30 abril 2013

Como la CIA creo la epidemia del crack

A comienzos de la década pasada una nueva droga - el crack - arrasó los ghettos y barrios de Estados Unidos, en una época cuando muchos jóvenes tenían que recurrir a la economía clandestina para subsistir.

Para los pobres, ya agobiados por la pobreza, desempleo, servicios médicos inadecuados y escuelas y viviendas en ruinas, el crack llevó otras cargas: 

mas conflictos entre organizaciones callejeras y la desesperación de muchos nuevos adictos. 

Con el pretexto de la guerra contra la droga, el gobierno lanzó una guerra contra el pueblo: 
viles invasiones policiales de los ghettos, mas brutalidad y asesinatos, la detención en masa de muchos jóvenes negros y latinos y la criminalización de toda una generación. 

Muchos sospecharon desde el principio que el gobierno estaba metido en la explosión del crack en las comunidades oprimidas, como ocurrió con la introducción de la heroína durante la guerra de Vietnam.

Ahora se sabe que eso es precisamente lo que pasó. 

Un exposé del reportero Gary Webb del periódico Mercury News de San José, California, ha destapado que agentes de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) vendieron toneladas de cocaína en Estados Unidos durante esos años para pasarle las ganancias a la Contra, el ejército mercenario de Nicaragua organizado y manejado por la CIA. 
Webb investigó informes declasificados, testimonios dados en cortes federales, cintas grabadas en secreto, transcripciones de cortes nacionales e internacionales y cientos de horas de entrevistas en los últimos doce meses. Contó con la ayuda de los periodistas George Hodel y Leonore Delgado.

El informe de Webb destapa los nombres de los hombres de la Contra que compraban toneladas de cocaína a los narcos de Colombia y la repartían a redes de distribución en Estados Unidos
Documenta que líderes de la Contra se reunieron con un alto agente de la CIA antes de empezar la operación. Revela que la fuerza aérea del gobierno salvadoreño volaba la cocaína a campos de aterrizaje de Texas. 
Detalla como llegó un río de cocaína barata a las calles de los ghettos, primero a Los Angeles y luego por todas partes, y por último, documenta los colosales esfuerzos del gobierno estadounidense por proteger esas operaciones.

Rasgar los velos de engaño del gobierno sobre este tráfico de cocaína ha sido una larga lucha. Durante las audiencias del Congreso de Estados Unidos sobre el escándalo Irán-Contra a fines de la década pasada, dos personas se pararon y gritaron "¿Y que dicen de la cocaína?". A las dos las arrestaron y las metieron un año a la cárcel.

apendice - abril 2015:

DEA: escándalo y doble moral

La directora de la agencia antidrogas de Estados Unidos (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés), Michele Leonhart, renunció a su cargo ayer a raíz de un escándalo que involucra a agentes de ese organismo en fiestas con prostitutas en Colombia, y luego del voto de no confianza que emitió la Cámara de Representantes del vecino país respecto del desempeño de la funcionaria en torno al asunto.

Debe recordarse que el mes pasado el Departamento de Justica estadunidense dio a conocer un reporte interno que reveló la participación de algunos de sus agentes en fiestas con prostitutas financiadas por cárteles del narcotráfico en Cartagena, Colombia, como parte de una investigación más amplia derivada de otro escándalo, en el que miembros del servicio secreto estuvieron involucrados con trabajadoras sexuales en esa misma ciudad, en 2012, cuando el presidente Barack Obama participaba en la Cumbre de las Américas.

Más allá del escándalo sexual y de sus implicaciones morales y de imagen pública para el gobierno estadunidense, el episodio es revelador de la débil línea divisoria que existe entre las corporaciones de seguridad y combate al narcotráfico del vecino país y las organizaciones delictivas a las que dicen perseguir. El hecho referido es un botón de muestra de la hipocresía y la doble moral de la clase política estadunidense en el tema del combate a las drogas: mientras países como México y Colombia han sufrido los estragos de una política de combate al narco impuesta y diseñada desde Washington, funcionarios de ese gobierno se han visto involucrados en episodios de abastecimiento de armas a los cárteles, como ocurrió en nuestro país a instancias de la agencia gubernamental encargada de controlar el tabaco, el alcohol y las armas de fuego (ATF).

En el último trienio se ha dado a conocer y se ha documentado que la propia DEA ha participado en operaciones de lavado de dinero para los narcotraficantes del sur del río Bravo; los comerciantes de armamento de la franja sur de Estados Unidos hacen dinero vendiendo armas sin ningún control oficial, a sabiendas de que buena parte de ellas son enviadas a la delincuencia organizada en México, y no se tiene noticia de que el gobierno de Washington realice un esfuerzo policial significativo contra la introducción de drogas ilícitas por la frontera común ni que se empeñe en desmantelar las redes de distribución de enervantes en su propio territorio.

Según puede verse, las dependencias del gobierno estadunidense como la ATF y la DEA no muestran escrúpulos para quebrantar la legalidad nacional, traficar armas de fuego destinadas a los grupos criminales que comercian droga, lavar dinero procedente de éstos e incluso participar en fiestas financiadas por narcotraficantes, como ha quedado claro en diversas pesquisas realizadas en el país vecino. En tales circunstancias, resulta grotesco que políticos y medios de la nación vecina se desvelen ante la supuesta falta de confiabilidad de las corporaciones de seguridad de países como México y Colombia, y que justifiquen, con base en ello, la operación de sus propios efectivos en territorios ajenos.

Fuente: http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2015/04/22/opinion/002a1edi

Los lectores de nuestro periódico recordarán muchos artículos, especialmente entre 1988 y 1989, que destaparon como la CIA usó cocaína para financiar su guerra secreta en Centroamérica. 
Nuestros artículos se basaban en el trabajo de grupos y gente como el Christic Institute, los periodistas Alexander Cockburn, Martha Honey y Tony Arvigan, la directora de cine Barbara Trent (realizadora de la película Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Issue) y el profesor Peter Dale Scott, autor del libro La conexión Irán-Contra: Equipos secretos y operaciones clandestinas en la era de Reagan.

Ahora se ha encontrado una pieza importante del rompecabezas. Gary Webb documenta que los agentes de la CIA hicieron mas que participar en el tráfico de cocaína. Con lujo de detalles documenta el papel que desempeñaron en la creación de la explosión del crack que le ha causado tanto daño al pueblo.
El mismo gobierno proclamaba, "No mas di no" (a las drogas) y que mandó falanges de policías a atacar al pueblo en una "guerra contra la droga", durante años fue el centro nervioso de las operaciones que traían la droga.

Muchos sospecharon desde el principio que el gobierno estaba metido en la explosión del crack. Aquí están los hechos. En este artículo repasaremos a nuestros lectores parte de la información que encontró Gary Webb y la pondremos en el contexto de información documentada por otros sobre el papel de la CIA y la Casa Blanca bajo los presidentes Reagan y Bush (padre) en el tráfico de cocaína (1).

La CONTRA nicaraguense: operacion secreta autofinanciada de la CIA

En Estados Unidos en 1980, la cocaína era una droga para ricos. Gary Webb escribe, 'Un estudio de precios de cocaína pagados por agentes de la DEA dice que costaba  $ 2,500 la onza'. Eso cambió a raiz de decisiones de alto nivel del gobierno norteamericano.

El 16 de diciembre de 1981, el presidente Ronald Reagan firmó una directiva de Seguridad Nacional secreta que aprobaba la labor de la CIA para organizar en secreto un ejército para pelear contra Nicaragua. Allí el brutal dictador Anastasio Somoza, títere yanqui, cayó a manos de los sandinistas en 1979 y se instauró un gobierno izquierdista. Washington temía que los sandinistas alborotaran su patio trasero centroamericano y que le dieran entrada a la Unión Soviética. 
En agosto de 1981, el coronel Enrique Bermúdez (quién fue el contacto de Somoza con el Pentágono en Washington) anunció la formación de la Fuerza Democrática Nicaragüense (FDN). Webb documenta que la CIA organizó la FDN principalmente con lo que quedaba de la odiada Guardia Nacional de Somoza que luego se conocería como la Contra (de contrarevolución). Bajo la dirección de agentes de la CIA de Estados Unidos y de Nicaragua, la FDN libró una brutal "guerra de baja intensidad" de muerte y sabotaje para desestabilizar a Nicaragua.

Webb informa que Bermúdez fue uno de los agentes que recibieron cheques de la CIA durante mas de una década, pagos que se suspendieron poco antes de su asesinato - todavía sin resolver - en Managua en 1991. 
 Webb documenta que la directiva secreta de Reagan solo asignó a la CIA $ 19.9 millones de fondos directos. Eso era suficiente para formar la Contra pero no para mantener su funcionamiento militar. Pero no había necesidad de asignarle mas dinero: esta operación secreta se autofinanciaría para que fuera mas difícil conectarla con Washington. Cuando Reagan firmó la directiva, los agentes de la Contra ya estaban comprando y vendiendo cantidades industriales de cocaína.

El artículo de Webb le dedica mucha atención a la carrera de Oscar Danilo Blandón Reyes, el individuo de la Contra encargado directamente de vender cocaína en Los Angeles. Blandón dió amplio testimonio sobre estas operaciones en marzo de 1996 en San Diego, cuando fue el testigo central en el juicio contra 'Freeway Rick' Ross, su propio protegido. Webb escribe que Blandón, 'quién empezó a trabajar para la narco-operación de la FDN a fines de 1981', declaró que dicha operación vendió casi una tonelada de cocaína ese año por un valor de $ 54 millones al precio de mayoreo del momento. No está claro cuanto del dinero fue al ejército de la CIA, pero Blandón declaró que de 'lo que vendíamos en L.A., la ganancia iba para la contrarevolución'.

La reunion que empezo el trafico de cocaina

A Danilo Blandón, hijo de un nicaragüense rico dedicado al negocio de alquilar pésimas viviendas a los pobres a precios del otro mundo, su papi lo mandó a hacer una Maestría en Mercadeo en Estados Unidos. Cuando Somoza cayó, Blandón vivía rodeado de privilegios como Director Nacional de Mercados de Mayoreo y dirigía un programa norteamericano de $ 27 millones para crear un sistema agrícola al estilo 'americano' en Nicaragua.

Cuando la dictadura cayó, la familia Blandón perdió sus ranchos de ganado y sus tugurios urbanos. Blandón empacó para Estados Unidos y en 1981 se metió en la formación de la Contra. Webb escribe que Blandón comenzó a trabajar en la financiación de ese ejército cuando lo mandaron a recoger a Juan Norwin Meneses Cantarero, otro exiliado nicaragüense, en el aeropuerto de Los Angeles. En el juicio de Ross, Blandón dijo que el y Meneses volaron a Honduras a una reunión con el coronel Bermúdez, principal agente nicaragüense de la CIA. Siguió diciendo que, 'empecé a recaudar fondos para la contrarevolución', y que Bermúdez no sabía que la plata vendría de la venta de la cocaína. Pero Webb comenta que 'la presencia del misterioso señor Meneses sugiere fuertemente lo contrario'.

