whom she names. He was "much more than an entertainer. Entertainment was actually just a clever hobby of his. I witnessed his participation as a strategically placed, influential, and integrated part of an underworld group that secretly sought to control the world. He maintained direct ties to the White House."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In a short memoir of her experiences, [Brice] Taylor reported, "I started menstruating. This heralded abuse in rituals involving getting raped and impregnated, sometimes twice a year. When the fetuses were two to three months old, they were aborted at rituals and ingested to fulfill the beliefs of the group that it made those participating more powerful. These were devastating, deeply traumatizing and painful experiences that were repressed along with the other traumas."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

According to the memo, which has "Do Not Reproduce" emblazoned across its masthead, Mr. Pace has met with sixty victims of ritual abuse in Utah. Pace writes, "That number could be twice or three times as many if I did not discipline myself to only one meeting per week... Of the sixty victims with whom I have met, fifty-three are female and seven are male. Eight are children. TTie abuse occurred in the following places: Utah (37), Idaho (3), California (4), Mexico (2), and other places (14). Fifty-three victims are currently living in the State of Utah. All sixty individuals are members of the [Mormon] Church. Forty-five victims allege witnessing and/ or participating in human sacrifice. The majority were abused by relatives, often their parents. All have developed psychological problems and most have been diagnosed as having multiple personality disorder or some other form of dissociative disorder."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

—The first level, ALPHA, is generalized mind control, the base level of programming of the subject, and characterized by augmented memory and the splitting of die mind into left and right brain divisions.
—BETA is apparently programming of sexuality and the destruction of moral inhibitions.
—GAMMA is a level providing mind control system protection involving deception and misdirection.
—DELTA is the assassin programming level, and includes killers trained to perform ritual sacrifice.
—THETA is termed the "psychic killer" level. According to Hammond, "You know, I had never in my life heard those two terms paired together. I'd never heard the words 'psychic killers' put together, but when you have people in different states, including therapists inquiring and asking, 'What is Theta?' and patients say to them, 'psychic killers' it tends to make one a believer that certain things are very systematic and very widespread. This comes from their belief in psychic sorts of abilities and powers, including their ability to psychically communicate with 'mother' [and] including their ability to psychically cause somebody to develop a brain aneurysm and die.
—OMEGA is the level of programming dictating self destruction, and is intended to cause the subject to commit suicide when they are interrogated or begin therapy.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Often, according to Hammond, these will be "bloodline people," that is persons programmed by their parents who are involved in cultic practice such as Satanism, or in intelligence agency programs.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

SAIC is the parent company to a group called Network Solutions, which in turn owns a company called InterNIC. That group is in charge of all the website addresses on the Internet. The board of directors of SAIC includes NSA Director Bobby Ray Inman, as well as retired U.S. Army General W.A. Downing. Other alum of SAIC include William Casey, former head of the CIA [until], former CIA director John Deutch, former Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, Donald Kerr, former director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, and William Perry, the head of the Department of Defense. SAIC has been involved in remote viewing experimentation with American intelligence agencies, for which medical oversight, according to researcher Jim Schnabel, was provided by Louis Jolyon West.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