Meneses era un conocido narcotraficante. En Estados Unidos la policía tenía bien documentadas sus actividades y en Nicaragua se le conocía como 'El Rey de la droga'. Pero tanto Estados Unidos como la dirección de la FDN le abrieron los brazos. Meneses entró a los Estados Unidos en julio de 1979 y poco después recibió visa y permiso de trabajo como refugiado político. En 1981, según el propio Meneses, Bermúdez lo puso a cargo de inteligencia y seguridad para la FDN en California. Meneses se jactaba de que nadie podía entrar a la Contra allí sin mi conocimiento y aprobación.

Con la aprobación del gobierno norteamericano y con la bendición del coronel Bermúdez, Meneses se instaló en el área de la Bahía de San Francisco y desde allí supervisó la importación de miles de kilos de cocaína a California, mientras su agente Blandón trabajaba en Los Angeles distribuyéndola a redes de vendedores. Blandón declaró en corte, 'Hay un dicho que afirma que el fin justifica los medios y eso fue lo que nos dijo el señor Bermúdez en Honduras, ¿OK?'.
En junio de 1984, en la cumbre de su operación, Meneses fue fotografiado en una reunión con el jefe político de la FDN, Adolfo Calero, ex-gerente de la Coca-Cola y viejo agente de la CIA. Calero era la cara pública de la Contra para que los viejos asesinos somocistas no tuvieran que salir a la luz. Todo esto indica que desde el principio, la operación del tráfico de cocaína de la Contra contó con la aprobación y apoyo de la CIA.

A lo largo de la década pasada se empezó a ver hasta que niveles llegaba esa aprobación. Oliver North, el especialista de Reagan en operaciones secretas, dijo que nadie de la Casa Blanca sabía que la Contra traficara droga. Pero un memo del 9 de agosto de 1985 escrito por North a su agente Robert Owens sobre un avión DC-6 que le llevaba suministros a la Contra decía que 'es probable que traiga droga a Estados Unidos'. En otro memo North escribió, '$ 14 millones para financiar proceden de drogas' (OR, enero 16 de 1989).

En las audiencias del Senado norteamericano organizadas por el senador Kerry, un hombre de negocios de Oregon metido en tráfico de armas y drogas llamado Richard Brenneke dijo que Donald Gregg - asistente de seguridad nacional del entonces vicepresidente Bush - era su contacto. Brenneke dijo que el llevó un cargamento de armas a Amarillo, Texas, a mediados de 1985, y que tuvo una discusión sobre eso con Gregg, quién le contestó, 'Tu haz lo que tienes que hacer. No cuestiones las decisiones de tus superiores'.

Bendecidos con transporte protegido por el gobierno

En la década de los 70 aumentó la producción de cocaína en Latinoamérica y ciertos grupos colombianos empezaron a refinarla y distribuirla. Sin embargo, la misma era sumamente cara en los Estados Unidos porque nadie había encontrado vías confiables para el transporte de grandes cantidades. Esa fue la contribución de la Contra: conectó las redes de venta de la calle directamente con los carteles de Colombia por medio de redes de transporte creadas por la CIA.

En la película Coverup, el ex-especialista en guerras secretas John Stockwell dijo, 'Hay bases de la CIA en Costa Rica y Honduras. Hay vuelos contínuos que aterrizan en bases de Estados Unidos, donde no tienen que pasar por la aduana y donde se entra y se sale con escolta de la CIA'.

Según Webb el ala Meneses/Blandón de la Contra también utilizaba otra red del gobierno: aviones de la fuerza aérea salvadoreña que aterrizaban en una base de la fuerza aérea norteamericana en Texas. Webb informa que Meneses tenía estrechos lazos personales y comerciales con un comandante de la fuerza aérea salvadoreña llamado Marcos Aguada y que este también es un conocido agente de la CIA.

En 1992, un tipo llamado Enrique Miranda dió testimonio en corte y declaró que el era un espía del gobierno de Somoza y que, después del triunfo de la revolución sandinista, trabajó como emisario de Meneses con el Cartel de Bogotá. 'El (Meneses) y su hermano Luis Enrique financiaron la contrarevolución con las ganancias de la cocaína que vendían', declaró Miranda y añadió, 'Esta operación, Norwin (Meneses) me dijo, se ejecutó con la colaboración de personal militar salvadoreño de alto nivel. Se reunían con oficiales de la fuerza aérea salvadoreña, quienes volaban a Colombia y volvían a una base de la fuerza aérea en Texas '.

Kill the Messenger (2014) Poster
Basada en la historia real del periodista estadounidense Gary Webb, que puso en evidencia las conexiones de la CIA con el mundo de la droga y demostró que los barrios negros del país fueron inundados de crack en medio de un narcotráfico destinado a abastecer de dinero y armas a la CIA. (FILMAFFINITY)

Ganador de dos premios Pulitzer, Gary Webb, al que da vida Renner, en la época en la que trabajaba para el San José Mercury News, periódico en el que dio a luz la serie de reportajes “Dark Alliance” en los que denunciaba que la CIA había actuado en la sombra haciendo negocios con los más poderosos narcotraficantes de Nicaragua, permitiendo que entrasen ingentes cantidades de cocaína en los Estados Unidos

The film takes place in the mid 1990s, when Webb uncovered the CIA's past role in importing huge amounts of cocaine into the U.S. that was aggressively sold in ghettos across the country to raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras rebel army. Despite enormous pressure not to, Webb chose to pursue the story and went public with his evidence, publishing the series "Dark Alliance". As a result he experienced a vicious smear campaign fueled by the CIA. At that point Webb found himself defending his integrity, his family, and his life.

Matematicas de la explosion del crack
En los años 80, el ejército salvadoreño estaba trabado en una guerra de contrainsurgencia con la guerrilla FMLN, supervisado directamente por la CIA y asesores militares gringos. Webb escribe, 'Los documentos de la Oficina General de Contabilidad federal confirman que la fuerza aérea de El Salvador le suministró a la guerrilla Contra nicaragüense de la CIA aviones y servicio de vuelo.'

Blandón declaró que después de la reunión con Bermúdez en 1981, Meneses lo llevó dos dias a San Francisco para aleccionarlo sobre el comercio de la cocaína. Luego, Blandón declara, Meneses le dió dos kilogramos de cocaína, los nombres de dos clientes y un boleto de ida a Los Angeles.

Meneses usó diferentes puntos de entrada para meter cocaína en California. El artículo de Webb señala que, 'Llegaba en toda clase de empaques: zapatos con suelas huecas; buques de carga colombianos; carros con compartimentos secretos; maletas desde Miami. Una vez aquí era trasladada a varias casas y negocios mediocres de Hayward a San José, de Pacífica a Burlingame, de Daly City a Oakland'. El sargento Tom Gordon de los alguaciles del condado de Los Angeles dice en una declaración jurada de 1986, 'Danilo Blandón dirige una sofisticada organización que contrabandea y distribuye cocaína en el sur de California.' y continúa, 'El dinero de la venta de cocaína es trasladado a la Florida y lavado por Orlando Murillo, un alto ejecutivo de una cadena de bancos llamada Government Securities Corporation.
Esos bancos dispensan el dinero a los rebeldes de la Contra para que compren armas para la guerra en Nicaragua.'
Webb señala que Blandón deliberadamente dirigía su enorme operación de narcotráfico a las comunidades negras de Los Angeles donde vendía la droga ilegal mas cara del mundo en los barrios mas pobres de California. Blandón reclutó a un narcotraficante de poca monta de Sur Centro llamado Ricky Donnell Ross quien a su vez vendía la cocaína en Sur Centro y Compton por medio de pandillas asociadas a las notorias Crips y los Bloods. Ross juró que no sabía de donde Blandón conseguía la droga, solo que Blandón tenía "poderosas conexiones".

En menos de un año Blandón y Ross controlaban buena parte del narcotráfico en Los Angeles. La razón de su éxito es sencilla: el precio. Con transporte barato y protección del gobierno federal, la Contra podía transportar enormes cantidades de cocaína a un precio muy barato. Cuando empezó la operación, un kilo de cocaína le costaba a un narcotraficante $ 50,000, pero la Contra lo vendía por $12,000 y le quedaban millones de dólares para la guerra secreta de la CIA.
Webb dice que Blandón y Ross decidían que organizaciones de narcotraficantes sobrevivían: o le compraban la cocaína a 'Freeway Rick' Ross, el testaferro de la Contra, o perdían el negocio. Ross dijo en una ocasión que, 'Fue increíble. Los batimos a todos'. Webb cita a Blandón de una grabación hecha por la DEA en 1990, en la que dice que vendió entre dos y cuatro toneladas de cocaína en Los Angeles en los años 80.

La cocaína de la Contra no solo fue lo suficientemente barata como para venderla en la calle, sino también para producir en masa su recién descubierta forma cristalizada y fumable: el crack.

Una tormenta azota el ghetto

El crack causa una sensación 10 veces mas intensa que la cocaína inhalada en polvo. Webb afirma que Blandón es el sembrador del crack. Para 1983 su enorme operación de cocaína se había convertido en un enorme negocio de crack. Rick Ross calculaba que a veces sus redes distribuían entre $ 2 y $ 3 millones de crack en un día. En las casas donde fabricaban el crack, revolvían las enormes ollas de cocaína con remos de canoa.

Como todo el mundo sabe, el impacto de la explosión del crack en las comunidades oprimidas, en las escuelas y en los proyectos ha sido devastador. El crack es sumamente adictivo y, gracias a la CIA, sumamente barato. El legado de la operación de la CIA es miles de adictos que se han quedado sin techo o viven en edificios abandonados, llevados a cometer actos desesperados para satisfacer su vicio. La violenta competencia capitalista del narcotráfico, desatada por agentes del gobierno estadounidense, ha atizado conflictos mortales entre el pueblo.

Proteccion y encubrimiento
Para colmo de hipocresía, ese mismo gobierno lanzó una guerra contra la droga en los años 80 y mandó sus tropas a las comunidades oprimidas para hostigar, maltratar y detener a miles de jóvenes por el crimen de vender crack que puso a la venta el propio gobierno a través de la CIA. Las autoridades impusieron castigos muchos mas duros por la posesión y el tráfico de crack que por cantidades parecidas de cocaína en polvo, que es la forma mas popular entre los que tienen dinero. Como consecuencia, docenas de miles de jóvenes negros han ido a parar a los penales por pequeñas cantidades de crack. Según un estudio de 1993, el 88.3% de los condenados en tribunales federales por acusaciones relacionadas al tráfico de crack eran negros.

Las agencias antinarcóticos de Estados Unidos investigaron a Meneses en los años 80. Agentes de cuatro organizaciones - la DEA, Aduana federal, el Departamento de alguaciles del condado de los Angeles y el Buró Antinarcóticos de California - se han quejado de que las investigaciones fueron tronchadas por la CIA o por intereses de seguridad nacional no mencionados.

Webb documenta una redada que organizó la policía contra la operación de Blandón en octubre de 1986, después de cinco años de tráfico ininterrumpido. Agentes del FBI, del IRS, la policía de Los Angeles y los alguaciles fueron despachados a docenas de localidades y arrestaron a Blandón y varios de sus cómplices, pero no encontraron evidencia y nadie fue acusado. Ron Spear, un vocero del alguacil del condado de Los Angeles Sherman Block, dijo que Blandón sabía de alguna manera que la policía lo estaba vigilando. Otros pensaron lo mismo. 'Los agentes pensaron que la CIA dañó la investigación' dijo la defensora pública federal de Los Angeles Barbara O'Connor en una entrevista reciente.

Desde entonces se ha sabido, documenta Webb, que el escuadrón antinarcóticos de los alguaciles del condado de Los Angeles y el grupo secreto asignado a capturar a Rick Ross, participó en una enorme corrupción, palizas a sospechosos, robo de dinero a narcotraficantes y falsificación de pruebas. Cuando terminó la guerra entre la Contra y los sandinistas, la pandilla de Meneses y Blandón continuó el negocio por su cuenta y en 1989 el gobierno estadounidense comenzó a desmantelar sus operaciones, pero cuidadosamente para no causar problemas políticos. Ross, que no sabía nada de la conexión Contra-CIA, fue arrestado y acabó preso. Cuando salió fue nuevamente arrestado en una trampa que le tendió la DEA con la participación de Blandón y ahora le esperan mas años de cárcel.

Meneses se mudó de San Francisco a un rancho en Costa Rica y después los fiscales federales lo acusaron de conspiración para distribuir un kilo de cocaína. El artículo de Webb informa que cuando la policía nicaragüense arrestó a Meneses por narcotráfico en 1991, la jueza encargada expresó asombro por el hecho de que ese conocido narcotraficante jamás fue arrestado en Estados Unidos. En una audiencia preliminar la jueza Martha Quezada preguntó, '¿Como me explican que Norwin Meneses, implicado en narcotráfico desde 1974…jamás fue detenido en Estados Unidos, el país en que vivió y del cual salió y entró muchas veces desde 1974?'.

'Pues eso habría que preguntarle a las autoridades de Estados Unidos' respondió Roger Mayorga, el entonces director de la agencia antinarcóticos de Nicaragua.

Por su parte, el gobierno estadounidense hizo grandes esfuerzos para suprimir sistemáticamente toda evidencia de la participación de la CIA en la explosión del crack. 'El Departamento de Justicia nos impidió el acceso a individuos y archivos; no podíamos encontrar nada', recuerda Jack Blum, principal abogado del subcomité del Senado federal que investigaba las acusaciones del narcotráfico de la Contra. 'Fue uno de los asuntos mas frustrantes en los que he participado' añadió.

Ese año (1991), poco antes de que Blandón diera testimonio en San Diego contra Ross, los fiscales federales obtuvieron una orden judicial que prohibía a los abogados de la defensa indagar sobre las coneziones del testigo con la CIA. El Fiscal Federal Auxiliar L.J. O'Neale argumentó que Blandón 'admitirá que fue un gran narcotraficante de cocaína y las investigaciones sobre la CIA no benefician a ningún acusado'.

Para contar con su colaboración, el Departamento de Justicia sacó a Blandón de la cárcel en 1994 y le dió trabajo de tiempo completo como agente de la DEA. Según su abogado de Miami, Blandón pasó la mayor parte del tiempo viajando entre San Diego y Managua 'intentando recuperar propiedades que dejó atrás en 1979'. Gracias al regreso al poder de un gobierno pro-yanqui, es muy probable que Blandón vuelva a manejar el negocio sucio de su familia y a cebarse de los pobres. Varias personas afirman que Blandón sigue en el narcotráfico internacional de cocaína.

Una solicitud entablada por Webb ante la CIA para conseguir documentos bajo la Ley de Libertad de Información fue rechazada por razones de 'seguridad nacional'. Otra solicitud similar hecha a la DEA fue rechazada por razones de privacidad. Solicitudes hechas hace unos meses al FBI, el Departamento de Estado y al Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización todavía no han dado resultados. Ningún agente de la DEA que trabajó con los dos hombres quiere hablar con periodistas. Las preguntas presentadas a la Oficina de Relaciones Públicas de la DEA en Washington no han sido contestadas, a pesar de repetidas solicitudes.

Cuando el Mercury News publicó la serie de Webb, el Fiscal Auxiliar Federal O'Neale preguntó al reportero como ubtuvo la foto de Danilo Blandón y dijo que su publicación era una violación de una orden judicial.

El hecho de que el gobierno siga suprimiendo toda clase de información relacionada a la operación de narcotráfico de la CIA-Contra es en si una admisión de culpa. Parece que la información hasta hoy divulgada - y que es devastadora para la CIA - es apenas la punta del iceberg.

Quedan muchas preguntas por contestar. 

¿Quién aprobó ese chorro de cocaína a Estados Unidos? 
¿Quién decidió que la inundación empezara en los barrios negros de Los Angeles? ¿Hasta que punto estuvo involucrada la Casa Blanca - Ronald Reagan y su vicepresidente George Bush - en las decisiones? 
¿Quién ordenó el encubrimiento?

28 abril 2013

“Todo lo que necesitamos es una gran crisis y las naciones aceptarán el Nuevo Orden Mundial”

David Rockefeller en una cena con embajadores de la ONU: 

“Estamos al borde de una transformación global. 

Todo lo que necesitamos es una gran crisis y las naciones aceptarán el Nuevo Orden Mundial”.

El magno objetivo de estas sagas de banqueros internacionales lo enunció perfectamente uno de sus máximos exponentes, David Rockefeller: “De lo que se trata es de sustituir la autodeterminación nacional, que se ha practicado durante siglos en el pasado, por la soberanía de una elite de técnicos y de financieros mundiales”.

David Rockefeller fue el conspirador mundial por excelencia, el Rey de los cenáculos ocultos. A sus órdenes trabajaron los agentes secretos de la CIA, el MI6, el MOSSAD y especialmente la INTERPOL, que es obra suya.
Ningún medio de comunicación masivo se atrevería jamás a desvelar los planes secretos de Rockefeller y sus amigos. Siempre guardaron un sospechoso silencio en torno a las secretas actividades de las dinastías de banqueros norteamericanos:
los Morgan, los Davison, los Harriman, los Khun Loeb, los Lazard, los Schiff o los Warburg y, por supuesto, los Rockefeller.
En 1991, en referencia al informe del Centro para el Desarrollo Mundial, David Rockefeller confesó: “estamos agradecidos con el Washington Post, el New York Times, la revista Time, y otras grandes publicaciones cuyos directores han acudido a nuestras reuniones y han respetado sus promesas de discresión (silencio) durante casi 40 años. Hubiera sido imposible para nosotros haber desarrollado nuestro plan para el mundo si hubieramos sido objeto de publicidad durante todos estos años”.

El excéntrico y supuestamente filantrópico David Rockefeller, que tiene ya casi un siglo de vida, es sin duda el personaje más trepidante y controvertido de esta casta de usureros a la que nos referimos. Muy pronto, cuando los diarios anuncien su fallecimiento, tendremos ocasión de conocer su insólita biografía. Descubriremos datos que nos apabullarán.
El fundador de la dinastía Rockefeller fue el abuelo de David, de nombre John Davison Rockefeller, descendiente de judíos alemanes llegados a EEUU en 1733. 
Junto con la saga de los Morgan y el grupo bancario Warburg-Lehman-Kuhn&Loeb, constituyó el triunvirato plutocrático del llamado Eastern Establishment. Su imperio económico se gestó durante los años de la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) que enfrentó a los terratenientes esclavistas del sur con los comerciantes e industriales del norte y que se saldó con 600.000 muertos. 
Los grandes triunfadores de aquella guerra fueron cuatro familias oligárquicas, los Vanderbilt, los Carnegie, los Morgan y los Rockefeller, que se beneficiaron del conflicto como proveedores de bienes y servicios y acrecentaron su imperio económico después con la concentración monopolista que sucedió a la contienda, llegando a controlar en 1880 el 95% de la producción petrolera norteamericana.

La fortuna de los Vanderbilt se diluyó con el tiempo, la de los Carnegie fue en parte succionada por los Morgan, y la de los Rockefeller se dispersó entre los muchos y mal avenidos descendientes del viejo John Davison, petrolero y banquero, fundador de la Standard Oil y del Chase National Bank, luego denominado Chase Manhattan Bank, cuya emblemática sede en Nueva York fue el primer edificio construido en Wall Street. El Chase se convirtió en un pilar central en el sistema financiero mundial, siendo el Banco principal de las Naciones Unidas, y llegó a tener 50.000 sucursales repartidas por todo el mundo. Los presidentes del Banco Mundial John J. McCloy, Eugene Black y George Woods trabajaron en el Chase anteriormente. Otro presidente, James D. Wolfensohn, también fue director de la Fundación Rockefeller.

David Rockefeller, el más famoso de la saga, es nieto del mítico John Davison Rockefeller e hijo de John D. Rockefeller junior, que se casó con la hija de Nelson Aldrich, líder de la mayoría republicana en el Senado y al que se le conoció como “gerente de la nación”. La madre de David era una enamorada de la pintura y por iniciativa suya se construyó el Museo de Arte Moderno (MOMA) de Nueva York, ubicado en la mansión en la que nació David y sus hermanos.
David, el menor de seis hermanos, todos ya fallecidos, tuvo también seis hijos y diez nietos que, junto a los hijos y nietos de sus hermanos, forman el actual clan Rockefeller.

David Rockefeller (Izq.), banquero y petrolero como su padre (Dcha.) y su abuelo, trabajó en los servicios secretos durante la II Guerra Mundial y abrió el camino para la creación de la ONU en 1945, cuya sede principal se encuentra en un terreno donado por él en Nueva York. Se codeó con los principales mandatarios del siglo XX. Dirigió los lobbys más poderosos del mundo, como el CFR, el Club de Bilderberg y la Comisión Trilateral.

Como buenos banqueros sin escrúpulos, los Rockefeller apoyaron y financiaron a los nazis alemanes. Incluso se permitieron reescribir la historia. La Fundación Rockefeller invirtió 139.000 dólares en 1946 para ofrecer una versión oficial de la II Guerra Mundial que ocultaba la realidad acerca del patrocinio de los banqueros internacionales con el régimen nazi, que también obtuvo los favores de su empresa más emblemática: la Standard Oil. Las iniciativas de esta Fundación, que también ha financiado grupos como los Hare Krishna o los rosacruces de AMORC, son a veces sorprendentes.

David es hermano del que fuera Senador, Gobernador de Nueva York y vicepresidente de EEUU (con Gerald Ford, tras la dimisión de Nixon) Nelson Rockefeller, que heredó de su abuelo materno la vocación política.
En 1962 Nelson declaró: “los temas de actualidad exigen a gritos un Nuevo Orden Mundial, porque el antiguo se derrumba, y un nuevo orden libre lucha por emerger a la luz… Antes de que podamos darnos cuenta, se habrán establecido las bases de la estructura federal para un mundo libre”.

David Rockefeller, al que el presidente Carter le ofreció dirigir la Reserva Federal (declinó a favor de su amigo Volcker), se rodeó de lugartenientes tan poderosos como Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lord Carrington y Etienne Davignon, que también merecen ser citados aquí.
Abraham ben Elazar, más conocido como Henry Kissinger, es considerado como uno de los cerebros del Nuevo Orden Mundial. De origen judío-alemán, empezó como asesor de Nelson Rockefeller en los años 50, ostentó altas responsabilidades en la Administración en los años 60 y 70, con Kennedy, Jhonson, Nixon y Ford. Llegó a ser Vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos con Ford, secretario personal de Nixon, Jefe del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad y del Departamento de Estado, y Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores en repetidas ocasiones.