It is not necessary to comment at length on the magnitude of the LSD drugging program and its mystical retooling of the American psyche in the 1960s. The varied results of that operation—the destruction of much of political activism in America; the birth of the quiche-breathed lockstepping Yuppies; the alienated and politically impotent Punks and Gen X; and the drug gang fetishism of both black and white "gangsta" culture—are testimony to the effectiveness of this far-reaching pacification program.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[Aldous] Huxley was tutored by Fabian Socialist and pivotal New World Order theorist H.G. Wells, author of The Open Conspiracy and other books detailing the intentions of the international New World Order faction. Wells was the head of British intelligence during World War I who proposed the creation of a "one-world brain"—soberingly similar in conception to that of today's Internet—that would ultimately act as "a police of the mind."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[...] the LSD drugging of the world and an accompanying injection of mystical religion fits neatly into the New World Order [...]
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[Robert G.] Heath and [Dr. Russell] Monroe demonstrated that by implanting electrodes into the brains of their subjects they could switch on and off a variety of emotional and mental states, including fear, feelings of well-being, sexual sensations, as well as controlling memory and artificially inducing hallucinations. These feelings and thoughts, selectively chosen by those wielding the electric pushbutton, could in Pavlovian fashion be used for reward and punishment.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In an effort to escape problems having to do with jurisdiction, much CIA experimentation during the MKULTRA era was conducted in Canada and in other foreign countries.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The connections become more strange. [David] Ferrie was a hypnotist, who allegedly used his skills in his quest for homosexual conquests. One of Ferrie's fellow travelers. Jack Martin, reportedly said that Ferrie had hypnotically programmed Oswald to kill Kennedy.
Ferrie is also alleged to have been into "black magic" and was the high priest of the Apostolic Old Catholic Church of North America, members of which were investigated by Garrison for involvement in the Kennedy hit. The Apostolic Church may have been—this is entirely speculative—a chapter of the Ordo Templi Orientis-connected Gnostic Catholic Church. Certainly it was not what would be described as your average Catholic parish. According to researcher Loren Coleman, "The church conducted services involving animal sacrifice and blood guzzling. During Lee Harvey Oswald's last weeks in New Orleans, he attended many ritualistic parties in private homes and apartments with David Ferrie." This is a curious conjunction that is seen again and again in the research: black magic, military intelligence, and mind control.
Ferrie was found dead in his apartment on February 22, 1967 while in the midst of testifying about the Kennedy assassination. There were two apparent suicide notes, but the New Orleans coroner stated that the cause of death was natural, a cerebral hemorrhage.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Others in the know have suggested that Lee Harvey Oswald may have been mind controlled. Army and CIA counter intelligence agent Herman Kimsey came forward in 1975 to tell what he knew about Oswald. According to Kimsey, in an interview with journalist Hugh MacDonald, "Oswald was programmed to kill, like a medium at a seance. Then the mechanism went on the blink and Oswald became a dangerous toy without direction." Surely it was a coincidence that Kimsey died of heart failure three weeks after the interview."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

An account of the creation of mind controlled assassins was provided by Colonel William Bishop who, in 1983, made the following statement to researcher Gary Shaw:
"That was how, after the Korean War, I got involved with CIA. I have been subjected to every known type of drug. The medical doctors connected with the agency found that certain drugs work quite well in conjunction with hypnosis-hypnotic power of suggestion—with some subjects. It did with me. I speak with absolute certainty and knowledge and experience that this is not only possible, but did and is taking place today.
UI never understood why they selected me personally. There were any number of psychological or emotional factors involved in people's selection. Antisocial behavior patterns, paranoid or the rudiments of paranoia, and so on. But when they are successful with this programming—or, for lack of a better term, indoctrination—they could take John Doe and get this man to kill George and Jane Smith. He will be given all the pertinent information as to their location, daily habits, etc. Then there is a mental block put on this mission in his mind. He remembers nothing about it.
"Perhaps a month or a year later—rarely over a year, at least back in those days—the phone rings. A code word will be read to him in a voice that John Doe recognizes. That will trigger the action. John Doe will commit the assassination, return home, and remember absolutely nothing of it. It is totally a blank space.
"Now, there is a problem with this, and they never found a way that I know of to overcome it. From time to time—it happens to me now—I will see faces, names, places, gunfire, for which there is no rational explanation. I went back for deprogramming. In these sessions, they explain that this does happen from time to time, not to worry about it, just clear your mind and forget it.
"I know men who gradually lost their sight, or some of their hearing, or the use of their vocal cords. Some had chronic constipation. For entirely psychological reasons, not physical, because inadvertently these mental blocks developed. I myself became totally impotent. For obvious reasons, I don't care to go into this in any greater detail."
Within days after authorizing the release of the above information, Colonel Bishop died of heart failure, a not-un-common fate for those who expose the Agency's dirty laundry.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In March of 1951, 28-year-old Palle Hardrup walked into a bank in Copenhagen and shot two bank employees to death. When he was apprehended, Hardrup confessed that he had done the murders, but said that he had been hypnotized by an accomplice, Bjorn Schouw-Nielsen, to commit the crimes. Hardrup was found guilty of manslaughter and institutionalized, and his programmer, Schouw-Nielson, was also found guilty of manslaughter, but given a life term in prison.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In an interview with Providence, Rhode Island Evening Bulletin, [George] Estabrook[s] talked about the creation of hypnotically controlled spies by splitting personalities. Estabrooks said that the capability "is not science fiction... This has and is being done. I have done it."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

One of [George] Estabrooks' early and unique realizations was that if multiple personalities could be cured by hypnotism, then it followed that multiple personalities could be created in the same fashion.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The CIA and its successor agencies such as the National Security Agency must be not seen as instruments for furthering American security, but as arms of the planetary controllers for maintaining their own dominion. These agencies primarily further the elitists' own interests, including the implementation of plans of eugenics, social control, monopolistic control of resources, and other forms of the suppression of the masses worldwide.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Among the areas investigated during MKULTRA were: brain surgery including lobotomy; the use of electrical and chemical shock; the effects of stress on human beings, including hunger, fear, fatigue, duress, and torture; narcoanalysis; handwriting analysis; ultrasonic, subsonic, and vibrational disorientation and control; interrogation techniques; drugs that induced speech and amnesia, sensory deprivation and "electrosleep"; radiation; genetic research including gene splicing and the creation of mutations; ESP; various forms of brainwashing; personality assessment; concussions produced by remote control; brain implants and electrodes; the use of prostitutes as agents; hormonal and glandular products; gases; poisons; drug agents that could be sprayed; and drugs, including LSD, amphetamines, morphine, nicotine, ether, psychedelic mushrooms, barbiturates, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. At least four of the MKULTRA programs were specifically conducted on children. This is the vast sub-structure of MKULTRA experimentation that has for the greater part been successfully concealed by the Agency.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Curiously, another MKULTRA faction consisted of representatives of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, which had sponsored research into eugenics, psychiatry, and mind control since at least the 1930s. MKULTRA doctor Robert Hanna Felix was director of psychiatric research for the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and the director of the National Institute of Mental Health. Felix was the immediate senior of Dr. Harris Isbell, already noted in relation to MKULTRA.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Other participants in MKULTRA and programs that followed were recruited from approximately five thousand Nazis brought from Germany immediately after World War II through the clandestine Project PAPERCLIP.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In one experiment Isbell kept seven addicts stoned on quadruple normal dosages of LSD without interruption for 77 days, jolting them with electroshock to wake them when they fell asleep. In another experiment Isbell strapped nine men to gurneys, inserted rectal thermometers, shot them up with massive hits of psilocybin, shined lights in their eyes to check pupil dilation, and pounded on their joints to test nervous system response. The subjects of Isbell's torture garden were paid off with heroin fixes.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In a moment of candor as he spoke before Princeton alumni in 1953, CIA Director Allen Dulles spoke about two fronts in the "battle for men's minds." He said the first front in America was indoctrination, both through censorship as well as public relations techniques, and a second, vital and more specialized front, was individual "brainwashing" and "brain changing."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The following is a listing of early major CIA mind control experimentation with brief descriptions, as documented in the Congressional record in 1977, by the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources:
MKDELTA: This was apparently the first project established by the CIA in October, 1952, for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations. It may never have been implemented operationally.
MKULTRA: This was a successor project to MKDELTA established in April, 1953, and terminating some time in the
late 1960s, probably after 1966. This program considered various means of controlling human behavior. Drugs were only one aspect of this activity.
MKNAOMI: This project began in the 1950s and was terminated in 1969. This may have been a successor to MKDELTA. Its purpose was to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials, and to develop gadgetry for the dissemination of these materials.
MKSEARCH: This was apparently a successor project to MKULTRA, which began in 1965 and was terminated in 1973. The objective of the project was to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior in a predictable manner through the use of drugs.
MKCHICKWIT: This was apparently a part of the MKSEARCH program. Its objective was to identify new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain information and samples.
MKOFTEN: This was also apparently a part of the MKSEARCH project. Its objective was to test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and humans.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Basic to the financing of mind control projects, Nelson Rockefeller merged three federal corporations into the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and HEW and its sub-agency the National Institute of Mental Health were used to fund ARTICHOKE and other early CIA mind control projects. Other agencies involved in research into people manipulation at the time included the Defense Department, the National Science Foundation, the Veteran's Administration, the Department of Labor, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