Colaboró estrechamente con David Rockefeller en el elitista Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores, del que fue presidente. Del CFR han salido desde entonces todos los presidentes de los Estados Unidos excepto Ronald Regan, cuyo equipo estuvo formado mayoritariamente por miembros del CFR. También pertenece a la Comisión Trilateral, el Club de Bilderberg y otras organizaciones de la órbita Rockefeller. Su compañía de consulting Kissinger Associates, tiene como clientes a Estados deudores y a multinacionales acreedoras.

El polaco Zbigniew Brzezinski, casado con una sobrina del que fuera Presidente de la República Checoslovaca Eduard Benes, fue reclutado por Rockefeller en 1971. Llegó a ser Consejero de Seguridad Nacional del gobierno de los Estados Unidos durante la Administración Carter, pero ya con anterioridad había sido nombrado director de la Comisión Trilateral, a la que él mismo definió como “el conjunto de potencias financieras e intelectuales mayor que el mundo haya conocido nunca”.

Afirma que: “la sociedad será dominada por una elite de personas libres de valores tradicionales que no dudarán en realizar sus objetivos mediante técnicas depuradas con las que influirán en el comportamiento del pueblo y controlarán con todo detalle a la sociedad, hasta el punto que llegará a ser posible ejercer una vigilancia casi permanente sobre cada uno de los ciudadanos del planeta”. En otro momento dijo: “esta elite buscará todos los medios para lograr sus fines políticos tales como las nuevas técnicas para influenciar el comportamiento de las masas, así como para lograr el control y la sumisión de la sociedad”. Ni siquiera George Orwell, autor de la terrorífica novela “1984”, lo hubiera expresado mejor.

En una entrevista publicada por el New York Times el 1 de agosto de 1976, Brzezinski afirmaba que “en nuestros días, el Estado-nación ha dejado de jugar su papel”. En cierta ocasión pronosticó “el ocaso de las ideologías y de las creencias religiosas tradicionales”.

Brzezinski es especialista en métodos de control social, sus ensayos publicados dibujan un horizonte orwelliano en el que el Gran Hermano vigila y controla permanentemente a cada individuo.

Predijo la existencia de gigantes bases de datos donde se almacenan ingentes cantidades de información sobre cada ciudadano (como la que tienen los servicios de inteligencia españoles en El Escorial, Madrid), la instalación masiva de cámaras de vigilancia en las calles y edificios (que ya es un hecho en todas las ciudades del mundo), la generalización de satélites espía de increíble precisión (como los que usan las tropas de EEUU desde la Guerra del Golfo) y la puesta en funcionamiento de documentos de identidad electrónicos (como lo son los modernos pasaportes y carnés de identidad, que contienen un microchip con abundante información del propietario).

La fascinación de Brzezinski por la tecnología aplicada al control social encaja perfectamente con los planes de la elite plutocrática, que ya ha desarrollado nuevos y espeluznantes artilugios, como el microchip subcutáneo con localizador que pretenden hacer obligatorio para toda la población mundial y que sustituiría, unificándolos, a los actuales carnés de identidad, pasaportes, tarjetas de crédito, carnés de conducir, tarjetas de la Seguridad Social, etc., posibilitando la desaparición del dinero físico.

Otro invento terrible que ya nos tiene preparado la elite ha sido diseñado por la compañía estadounidense Nielsen Media Research en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación David Sarnoff (organismo controlado por el CFR y la Sociedad Pilgrims). Se trata de un dispositivo que, una vez instalado en el televisor, permite observar e identificar desde una estación de seguimiento a los espectadores sentados frente a la pequeña pantalla. Este dispositivo evoca “el ojo que todo lo ve”, el Horus egipcio que aparece en los billetes de dólar.

El “ojo que todo lo ve” no es sólo un recurso literario en la novela de Orwell 1984. Ya existen millones de cámaras instaladas en carreteras, calles, empresas y locales públicos, y millones de webcam en hogares de todo el mundo. Sin contar con los modernos sistemas operativos del monopolio Microsoft, como el Windows Media, que rastrea sin cesar todos nuestros movimientos a través de la red y permite leer nuestros correos privados de Outlook, el estado de nuestras cuentas corrientes cuando accedemos a la web de nuestro Banco, las palabras clave que utilizamos en los buscadores como Google y el contenido de las páginas que visitamos en Internet.
Lord Carrington, cuyo verdadero nombre es Peter Rupert, fue ministro británico en sucesivos gobiernos, miembro destacado del RIIA (el equivalente al CFR en Gran Bretaña) y de la Sociedad Fabiana, Secretario general de la OTAN, directivo del Barclays Bank y del Hambros Bank y, a partir de 1989, presidente del siniestro Club de Bilderberg.

El cuarto lugarteniente Rockefeller y Secretario General del Club de Bilderberg es el vizconde Etienne Davignon. Su currículum lo dice todo: presidente y fundador de la European Round Table (Mesa Redonda de Industriales, lobby de las multinacionales europeas), ex vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea, miembro de la Trilateral y del Center for European Policy Studies, ministro belga de Exteriores, presidente de la Asociación para la Unión Monetaria en Europa, primer presidente de la Agencia Internacional de Energía, presidente de la Société Générale de Belgique, presidente de Airholding, vicepresidente de Suez-Tractebel, administrador de Kissinger Associates, Fortis, Accor, Fiat, BASF, Solvay, Gilead, Anglo-american Mining, entre otras corporaciones.

26 abril 2013

Tira los productos de aseo y belleza - son basura quimica

Y vuelve al sencillo jabon de toda la vida:

y por cierto..... tampoco tienes porque bañarte TODOS los dias. Tu cuerpo te lo agradecera.
Es otro credo del mundo consumista.

jabones antibacterianos

las multinacionales de los cosméticos venden estos productos como lo mejor para padres que no quieran que sus hijos se contagien en el parque, para viajeros habituales que se enfrentan a vagones de metro no demasiado limpios o incluso para médicos o veterinarios.

El mensaje siempre es el mismo: usa nuestro producto para protegerte a ti o los tuyos del sucio mundo.

Pero la efectividad de estos productos está en entredicho gracias a una cada vez más ingente cantidad de estudios científicos que han puesto a prueba sus supuestas virtudes. Y no solo eso, también se ha demostrado que lejos de ayudar a eliminar las bacterias pueden favorecer su aparición.

El problema se encuentra en uno de los principios activos más comunes en este tipo de jabones: el triclosán. 

 Según informa la página web Ars Technica, la agencia está solicitando informes a los fabricantes para conocer si los jabones antibacterianos son más efectivos que los jabones normales a la hora de acabar con los gérmenes. En septiembre se publicará el informe definitivo.

Y es más que probable que haya sorpresas.

En un estudio publicado en 2014 se demostró que aquellos que utilizan de manera frecuente los antibacterianos tienen el doble de posibilidades de tener en su piel gérmenes como el estafilococo o tres veces más cantidad de bacterias que los que usan un jabón normal.

Al parecer, en las conclusiones del trabajo se explicaba que el triclosán en vez de ‘matar’ a los microorganismos, creaba una capa pegajosa sobre la piel en la que los gérmenes quedaban atrapados y en la que se reproducían. De ahí que hubiera hasta 3 veces más de estas sustancias en los que más usaban los jabones especiales.

En otro estudio presentado en la 98 reunión de la Sociedad Endocrinológica de EE.UU., se demostró que los las ratas embarazadas expuestas al triclocarbán, otra sustancia presente en estos productos, contagiaron sus gérmenes a sus crías, y no solo eso: el componente químico alteró la flora de los animales.

“Nuestra investigación sugiere consecuencias para la salud de los jabones antibacterianos y ayudará a las embarazadas y a las madres a tomar decisiones sobre su uso”, asegura el doctor Kennedy, uno de los autores del trabajo científico.

Otro trabajo realizado en 2014 demostró que el triclosán podía alterar el ADN de los microbios para que en un futuro se pudieran proteger de la sustancia que en teoría los debería eliminar. Y no solo eso, esa mutación también los hacían invencibles a los antibióticos.

Cuanto mas baño, mas champu, mas jabon toxico, mas desodorantes ......y mas basura de la que plaga los baños que se muestran llenos de botellas plasticas a su vez llenas de derivados del petroleo.

20 abril 2013


¿Qué es la clase “media”? 

 El invento de la clase “media” y su camino no voluntario al fin del consumismo y el regreso de la plebe.

Se trata de una construcción, inventada en Occidente, con el objetivo de destruir el concepto de clases del marxismo.

Desde el punto de vista del marxismo no tiene sentido – es una quimera, que existe gracias a los recursos financieros sobrantes, en la que entran tanto la cúpula de la clase obrera, como la pequeña y mediana burguesía, así como los que sirven a las clases altas.
Desde el punto de vista del actual estado burgués con su modelo de capitalismo financiero, la clase “media” es el grupo humano con un comportamiento de consumo tipo, y no únicamente en cuanto a los bienes y servicios, sino también en cuanto a los servicios políticos.
Hacia este grupo se orienta todo el sistema de publicidad total y educación, dirigido al máximo aumento del consumo y la prohibición de hecho de los valores más meditados.

En consecuencia, precisamente este grupo proporciona la base para la estabilidad político-social del actual estado occidental. Señalemos también que su creación también fue posible en parte, gracias al desplazamiento de la industria masiva y “burda” a los países del “tercer mundo” y, la posterior redistribución de los beneficios a favor de los países desarrollados.

Al mismo tiempo hoy ha surgido un serio problema con esta misma clase “media”. Está relacionado con que la principal fuente de su subsistencia tiene poca relación con los ingresos reales, percibidos por este grupo de población.

Más exactamente, cuando apareció el concepto de la clase “media” durante el período del máximo esplendor de la URSS en los años 60 -70, las fuentes para su formación eran la redistribución de los beneficios en el interior de toda la sociedad occidental (en los años 60 en los EE.UU. la tasa superior del impuesto sobre la renta superaba el 90%) y el saqueo de las colonias y los países del “tercer mundo”.
Pero tras la crisis de los años 70 comenzaron los problemas – estos recursos ya no eran suficientes. A principios de los años 70 en Occidente incluso hubo una seria sensación de que la URSS estaba ganando la competición entre los dos sistemas.
Entonces aparece la comprensión de que, en primer lugar, había que aumentar considerablemente el volumen de la clase “media” y, en segundo lugar, que la única manera de hacerlo consistía en proporcionar el crédito a los consumidores.
Esta segunda comprensión tenía que ver con el hecho de que en los años 70 los ingresos reales de los hogares habían bajado considerablemente. De hecho, si tenemos en cuenta la inflación real y no la oficial (que la estadística estatal siempre rebaja), veremos que estos por su capacidad adquisitiva no crecen desde los principios de los 80 y se corresponden aproximadamente a los ingresos de 1962-63. Está claro que, teniendo en cuenta el serio aumento de todo tipo de pagos obligatorios, como, por ejemplo, los seguros, que semejantes ingresos no pueden asegurar de ninguna manera una vida confortable en las condiciones actuales. Y todavía menos, aumentar considerablemente el número de personas que viven esta vida confortable.