CIA mind control experimentation emerged full-blown under Project BLUEBIRD in 1947, that sought an "exploitable alteration of personality," through testing a wide variety of drugs, under the supervision of Security operator Morse Allen. At the same time the U.S. Navy was doing its own drug experimentation under Project CHATTER, a project that sought a "truth drug." In 1950, LSD was used on suspected double agents and North Korean prisoners of war under the auspices of BLUEBIRD, and Morse Allen requested of his boss Paul Gay nor that the CIA acquire what was termed an 'electro-sleep' machine that had been built at a Richmond, Virginia hospital.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Allen's brother, John Foster Dulles, became the chief executive of the influential Sullivan and Cromwell law firm, that represented the notorious I.G. Farben during the rise of the Nazis. I.G. Farben, run until 1937 by the Warburg family, banking partners with the Rockefellers, along with Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey, were merged in hundreds of transnational cartels. They were in essence the same firm. After World War II, the president of Standard-Germany, Emil Helfferich, testified that Standard Oil funds had been used to pay the wages of SS overseers at Auschwitz.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In 1920 Allen Dulles was appointed First Secretary of the American Embassy in Berlin and, perhaps because of his family connections, took over American intelligence in the strategically key country of Switzerland.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Perhaps most important to their rise to power was that at the end of World War I, Allen and John Foster Dulles were recruited by the infamous one worlder "Colonel" Edward House (who in fact bore no military rank), and during the Paris peace conference the brothers were informally inducted into the Rhodes Round Table group. The Dulles brothers were responsible for starting the American branch, the Council on Foreign Relations, with funding coming from the Rockefellers, the Morgans, Bernard Baruch, Paul Warburg, and others.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA, was in many ways the penultimate political insider. His family was an influential early supporter of international eugenics movements and had strong financial connections with the Nazis. The Dulleses were intermarried with the Prevosts and Mallets of Switzerland, who in collaboration with the British royals, had been European spy masters for hundreds of years and, it is said, instrumental in injecting the Scottish Rite of Masonry into the United States.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Although responsibility for the mind control programs that were launched in America in the early 1950s has been placed at the doorstep of the CIA, this attribution ignores earlier sources. These programs were the visible edge of a wave that had begun much earlier, with the British, American, and Nazi eugenics/psychiatric/New World Order combination, propelled by Rockefeller and Round Table funding, with the most prominent agents of this group in America being the Eastern Establishment's Harrimans and Dulleses.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The OSS, run by Donovan, was terminated in 1945, with American intelligence operations taken over by Allen Dulles and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

A study of control must draw a tight focus on the programs of American intelligence agencies. General William "Wild Bill" Donovan in 1940 is believed to have been the first person to call attention to the need for an American psychological warfare division. Thus is explained the beginning of the Office of the Coordinator of Strategic Services (COI), that became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942. The COI from its inception was a black operation run by Donovan, with little governmental scrutiny applied to the way it used its funds.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

It was the Nazis who restored the 'right to love' in their propaganda.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

With Kinsey, American mores were almost completely warped, to the point where almost any sexual act is now acceptable. Wife swapping, easy divorce, swinging, the depiction of sex acts in the media, homosexuality, and sadomasochism are promoted as the norm.
As with most actions of the social engineers, there are a number of reasons for this.
- One is the creation of what has been called a "sensate" society, satiated with sex, drugs, and TV (the modern form of "bread and circuses," so that no challenge is ever mounted to the controllers by a numbed electorate.
- Another reason for this is the decoupling of sex from procreation, thus making the instituting of sterilization and birth control policies including abortion more easily instituted upon the "masses."
- Another purpose is the destruction of the nuclear family, opening the door for greater societal intervention and manipulation.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In 1994 a viewer of Channel 11 in Rome, Georgia, saw a rapid flash of light while viewing reruns of the Batman television series. Since he had been recording the show on his VCR, he freeze framed the moment of the flash, only to find out that a scene of protestors with "Keep Abortion Legal" signs had been inserted into the program.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Media management does not always have to be so dramatic. Simple distraction—the "circuses" part of the historic "bread and circuses" formula—is another effective technique. The dissemination of entertainment—"popular culture"—and useless factoids has channeled public attention away from far more important issues such as poverty, human rights abuses, the equitable distribution of the wealth of the world, true political representation for the vast majority of humans— and media control by the elite. This is one of the main functions of the television, which is in essence a propaganda box spewing out the "positive" drug-like reinforcements of sex, violence, and simulated social interaction.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Within the last year another example of media manipulation may have saved President Bill Clinton from impeachment, due to an incident that has come to be known as "Rapegate." During the impeachment trial of Clinton, Juanita Broaddrick, referred to as "Jane Doe #5" in the Starr Report, was interviewed at length by NBC correspondent Lisa Meyers. Broaddrick alleged that in 1981 Bill Clinton had raped her in an Arkansas motel room when she had been working for his campaign for governorship. This is not an incredible allegation, since Clinton has been accused of rape and forcing his sexual attentions on women on numerous occasions in the past, the first time that we know of during his studies at Oxford University in England in the 1960s.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

A technique for influencing public opinion is polling organizations which have demonstrably been shown to slant their public opinion questions in order to achieve desired results, but which may also be engaged in outright deception and alteration of statistics in the service of whomever is paying them. During the recent bloody American intervention in Yugoslavia public opinion pollsters placed approval of the war by the public at 73 percent, while an informal poll that I and some friends conducted determined exactly the opposite, that only one-third of Americans supported the bombing. I know that we are not lying.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The New York Times and its publisher, CFR member Arthur Hays Sulzberger, frequently liased with the CIA, providing cover for at least ten CIA agents during the 1950s and 60s.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The publisher of the Washington Post, CFR member Katherine Graham, was close friends with CIA directors Dulles and Casey, and employed a number of reporters who worked with the CIA.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[Carl] Bernstein noted a longstanding relationship of the Agency [CIA] with the CBS network, and former CIA director Allen Dulles' friendship with CBS' president, CFR member William Paley. The president of CBS News from 1954 to 1961, CFR member Sig Mickelson, acted as Paley's liaison with the CIA, using a direct telephone line that bypassed the network switchboard and connected directly with the Agency. The chief directors and news anchors of CBS have also been CIA-connected, according to Bernstein.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

During the 1950s American mass media interlocked directly with the CIA, the Agency feeding information to journalists in exchange for their own intelligence developed domestically and abroad. Reporters were employed by the CIA to deliver communiques as well as money to contacts, and to tow the Agency line in their own dispatches. The CIA even ran a training program teaching reporting skills to agents.
It is virtually impossible to determine the exact number of American journalists who are currently on the CIA or other intelligence agency payrolls—much less who are informally slipped information—but in 1977 Carl Bernstein, in an article for Rolling Stone, guessed the number at that time to be about 400.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

All three major American television networks were offspring of RCA.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The single factor that most enables control of the media and its use as a tool of propaganda is monopolistic ownership. Ninety-eight percent of the 1,700 daily newspapers in America are owned by fewer than 15 corporations, with Time, Inc. taking in about 40% of the total revenues. The three major TV networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC still have the majority of the television watching audience.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Dr. William Sargent of the Tavistock Institute, reported to have been at the time working in the CIA's MKULTRA mind control program, in his 1957 book Battle for the Mind— A Physiology of Coversion and Brain-Washing elaborated on Lewin's theories by stating:
"Various beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of 'herd instinct,' and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Initially run by British military intelligence officer Major John Rawlings, from its inception Tavistock was intended as a coordinating center for planetary social control using "psychological shock troops," a term coined by Reese. These shock troops in white lab coats have fanned out across the planet, infiltrating organizations in order to implement policies deemed productive by the organization's strategists.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