Como resultado, a principios de los años 80 comenzó a realizarse el programa de “reaganomía”, cuyo principal significado no estaba tanto en la liberalización de la economía, como en la estimulación del consumo privado a costa del crédito.
Este programa, como es natural, tenía sus contras, el principal consistía en que los créditos había que devolverlos. Hasta el principio de los años 80 era prácticamente imposible obtener el nuevo crédito si antes no se devolvía el anterior (salvo la excepción de los créditos hipotecarios, pero estos también se tenían en cuenta a la hora de valorar la solvencia del solicitante). Pero en semejantes condiciones era imposible estimular la demanda durante un tiempo prolongado: cuando la persona recibe el crédito a corto plazo, la demanda no crece, sino que cae, dado que además del “cuerpo” del crédito hay que devolver los intereses.

Como resultado, hubo que cambiar todo el sistema de crédito para los particulares, permitiéndose de manera encubierta su refinanciación, cuando el resto del crédito anterior se devolvía a costa del nuevo crédito y como garantía de pago servían diferentes avales, en primer lugar, los bienes inmuebles.

Pero para que dentro del marco de semejante esquema la deuda no se acumulara con excesiva rapidez, había que rebajar continuamente el precio del crédito. Lo que efectivamente ocurría en la práctica: la tasa de descuento del Sistema de la Reserva Federal, el acreedor en última instancia en los EE.UU. y el mundo, que en 1980 era de 19%, a finales de 2008 había bajado prácticamente hasta cero.

Después de que la tasa fue rebajada hasta el cero, la deuda acumulada (para el otoño de 2008 en los Estados Unidos para el hogar medio ya suponía el 130%, cuando antes del comienzo de la “reaganomía” no superaba el 65%) se había convertido en un serio problema, del que nos informan los periódicos prácticamente a diario. Pero lo importante no es eso. Si ya no se puede conceder más créditos, si ahora hay que devolver las deudas ¿qué pasará con la clase “media”?

Recordemos que los ingresos reales de los hogares hoy corresponden a los comienzos de los años 60 (sin contar el peso de la deuda crecido considerablemente). Si los representantes de la clase “media” comienzan a rebajar su consumo, lo cual es prácticamente inevitable, sus ingresos ya de por sí bajos, también descenderán – porque bajarán los salarios y se cerrarán las empresas. Lo que, teóricamente, significa que la estructura de los ingresos tendrá que volver como mínimo a los años 50, pero por entonces no existía ni de lejos ninguna clase “media”. Y lo más importante – la gente estaba acostumbrada a vivir pobremente, aún era desconocida la propaganda del “consumismo”.

Y no se trata de centenares de miles y ni siquiera de millones, sino de decenas o incluso de centenares de millones de personas. Volver a traer la industria llevada al sudeste de Asia no podrá salvar a nadie (en referencia a las promesas de Obama – N. del T.) – podría crear algunos puestos de trabajo, pero no podrá aumentar los salarios – en el caso contrario tal cosa no sería rentable. Es decir, que esencialmente no cambiaría nada.

Así que no se puede hablar de conservar la clase “media” – para ello simplemente no hay recursos. Señalemos que en la Unión Europea la situación es aún peor, porque en general la población es más pobre.

La cuestión de cómo los estados burgueses actuales piensan salir de la situación en la que se destruye su principal pilar social no es solamente seria, sino que además es extremadamente actual. Creo que esta cuestión ya se está discutiendo, aunque evidentemente, no en público y, a juzgar por las filtraciones, la solución se reduce al fortalecimiento del control estatal sobre el pueblo (“la plebe” por usar el lenguaje al uso de las clases dominantes). Lo malo es que tal fortalecimiento del control en absoluto puede cambiar el modelo económico – lo que significa que también hacen falta acciones constructivas. Y en esta dirección por el momento nadie hace nada, en primer lugar, debido a que los economicsistas (así llama Khazin a los economistas liberales, de economics con la que sustituyeron a la economía política – N. del T.) mantienen el monopolio sobre la ciencia económica. 

 Fuente: http://worldcrisis.ru/  Mikhail Khazin


Keiser Report en español. Episodio 423 – Video en RT


 A partir del minuto 31 empieza a explicar la creacion de dinero de la nada................:

18 abril 2013

Guerra psicologica - Ingenieria Social - Manipulacion global

La Ingeniería social: 

Término empleado en ciencias políticas en un doble sentido.
Primero: esfuerzos para influir actitudes; relaciones y/o acciones sociales en la población de un país o región y,
segundo, una manera de implementar o aproximar programas de modificaciones sociales. (expertos en estos programas son las compañias de RR.PP. RELACIONES PUBLICAS)

Ambas acepciones implican tentativas a gran escala, sea por gobiernos o grupos privados.

 La des-moralización de una sociedad es una de las claves de la Guerra Psicológica o de 4ª Generación, si , tambien eliminando su moral, sus valores, su solidaridad, su compasion....eliminando todo lo que sea realmente humano:

 “Sabido que para someter a un pueblo, es preciso borrar la memoria de su verdadera historia, porque conocerla implica acumular experiencia o suma de puntos de referencia que permiten comparar, y en consecuencia elegir, la de todos los pueblos fue adulterada, a conveniencia del poder. Y destruida la de aquellos que fueron sometidos al imperio de depredadores, en lo material y por extensión en lo intelectual, fuesen extraños o propios.
 (África Versus América. La fuerza del paradigma. Luisa Isabel Álvarez de Toledo, duquesa de Medina Sidonia.)

"Sólo unos pocos acertarán a sospechar e incluso comprender lo que realmente sucede. 
Pero a esa gente la situaremos en una posición de indefensión, ridiculizándolos, encontrando la manera de calumniarlos, desacreditarlos y señalarlos como desechos de la sociedad. 
Haremos parecer chabacanos los fundamentos de la moralidad, destruyéndolos. Nuestra principal apuesta será la juventud. 
La corromperemos, desmoralizaremos, pervertiremos […]».

Allen Wels Dulles
Extracto del libro The Craft of Intelligence [El arte de la Inteligencia, 1963]. Dulles fue director de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia de Estados Unidos [CIA] entre 1953 y 1961.

Edward Bernays

Edward Bernays es considerado el “padre de las relaciones públicas” y utiliza los conceptos descubiertos por su tío, Sigmund Freud para manipular al público con el subconsciente. 
Él comparte la opinión de Walter Lippmann de la población en general por considerarlo irracional y con sujeción al “instinto de rebaño”. En su opinión, las masas deben ser manipulados por un gobierno invisible para asegurar la supervivencia de la democracia.
“La manipulación consciente e inteligente de los hábitos y opiniones de las masas es un elemento importante en la sociedad democrática. Aquellos que manipulan este mecanismo invisible de la sociedad constituyen un gobierno invisible que es el verdadero poder gobernante de nuestro país.

En 1928, Edward Bernays vio el inmenso potencial de las películas para uniformar el pensamiento:
El cine americano es el mayor portador inconsciente de propaganda en el mundo de hoy. Se trata de un gran distribuidor de ideas y opiniones. La película puede estandarizar las ideas y los hábitos de una nación.
Por algo un adolescente de China, se parece como gota de agua a uno de Mexico o uno de España:
Misma musica, mismo ordenador, mismas peliculas, mismas diversiones, misma moda......ADOLESCENTES FOTOCOPIAS.

Harold Lasswell

En 1939-1940, la Universidad de Chicago fue el anfitrión de una serie de seminarios secretos de las comunicaciones.
Estos centros fueron financiados por la fundación Rockefeller y donde participan los investigadores más prominentes en el campo de las comunicaciones y estudios sociológicos. Uno de estos estudiosos fue Harold Lasswell, un destacado científico político estadounidense y teórico de las comunicaciones, que se especializa en el análisis de la propaganda. También fue de la opinión que una democracia con un gobierno regido por el pueblo no podía sostenerse sin una élite especializada para formar y moldear la opinión pública a través de la propaganda.

En su Enciclopedia de las Ciencias Sociales, Lasswell explicó que cuando las élites no tienen la fuerza necesaria para imponer la obediencia, los administradores sociales deben aplicar “una técnica completamente nueva de controlar, en gran parte a través de la propaganda.” también agrega que debemos reconocer… “la ignorancia y la estupidez [de] …las masas y no sucumbir a los dogmatismos democráticos acerca del hombre siendo los mejores jueces de sus propios intereses.”

  Harold D. Lasswell sobre la propaganda dice:

“Propaganda is the management of collective attitudes by the manipulation of significant symbols. The word attitude is taken to mean a tendency to act according to certain patterns of valuation.  The existence of an attitude is not a direct datum of experience, but an inference from signs 
which have a conventional significance3 

 Lasswell concluye que la estrategia propagandística, en términos históricos y culturales, consiste en la presentación de los símbolos o hechos históricos, de una modo tal que, ajenos a la simbología original, refuercen o condicionen las actitudes y dinámicas de la cultura presente. 

Por tanto, en la propaganda, la historia se descodifica sólo desde los códigos del Pacto Canónico actual y, si no se le encuentra significado, esa historia, deja de existir, hasta que la propaganda no sea capaz de asignarle un significado que encaje en la cultura que quiere proyectar el futuro, por tanto, el historiador y cualquier investigador de la cultura del hombre, desde el punto de vista de la propaganda de la sociedad, ha ser un colaborador.

Fundada en 1921, el Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores es el vínculo clave entre las grandes corporaciones y el gobierno federal. Se le ha llamado una “escuela de estadistas” y se acerca a ser un órgano de lo que 
C. Wright Mills ha llamado a la Elite del Poder – un grupo de hombres da forma a los eventos de interés y perspectivas para la formación de posiciones invulnerables detrás de escena. La creación de las Naciones Unidas fue un proyecto del Consejo, así como el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial.”
- Steve Jacobson, Control Mental en los Estados Unidos
 “El poder político y económico en los Estados Unidos se concentra en manos de una clase gobernante que controla la mayor parte de las empresas multinacionales con sede en EE.UU., los principales medios de comunicación, las fundaciones más influyentes, las principales universidades privadas y la mayoría de los servicios públicos.

Algunos miembros actuales del CFR incluyen a David Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, el pastor Rick Warren y los directores ejecutivos de grandes corporaciones como CBS, Nike, Coca-Cola y Visa.

Alex Carey diferenció entre publicidad -que es la promoción de artículos o servicios- y relaciones públicas, que es la promoción de los intereses corporativos ya sea de una empresa o las empresas en general.

Las relaciones públicas a su vez son divididas en "internas" -aquellas dirigidas a los empleados de la empresa- y "externas", que a su vez se dividen en las dirigidas al público en general y aquellas dirigidas a los formadores de opinión, académicos, líderes políticos o sociales, etc

Un ejemplo de la dominacion de las mentes, y de su vision del mundo:



'Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. 
This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.’
- U.S. government mind manipulator, Dr. Jose Delgado, Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118, 1974.

The Power of Suggestion
[Video 43:07]
- "The secret of mind control is to change people outside of their awareness so they do your bidding without realizing that that's what they're doing." -
- History Channel -(Posted here: Sunday, October 01, 2006)
Brainwashing; "Education Reform"
- "Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality. Facts and fancy whirl round and change places.... However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform.