One prominent locus of world control—its influence spreading through the media, the scientific establish ment, corporations, governments, and the military-is the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock, a collaborative effort of British military intelligence and the psychiatric establishment, was created in 1921 reportedly on the orders of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House). The RIIA is an arm of the British Rhodes Round Table group, founded by British imperialist and Freemason Cecil Rhodes. The Round Table, functioning through a myriad of offshoots, has been this century's most effective proponent for the creation of a one world government. Tavistock relies on grants for its operations from the Rockefellers, Carnegies, the British Home Office, and large anonymous grants.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Since the advent of "progressive education" schools have not been intended to educate, but simply to regiment.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The symptoms that 'educators' are treating with drugs may in fact have nothing to do with congenital brain defects, as they have argued, but with a number of other less mysterious factors including: [...] Poor nutrition [...] Television and other media [...] sexual and violent images disseminated via TV [...] Little parental contact with kids at all [...] Finally, there is a problem with the nature of public schooling itself, which does not challenge children to learn or to think creatively, but instead indoctrinates them to conform to their prison-like surroundings. I personally would not like to endure again the circumstances of regimentation and immobilization—sitting at an uncomfortable desk with hands folded and mouth clamped shut for hours every day—that children are forced to put up with in public schools. I would also not relish again being forced to drag my eyes over and memorize deadly-dull texts that no sane adult would ever read if given a choice in the matter. In circumstances like these, it is no surprise that any child with an ounce of wit or energy would rebel and begin to longingly ogle his father's gun cabinet.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Ritalin is a highly dangerous stimulant that is, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, more addictive than cocaine. It also has a wide variety of other negative side effects, including nausea, insomnia, the inhibition of growth, nervous tics, and potential brain damage.
A current estimate of the number of U.S. schoolchildren being drugged with Ritalin is three to five percent, or in excess of two million kids! Since most of the children to whom the drug is given are male, it has been estimated that 10 to 12 percent of all male school children in the U.S. between the ages of six and fourteen are being zombified with Ritalin.
This drugging is being done because of alleged brain malfunctions that cause the children to be "hyperkinetic" or "hyperactive." In most cases the children have been diagnosed by their teachers, almost none of whom who have the medical credentials to do such an assessment.
The main problems that drugs are supposedly used to handle are classed as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These conditions have in fact never been proven to exist outside of the imagination of medicos and socialists, but instead are catchalls that include a wide variety of common childhood problems including inability to concentrate, nervousness, fidgeting, interrupting people, and disciplinary problems. No consistent brain abnormalities have been demonstrated to be linked to ADD or ADHD, although brain disorders including cortical atrophy have been shown to have been caused in some cases by long term treatment with Ritalin and other drugs commonly-prescribed for children.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Furthering the goals of the social planners, perhaps the most destructive current trend of the educational establishment is the wholesale drugging of students. Drugs, especially amphetamines and Ritalin, are commonly used to dose schoolchildren throughout America.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Instead of teaching children the academic skills that most parents favor, Goals 2000 and its educational offshoots emphasize "life adjustment skills," "family-life education," and "environmental stewardship." Academic study is de-emphasized while "cooperative" attitudes are mandated, including attitudes which significantly seem to bolster a eugenics agenda in the mind of the child, such as the attempted normalizing of homosexuality and playboyism, and abortion as a form of birth control.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

From the standpoint of the social controllers there are many advantages to keeping the populace stupid, not the least being that the less intelligent a person is, the more susceptible he is to exterior control.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[John] Dewey was among the first to promote school as a mechanism for the creation of a Socialist world order, and as a forum for enforcing "conformity" of the masses rather than as a place to learn the three 'R's. In 1899 Dewey said, "Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent."
One reason for the success of Dewey's "progressive education" is that it was backed to the hilt by Rockefeller and Carnegie money.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