" Edward Hunter, Brainwashing (New York: Pyramid Books, 1956), pages 185-186) -
- crossroad.to -
(Posted here: May 23, 2005)

History of Mind Control
- Mesmer happened to be, believe it or not, the godfather of Amadeus Mozart. In fact he raised Mozart, and of course Mozart was this incredible genius musician and his biography will show you more than one obvious example of someone who behaves as if he were suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder. You can conclude that maybe Mesmer played around to enhance the musical abilities of Mozart at the cost of other parts of his personality. -
- by Walter Bowart -(Posted here: December 3, 2004)

The Battle for Your Mind
- Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. I don't know how the misuse of these techniques can be stopped. -
- by Dick Suthphen -(Posted here: July 24, 2004)

How to Detect Mind Control
- from CTRL - (December 29, 2003)

The War on Consciousness
- We are truly in a war. It is not the war we imagine we are in, which is the way our true adversaries want it. It is not a foreign war against a foreign enemy. It is a war on consciousness, a war on our own minds. The global war on terror that is being fought around the world is an embodied reflection in the material world of a deeper, more fundamental war that is going on in the realm of consciousness itself. -
- by Paul Levy, June, 2007 -(Posted here: Thursday, June 14, 2007)

The Process of Indoctrination
- To counteract the opposition to elite control that an informed populous necessarily generates, the elite have little choice but to offer the pretence of openness and transparency about their existence and their control. However, they are attempting to use their control over the traditional corporate media to spin this revelation and to control its release. Thus, Rothkopf is allowed to admit the existence of a superclass of global elites… -
(Posted here: Saturday, July 19, 2008)

What is Mind Control/ Psychotronic Torture?
- Actually, the goal of mind control is to access those areas of the brain that are outside of the conscious control of the individual by circumventing the normal inhibiting response of the cerebral cortex: “an individual’s voluntary conscious self-control must be bypassed or short-circuited.” This unconscious coercion is done through electromagnetic-wave bombardment of the brain, .i.e. bombarding of the brain with low-frequency radio waves. These airborne waves can travel over distances and are known to change the behavior of animals and humans in their path. Such remote control makes possible potentially frightening uses for altering the brain’s functioning. These are invisible and deadly waves. -
(Posted here: Tuesday, September 09, 2008)

Mind Control Forum Archives
- Lots of information here! -
- mindcontrolforums.com -
(Posted here: May 29, 2005)

Mind Control
- By Harry V. Martin and David Caul From the Napa Sentinel, Napa, CA, USA -
- Napa Sentinel Mind Control Series -
(Posted here: May 29, 2005)

Mind Control
- How to resist three UNESCO strategies for training students to reject truth and conform to a pre-planned group consensus -
- by Berit Kjos, 1998 -
(Posted here: May 23, 2005)

Mind Control the Ultimate Terror
- Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma based Monarch Project and the CIA's MK Ultra mind control programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip... -
- By Ken Adachi -
(Posted here: May 27, 2005)

The No-Conspiracy Theory
- No-Conspiracy Theorists genuinely believe that Free Trade has something to do with Freedom, that confessed CIA patsy Lee Oswald killed John Kennedy, and that former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s friends in Shawinigan deserved millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money. -
- Rex Weyler.com -
(Posted here: September 15, 2004)

The Ultimate US Government Mind Control Programs
- NOW they are using implants and directed energy weapons on a large national scale and we are here to expose their activities of using them on men, women and children. -
- us-government-torture.com -
(Posted here: April 22, 2005)
John Mecca
Secret Angel
- An independent inventor with 6 U.S. registered patents to his name, John Mecca focuses not only on space technology, medical devices but primarily in design for the national defense, the inventions are to promote the health and survival of human beings in an era of unchecked technology. Born in New York, John Mecca taught himself the foundative points of the sciences. The web site www.secretangel.tv was created in November 2003 in an effort to educate the American public as well as government as to abuses of power in elite agencies technological sectors allowing the virtual unlimited output of electromagnetic spectrum energies. -
- secretangel.tv -
(Posted here: April 22, 2005)

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
- by William M. Cooper -

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
- An Update on the Infamous Brainwashing Papers above -
- Gloryroad.net -
(Posted here: August 15, 2004)

Life, Law, and the UCC
- by Brian Lucas -

What American Sheep Believe
- Newsstand.net -
(May 18, 2004)

Defending Ourselves Against Mind Control
- One of the first steps in guarding or protecting our thinking against adverse influences is to identify the subliminal tactics and methods of mind control which are currently so pervasive in our society.  If we are alert to the lies and subtleties of "evil", then we can refuse to accept them into our consciousness. -
- by Marjorie Tietjen, April 13, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 20, 2004)

Bill Clinton Admits to Mind Control Experiments
- - -
MK ULTRA|Project Monarch Mind Control Videos
[Videos: ca 2hrs of excellent mind control videos with testimonies from victims and more...!]
- Ewen Cameron was the world's most influential psychiatrist, and a CIA contractor for MKULTRA. He experimented on how to wipe the human mind clean and then program it using electroshock therapy, LSD, sensory deprivation, and depatterning...the use of a programmed message repeated continuously for weeks and months to break down the human mind. His participation in experiments on children in the US were never made public. The wife of a Canadian MP was able to fight back and won in court decades after the fact. -
- YouTube Videos - Wednesday, July 18, 2007)
Mind Control : America's Secret War
[Video, 50 min]
- U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on top-secret mind control projects with a goal of creating totally dependable, programmable human robots.
The projects involved brutal, often terminal experiments on thousands of unwitting citizens in direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and the most basic human rights. We talk to author John Marks, who broke the story of the CIA's experiments known as MK-ULTRA and a woman whose past was erased by a brainwashing experiment. -
- The History Channel -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006)

MK Ultra, The Bush's and World-Wide Deception: Prophecy Unfolding as The World is Enslaved
- This is a cursory but fact filled work concerning the atrocities of mind control perpetrated by the darker elements of US Government in the last half century to this present day. The subject is so detailed, documented and widespread, that it would take several books to tackle this subject exhaustively, but my hope is that this work will educate the reader and arm them with enough fact they can easily do further study on the subject. -
- by Eric Jewell, March 1, 2003 -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)

Mind Control & MK ULTRA
- On 28 November 1953, a delusional and depressed Dr Frank Olson threw himself out of the tenth floor window of his New York hotel. Olson was a long-serving scientist for the US Army's secretive Chimical Corps Special Operations Division, whose problems began at a meeting 9 days earlier.  -
- by Richard G. Hall -
(Posted here: July 9, 2004)
Mission Mind Control
- A 1979 documentary about the CIA's experiments in mind control and the MK Ultra program -
- ABC News 'Closeup' -
(Posted here: March 29, 2005)
The Rock Group "Rush"
Rock Group "Rush" Involved in MK ULTRA Project, Using Sophisticated Mind Control Techniques to Tag Colorado Clairvoyant

- Publishing this material is probably the most dangerous thing I have ever done. I don't care whether you are a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, an atheist, a cultist, an occultist, an agnostic or whatever your belief system, or lack thereof, is. It doesn't change the fact that this is happening today in this third dimension where much of our spiritual consciousness is directed at the moment, and it's time to start acting as a unified human race to fight these unimaginably evil forces to finally, after all those thousands of years, obtain REAL spiritual freedom! -
- by Wes Penre, Nov 21, 2008 -

(Posted here: Friday, November 21, 2008)
Anna Nicole Smith
Anna Nicole, Britney Spears & Mind Control
[Video: 56min 26sec]
- Freeman joins Kory Kortis on Esoteric Science Roundtable for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole’s baby girl an attempt to raise a “moonchild” through an occultic ritual? You decide.  -
- Blue Fly Productions, thefreemanperspective.blogspot.com, June 04, 2007 -
(Posted here: Friday, August 04, 2007)

We the People Under God Strive to Keep our Nations Principles of Freedom from Failing
- The United States government has a history of human experimentation well documented in the public record. Historical continual abuse are organized under many programs such as injecting plutonium into service men and their pregnant wives among the many stories from governments own websites and archives. Others like the Tuskegee experiment were 300 airmen were actually prevented from obtaining penicillin by covert deception which would have cured them, most died. MK Ultra and its multitude of programs some of which installed electrodes in the brains of people covertly continues to this day... -
- US-Government-Torture.com -
(Posted here: Friday, December 10, 2006)

Conspiracy In the Urantia Movement
- The purpose of the CIA's MKULTRA was to research and develop methods of covert control of unwitting people for exploitation by government defense and intelligence agencies. Drugs, hypnosis, electronics, and psychology (including parapsychology and the occult) were their basic research areas. -
- Urantiagate.com -
(Posted here: July 9, 2004)
MK-ULTRA Documents
(December 30, 2003)

The 3 Top Illuminati Programmers Of All Time
(NOTE: They were all psychiatrists)
Dr. Ewen Cameron

A Legacy of Drugged and Shattered Lives
- Patients were brutalized and maimed with drugs, shocks and lobotomies as Cameron sought a means to “depattern” and “re-program” the human mind. Canadian survivors still able to seek reparation finally obtained some compensation from the U.S. government in 1988. -
- Freedom Magazine -
(Posted here: February 23, 2005)

MK-ULTRA'S "Dr." Ewen Cameron, Psychiatrist and Torturer
- Behind closed doors, human guinea pigs in shocking mind control experiments conducted by our government and the CIA -
- Raven1.net -(Posted here: February 23, 2005)

Brainwash Victims Win Cash Claims
- HUNDREDS of mentally ill patients who were subjected to barbaric CIA-funded brainwashing experiments by a Scottish doctor could be entitled to compensation following a landmark court ruling.
Doctor Ewan Cameron, who became one of the world’s leading psychiatrists, developed techniques used by Nazi scientists to wipe out the existing personalities of people in his care. -
- The Sunday Times, Scotland, Oct. 17, 2004 -
(Posted here: October 23, 2004)

For Background on Dr. Ewen Cameron, Please Read Fritz Springmeier's and Cisco Wheeler's Detailed and Revealing Books: The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave and Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula
Dr. Black:
Sidney Gottlieb
Sidney Gottlieb and MK-ULTRA
Sidney Gottlieb (1918-1999), pictured above, was director from 1953 to 1964 of the MK-ULTRA Project. MK-ULTRA was a secret CIA-run Chemical and Biological Warfare program created at the height of the Cold War. Its purpose was the development of chemical techniques of brainwashing, espionage and mind control. -- mdma.net -
(Posted here: February 23, 2005)

Gottlieb Ran LSD Mind Control Testing
- James Bond had Q, the scientific wizard who supplied 007 with dazzling gadgets to deploy against enemy agents. The Central Intelligence Agency had Sidney Gottlieb, a Bronx-born biochemist with a PhD from Caltech whose job as head of the agency's technical services division was to concoct the tools of espionage: disappearing inks, poison darts, toxic handkerchiefs. -
- mdma.net -
(Posted here: February 23, 2005) 

Dr. Green
Josef Mengele
Josef Mengele, Dr. Green, and the American Mind Control Network
- Dr. Josef Mengele had evaded justice for decades. He 'supposedly' died in 1979 of a stroke in Brazil or Paraguay, although his 'alleged' remains were not delivered over to authorities until 1985. But in light of the dubious nature of the information relating to his 'demise' is it possible that he in fact may have been secreted into the U.S.A. following World War II, and worked for a secret fascist agency operating within the intelligence community in an effort to perfect their mind control techniques - MK-ULTRA, MK-DELTA, MONARCH, etc? -
- Branton -(Posted here: February 23, 2005)
Multiple Personality Disorder
- Under the Nazi regime, the Satanic use of MPD was refined. Josef Mengele, himself an Illuminati with a long Satanic family line, was the master-mind behind the refining of creating MPD, especially in twins. After the war he was smuggled out of Germany to serve the Illuminati via the CIA. -
- by Wes Penre, 1999 -
Network of Top Scientists Helped 'Angel of Death' Mengele
- The "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele, who was long thought to have been the black sheep of Germany's scientists under the Nazi regime, was in fact supported by a network of elite researchers, new research has revealed. -
- Guardian Unlimited, March 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: March 25, 2005)

There's Something About Henry
- Sympathy for the Devil (Portrait of an MK-ULTRA Assassin?) -
- by David McGowan, June 2000 -
(Posted here: July 13, 2005)

Project Monarch Mind Control
- Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetrated upon a segment of the human race; a form of systematic mind control which has permeated every aspect of society for almost fifty years. To objectively ascertain the following, one may need to re-examine preconceived ideologies relating to the dualistic nature of mankind. -
- by Ron Patton -
(December 27, 2003)
"The Illuminati Formula" Cover Fritz Springmeier
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
- Here is a remarkable and powerful book. Save it. Copy it., Give it to friends and therapists for compassionate work. You now have in your hands the very tools that can deprogram the dream. Once you know this, and you absorb its implications, you can no longer be blind folded. By reading this, you may be helping millions of monarch slaves . These techniques only work by our ignorance of knowing them. Herein, let us apply the Heart to the mind, and awaken a Middle Way, by infiltrating another piece of the cancer of sleep, as All Is God in Action. -
- by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler -
(Posted here: Oct 24, 2005)

- The history behind the Wizard of Oz programming is interesting. It suggests that the Wizard of Oz has had an important part in the occult world all along. -
- APFN.org -
(Posted here: Jan 11, 2006)
Dick Cheney
A Most Dangerous Game
- Dick Cheney, then White House Chief of Staff to President Ford, later Secretary of Defense to President George Bush, documented member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Presidential hopeful for 1996, was originally Wyoming's only Congressman. Dick Cheney was the reason my family had traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality--his version of "A Most Dangerous Game," or human hunting. // It is my understanding now that A Most Dangerous Game was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and other slaves known to me as a means of further conditioning the mind to the realization there was "no place to hide," as well as traumatize the victim for ensuing programming. -
- Excerpt from the book by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, "Trance Formation of America" -
(Posted here: Feb 19, 2006)

Interview with Cathy O'Brien on the Trance Formation of America
[Video: 00:48:00]
- Cathy O'Brien was born in Michigan in 1957 and although most of this information will be hard to believe, it is all true. The MK Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation is real and on August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA's Top Secret mind control research project and most of the congressional records are included in her book. Mandatory watch! -
- by Conscious Media Network -
(Posted here: Tuesday, October 02, 2007)

SAN FRANCISCO - Bid to Sue over LSD Rejected
- A federal judge has tentatively ordered dismissal of a $12 million lawsuit against the U.S. government, filed by a former deputy marshal who said he was unknowingly drugged with LSD as part of a CIA mind-control program before trying to hold up a San Francisco bar nearly a half century ago. -
- SFGate.com, Apr 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 16, 2005)

The History of Montauk Air Force Station
- source unknown -  (January 3, 2003)

The Montauk Project And Camp Hero Today
- by John Quinn -  (January 3, 2004)

Galleries of the Montauk Base
- Camp Hero Website -  (January 3, 2004)

- by Mojmir Babacek -  (February 6, 2004)

NLP Mind Control
- “I can hypnotize a man — without his knowledge or consent — into committing treason against the United States,” boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. - - NLP Mind control website - (Posted here: June 23, 2004)

Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology
- "The large black top of the Federal Building in San Francisco looks like a giant air-conditioning vent, 50 feet tall, comprising the entire top of the building. It is actually a radar, microwave, and radio transparent shield for an array of communications devices on the roof of the building. Such "blinds" on top of government buildings are nothing unusual, it isn't necessary to visually remind everybody that such buildings also are likenesses of Orwell's Ministry of Information (read, CIA). -  by Jim Keith (1949-1999) - 

(Posted here: May 12, 2005)
I Sold My Soul to Rock'n'Roll & Mind Control
- by Wes Penre - (December 30, 2003)

The Grammars of Film: The Network News Propaganda - How TV Brainwashes Consumers
- To brainwash the masses requires that the owners of the system create an assemblyline structure of content to transmit to the masses via the locally owned television stations so that culture can be homogenized just as in Orwell's 1984. Watch this video that gives a small glimpse backstage on the global brainwashing machine of the power elite. -
- TheMediaNews.com -
(Posted here: August 31, 2004)

Maxwell's Silver Hammer
- Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a term designating the immensely powerful, near-instantaneous surge of electromagnetic energy produced by a nuclear explosion. It was first discovered in the late 1960s. The EMP from one detonation a few thousand miles above the earth would destroy all electrical systems throughout an entire continent. -
- by Dr. Robert Becker -
(Posted here: December 3, 2004)

Information Control For Social Manipulation
- The news and entertainment we consume, and thus our thoughts and opinions, are shaped not just by the media and entertainment corporations but by governments, their agencies and the military-industrial complex. -
- by David B. Deserano, MS -
(Posted here: March 11, 2005)

Visitations Mind Control
- This is links from the "wayback machine", which means most of those mind control links are not on the regular Internet anymore, but can be read here in the "Web Archives". I suggest you download and save important information to your hard drive. We don't know for how long this information will be available at all. Wes Penre -
(Posted here: April 24, 2005)

TiVo Disrupts TV Viewers Hypnotic State
- In the article at the following link --- it is said that "It is known by measured changes in alpha states that an ASC [altered state of consciousness] occurs within 30 seconds or so of the commencement of watching television." -
- Kentroversy, June 22, 2005 - (Posted here: June 25, 2005)

Non-lethal Weaponry and Waging War
- From 1960 to 1965, the American Embassy in Moscow was targeted by a mixture of electromagnetic waves and microwaves causing a wide range of physical and mental illness among personnel serving there, which culminated in the eventual death of the US Ambassador. -
- WantToKnow.info - (Posted here: July 8, 2005)

Noise Gun
ABC Reports on Non-lethal Weapon Aimed at Protestors
- The below article from the ABC website, though written before the Republican Convention, describes one of these new weapons. Remember that the military and our intelligence services have weapons at least 10 years in advance of anything that is available for public use. -
- WantToKnow.info - (Posted here: July 8, 2005)

Mind Controllers
- According to the Central Intelligence Agency’s Fact Book, [1] the United States has carried on foreign intelligence activities since the days of George Washington, but only since World War II have they been coordinated on a government-wide basis. Under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were established. P. 1-4
- by Dr. Armen Victorian - (Posted here: July 8, 2005)

More Than 50,000 Children Used In CIA-Connected Experimentation Programs; Investigative Journalist Has Story Suppressed And Experiences Threats Before Its Eventual Release In Alternative Publication
- "Stories have surfaced about illegal government experimentation on adults through programs like MKULTRA, but I have meticulously documented the abuse going on with innocent children," said Hahn, a Canadian now residing in the U.S., who also has been threatened numerous times during her two years of researching the story. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Feb 26, 2006 - (Posted here: Feb 27, 2006)

Some of the Symbolism in the Film "Wizard of Oz" Explained
- Dorothy, playing the damsel in distress, is infected with ego. She is a representation of the man, the lion the lion, the scarecrow the eagle, and the tin man the ox in the above seal, the four kerubim - this is not important here, so consult the Book of Thoth for more information in Atu XXI. Dorothy falls ill and inadvertently awakens her Holy Guardian Angel, the trance of wonder comes, bringing color to world. Her HGA [Holy Guardian Angel, Wes Penre's comment] then guides her along the Yellow Brick Road, Tifareth, and the trance of wonder comes, adding color to the world.
- by Russell Harms, December 25, 2008 -

(Posted here: Friday, December 26, 2008)

North America's Crime of the Century?
- Up to 50,000 innocent children may have died or disappeared in Quebec's Psychiatric Institutions. Survivors demand justice -
- Freedom Magazine -
(Posted here: Feb 27, 2006)

Husband OF Illegal Child Experimentation Victim Fighting U.S. And Canadian Government's Massive Cover-Up
- Rod Vienneau says he will not stop fighting to get justice for his wife and many others who were tortured and abused at the hands of illegally sponsored government mind control and drug programs. -
- by Greg Szymanski, March 2, 2006 -(Posted here: March 02, 2006)

Mass Graves Of Children Found Near Montreal; Another Duplessis Orphan Tells Of Being Tortured As A Child In CIA Experimentation Programs Using Nazi Doctors
- Pierre Sampson, now 60, is calling for justice an an open investigation to stop the murder of innocent children in government sponsored child experimentation programs. More than 50,000 children said to be illegally experimented but crooked officials on both sides of the border blocking investigation. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Apr 13, 2006 -(Posted here: Apr 13, 2006)

A Nation Betrayed
- The Chilling True Story of Secret Cold War Experiments on our Children and Other Innocent People

[E-Book] (Saved version at Illuminati News)
- Using electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation and other types of trauma the CIA conducted Mind Control experiments on children in their attempt to create a Manchurian Candidate.

Thousands of innocent children who have now grown into adults are silently suffering from the effects of these experiments.

Your tax dollars paid doctors to participate in these and other experiments in ESP, Remote Viewing, Radiation and research with Chemical and Biological Warfare while working under government contracts in the U. S. and Canada. -
- by Carol Rutz -
(Posted here: Wednesday, November 22, 2006)

Now is the Time for SOULotions
- How can anybody in their right mind think that you can have somebody tell you the truth under torture???

Just think about it: You are a child and an abusive parent accuses you of stealing something from the house. You know you're innocent. He screams and shouts at you and orders you to confess. You cry and assure him you didn't do it, but he doesn't listen. The punishment for 'not telling the truth' becomes more and more severe, so what will happen in perhaps 99% of such cases? The child will lie and say he/she did it, to have the abuser to stop! Now translate this to the CIA torturing so called 'terrorist suspects'; even if they are innocent, most of them will likely confess to get a break from the torture.