According to accounts of the time, members of Skull & Bones took over the administration of Yale University in the late 1800s while Daniel Coit Gilman was employed there, and it is reported that all presidents of Yale since that time have been either Bonesmen or closely affiliated with the group.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Undoubtedly the most important influence that Skull & Bones has had on the world is through the world of politics. Since the turn of the century the direction of American statecraft has been largely steered by prominent Bonesmen from the Harriman, Bundy, Taft, Stimson, Bush, and other families, although I do not recommend that you hold our breath waiting for the establishment media to avail you of this fact.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Since the formation of Skull & Bones about 2,500 persons have been inducted into the secret group, with a small group of Eastern Establishment families forming the core of the group. These families include the Allen, Bundy, Gilman, Perkins, Wadsworth, Phelps, and Lord families. Other families who rose to wealth in the 18th and 19th century have been added to this group, including the Harriman, Davison, Rockefeller, Payne, Pillsbury, and Weyerhauser families. A third group - not Bonesmen - have acted as intermediaries between Skull & Bones and the financial hub of London. This group includes the Warburg, Schiff, Guggenheim, and Meyer families.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Skull & Bones is a highly secret, ritualistic society based at Yale University that has been called "The most powerful organization in America."
Incredibly, Skull & Bones may be a front for that most mysterious of secret societies, the Illuminati. The German organization from which Skull & Bones obtained its charter appeared within a year after the outlawing of Adam Weishaupt's group in Bavaria and, additionally, an inscription found in the sanctum sanctorum of the Bonesmen at Yale is nearly identical in wording to that of a ceremony cited in Proofs of a Conspiracy, an early condemnation of the Illuminati by Robison. Like the Illuminati, Skull & Bones initiates refer to the group as "the Order."
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

After Gilman, Wundt's materialist spin on the subject of the mind and soul - or lack thereof - would dominate the thinking of the most influential of American educators. The result was that children would soon after be viewed as something akin to lab rats, to be put through mazes, their characters molded at the whims of the "educational" totalitarians.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

Although it has been a carefully guarded secret by the watchdogs of the mainstream media, eugenics programs were never discontinued worldwide, with involuntary sterilization programs continuing in many countries to this day.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

[...] pro-Nazi psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, who was also the psychiatrist for the Dulles family.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The relation of eugenics to British psychiatry bears examination. The primary controlling body for psychiatry in England is the British National Association for Mental Health (NAMH), formed in 1944, and initially run by the mentally unstable Montagu Norman, previously of the Bank of England. The group originally met at Norman's London home, where he and Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht had met in the 1930s to arrange financing for Hitler.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute's eugenics studies were initially endowed by Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, the head of the Krupp munitions monolith, and James Loeb, of the Kuhn-Loeb banking family. Loeb's relatives, the Warburgs, were banking partners of William Rockefeller, and both families were responsible for setting up the American Harriman family - also movers and shakers in eugenics - in business.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

German eugenics studies were organized and bankrolled by the family-run Rockefeller Foundation and its allies in medicine, industry, and politics, with large grants provided to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity, in Munich. The latter facility was run by the fascist Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin and his underlings Otmar Verschuer and Franz J. Kallmann. In 1932, Ernst Rudin was named president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. Rockefeller funding for eugenics research in Germany would continue during World War II, the stated justification being that the war should not impede scientific research.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

In 1905, in the United States, the Rockefellers and Carnegies constructed the Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor, New York, where genetic research (none dare call it eugenics) is still being done in 1999.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view

The study of eugenics had its beginning in Germany, sometime after the mid-19th century mark, stimulated by volkish concerns for Aryan racial purity. Rudolf Virchow, pathologist and politician, began a study of national ethnic statistics in 1871, convinced that the majority of Germans would prove to be of relatively pure Nordic descent. The results of his studies proved otherwise. According to Virchow, the obvious solution was to set about Nordicizing the debased German stock.
— Jim Keith; Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness view
The materialist psychological doctrine spread rapidly with at least twenty-four laboratories established by Wundt's students between the years 1883 and 1893, with more of the German's acolytes fanning out to infiltrate related fields, such as education. Wundt's materialistic approach would infect the thinking of most of the influential psychologists, psychiatrists, educators, and social planners who would follow in the 20th century.