Moreover, if you're tortured long enough, you will split your personality to abstract yourself from the pain, and you become a compliant servant to the torturer. George Bush and his gang of heavy criminals know this, of course, but want to use the techniques for their own dark purposes. Comment by Wes Penre, www.illuminati-news.com -
- by Cathy O'Brien, June 08, 2007 - (Posted here: Saturday, June 09, 2007)

Little Manchurian Candidates
[Excellent article]
- It has occurred to me that the cause of America's illiteracy crisis has been discovered. It is the reading curriculum in our schools. Unfortunately, the damage to children appears to extend way beyond reading failure. One wonders if the hidden agenda in the readers has created our victim culture, a generation of withdrawn and resentful children, alienated from themselves, their parents, society, books and ideas. -
- by Matt James, March 08, 2006 -(Posted here: March 16, 2006)
X-Rated 'Children's' Books Outrage Students' Parents
- The 'Young Adult Novel' is a growing genre in 'literature.' The problem is, the books are foul and vile, filled with sexuality, homosexuality, terrible profanity and various other kinds of perversity. And the American Library Association works hard at keeping them available to our children. Any attempt to remove any of these books is labeled censorship by the ALA. They fight tooth and nail."
- WorldNetDaily, March 15, 2006 - (Posted here: March 16, 2006)

What's Wrong With Education? It's the Government, Stupid!
- It is as if something is sacred about “the schools.” We hear no end of “we ought to do this in ‘the schools’” or “it is a travesty that we do that in ‘the schools’.” Again, we always attack the symptom rather than the problem. The problem isn’t the radical talibanic Christian right or the radical secular humanist left or not enough money or the ACLU or any of that. The problem is the government. To paraphrase James Carville, it’s the government, stupid! -
- by Doug Newman, March 13, 2006 -(Posted here: March 16, 2006)

Judges Want To Terminate Family's Homeschooling Rights
- Many observers believe this is merely the beginning of a movement to totally ban homeschoolng because the California Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger worked together to establish Senate Bill 777 and Assembly Bill 394 as a law that institutionalizes the promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism and other alternative lifestyle choices within the public school system. -
- by Jim Kouri, News With Views, March 05, 2008 -
(Posted here: Thursday, March 06, 2008)

The Communistic Take-Over of America is Almost Completed!
[YouTube Video: 8min 28sec]
- In this interview, a Soviet born, KGB trained employee, who fled to USA in 1968, with risk for his own life, after being fed up with the criminal Soviet System, tells about the four stages of communistic takeovers. Much to his surprise, he noticed that the Soviet Communistic Propaganda was already well developed here in America, too! And he was even more amazed to see how fast it had been accomplished! -
- Interview by G. Edward Griffin with Yuri Bezmenov, 1985 -
(Posted here: Saturday, July 14, 2007)

Mass Mind Control Through Network Television - Are Your Thoughts Your Own?
- Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. -
- by Alex Ansary, Out Of the Box, Dec 29, 2005 -
(Posted here: Jan 08, 2006)

Amazing Video Proves that Subliminal Suggestion Works
[Video, 6 min 40 sec]
- Here is a video of an amazing experiment carried out by the brilliant Derren Brown. Using extremely subtle subliminal suggestion he is able to guide the creative ideas of two top advertising designers as they create a new campaign, supposedly from their own imaginations.
   You will be shocked by the conclusion. It raises serious questions about how easily we are influenced in every area of our lives, and even makes one question the true nature of creativity and where ideas really come from. -
- Mind Power News -
(Posted here: Wednesday, May 02, 2007)

Interpreting Media (Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP)
How the media manipulates through NLP and other techniques

- This is very important information. Here is the proof how mainstream media use Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which is an occult mind control technique, to manipulate someone trying to speak the truth. The public needs to wake up to the fact that this is done ALL THE TIME, not ONLY at Fox News, which is exemplified here. The news anchors are SPECIALLY TRAINED to do this, being part of the plot to keep the population apathetic and asleep. -
(Posted here: Sunday, August 24, 2008)

Kill Your Television
- "Do you know we are ruled by TV?"

from the poem "An American Prayer" by Jim Morrison -
- turnoffyourtv.com -(Posted here: May 30, 2005)

How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry -- And That's Not All!
- Many of you believe watching TV is a harmless, entertaining activity worthy of your attention, but the video below will give you some eye-opening things to consider.
  In just under four minutes you’ll learn why television is essentially a platform for elite advertisers to peddle their wares, and how the steady stream of images could be making your life in reality seem dull and slow in comparison.
  If you watch TV, you owe it to yourself to watch this video. -
- by Dr. Mercola, Oct. 20, 2007 -(Posted here: Saturday, October 20, 2007)

We Are Moving Ever Closer to the Era of Mind Control
[Now recognized in main-stream media]
- The military interest in new brain-scanning technology is beginning to show a sinister side -
- by Steven Rose, The Observer, Feb 05, 2006 -

Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System
- The brain has always been a battlefield. New weapons might be able to hack directly into your nervous system. // "Controlled Effects" (see image, right) is one of the Air Force’s ambitious long-term challenges. It starts with better and more accurate bombs, but moves on to discuss devices that "make selected adversaries think or act according to our needs... By studying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to mentally influence or confuse personnel is also possible." -
- DefenseTech.org, Feb 13, 2006 -(Posted here: Feb 25, 2006)

The Most Powerful Weapon In The World
- Take a look around their website and witness sickening quote after quote explaining how their vision is to allow the total control of citizens by their government or their military, to keep it that way, and to facilitate conflicts with and the takeover of other countries and the execution of total control over their citizens. -
- by Steve Watson, March 08, 2006 -Posted here: March 10, 2006)

Ex-Agent Reveals KGB Mind Control Techniques - Paper
- General Boris Ratnikov, who served in the KGB department for Moscow and the Moscow Region, told Rossiiskaya Gazeta that people in power had resorted to various methods of manipulating individuals' thoughts since ancient times, and that it was hardly surprising that secret services adopted the practice when it acquired a scientific foundation in the 20th century. -
-  RIA Novosti, Dec 22, 2006   -
(Posted here: Thursday, December 28, 2006)
The Illuminati and Mind Control
You Are a Mind Control Subject
- If you are activistically inclined to expose the lies, fraud and deceit commonly purveyed by the mouthpieces of government, industry and the media, you have no doubt encountered that glassy-eyed-stare from people who are well-entrenched in our present societal matrix. Out of polite unbelief they stare at you with their minds in neutral. Their programming does not compute with the information you are presenting.  -
- by Hari Heath, The Idaho Observer, Apr 2007 -
(Posted here: Thursday, August 09, 2007)
Electromagnetic Weapons
Mind Control Directed Energy
- I know this is a very long article, and everybody's time is precious. However, I still HIGHLY recommend you to read the WHOLE thing. If you can't do it in one session, do it in 2, 3 or 10. This is very important, because we are going to see and hear a lot more of this in the near future. All sound unbelievable? Boy, this is just the beginning - unfortunately. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and demand a stop to those horrifying activities. [Comment by Wes Penre, Illuminati News] -
- by Andrea Stone, June 8, 2007 (Updated Aug 17, 2007) -
(Posted here: Saturday, August 18, 2007)
Puppet Master
The Manipulation of Human Behavior
- "If you were to begin researching interrogation, interviewing, and brainwashing techniques, you would eventually notice that one particular interesting-sounding volume appears over and over again in the relevant bibliographies: something called The Manipulation of Human Behavior, published in 1961 [by John Wiley & Sons]..." -
- by Gary J. Lew, Sep 11, 2007 -
(Posted here: Thursday, September 13, 2007)
Science: Brain Controlled Robot Arm
[Video: 00:05:35]
- We have now discovered and deciphered the “code” the brain produces when it tells our body to do something. We now have the ability to control a device only using our thoughts. This technology could one day soon replace normal prosthetics with mind controlled prosthetics. Cyborgs anyone? Makes me wonder if we know how this works and what this “language” means and does, does that mean we can reproduce this “language” input it to the brain and make people do what we want them to do? -
- by Gary J. Lew, Sep 11, 2007 -
(Posted here: Thursday, September 13, 2007)
Mass Mind Control Through Network Television: Are Your Thoughts Your Own?
- Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. -
- by Alex Ansari, InformationLiberation.com, Apr 21, 2008 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Apr 26, 2008)
What Chemtrails Really Are
- They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 18, 2008)

The New Religious Consciousness
- Aldous Huxley first presented the "scientific dictatorship" to the public imagination in his book Brave New World. In Dope, Inc., associates of political dissident Lyndon LaRouche claim that Huxley's book was actually a "mass appeal" organizing document written "on behalf of one-world order" -
- by Phillip D. Collins, Feb 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: February 7, 2005)

Watchman Fellowship’s 2001 Index of Cults and Religions
- Annually Watchman Fellowship publishes an index issue of the Watchman Expositor. The 1998-99 Index contains brief definitions, descriptions or cross references on over 1,200 religious organizations and beliefs. -
- Watchman.org -
(Posted here: June 14, 2005)
Eckankar logo
Evidence that Eckankar is a Covert Occult Organization and a Front for the Illuminati
- Eckankar, a New Age religion with its worldwide headquarters in Minneapolis, is deceiving its members as to its true origin and purpose. It is not a spiritual organization but a disguised form of advanced Freemasonry. It was created by its founder, Paul Twitchell, in 1965, to promote worship of the gods of ancient Egypt. Not only did Twitchell plagiarize the writings of other authors to a shameless degree, but he deliberately concocted his teaching as a covert way of getting naive members of the public to worship the magical deities from the Old Kingdom period of ancient Egypt. Eckankar is therefore a disguised occult teaching with a hidden occult agenda. Most of its members appear to be unaware of this. -
- by Ruth and Noah Samuelson, Oct 10, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, November 14, 2008)

Jehovah's Witnesses
(The Watchtower Society)

Pastor Charles Russell
Facts About Jehovah's Witnesses
- Russell was a Zionist. He was strongly against converting Jews to Christianity, and actively involved in encouraging the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine. Benjamin Netanyahu, the ninth prime minister of Israel, when he was the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations stated “A recognition of Pastor Russell's important role as an early American Christian advocate of Zionism is long overdue.” -
- Jwfacts.com -
(Posted here: March 18, 2006)

Inside Sources Reveal 23,720 Reported/Unreported Child Molesters on File at Jehovah’s Witness Headquarters in New York
- These insiders provided my contacts with a computer data base number of 23,720 child molesters on file there. The files labeled as the “specialized shepherding arrangement” is a front for reporting child molesters to home office. -
- Silent Lambs.org, May 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 6, 2005)

The Watchtower and the Masons - Explosive E-Book
[Download, .pdf file]
- Bombshell booking exposing the Jehovah's Witnesses, Freemasons, and Zionists.
- Radio.Indymedia.Org, Feb 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 27, 2006)

Jehovah's Witnesses Took Action Against Critical Website
[This is the same way the Church of Scientology silence their critics. They don't want their members to find out the truth.]
- On March 14th, 2006 the Watchtower Society (Jehovahs Witnesses) took action against this website forcing my hosting company to take it down. They claimed Copyright Violations, yet despite repeated requests the Watchtower Society never provide a list of alleged violations as required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. The DMCA letter describing the alleged violations was to be written under penalty of perjury, yet the Watchtower Society was not willing to do this. -
- by David Gladden -
(Posted here: March 19, 2006)
Zion Logo Freemasonry LogoThe Watchtower Society Logo
Links Between, and About, Zionism, Freemasonry and Jehovah's Witnesses
- provided by J.R., Feb 02, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 03, 2006)

L. Ron Hubbard - 1911-1986 (The Founder of Dianetics and the Church of $cientology)
The Satanic (Occult) Roots of Scientology
[Audio: 43min 50sec]
- This IS Scientology in a nutshell. I have personal experiences with the cult, and know what this audio is talking about first hand. It's all true! I hope you are willing to listen to this whole thing, because we all need to know this; if not for anything else, for the sake of our children, whom otherwise may be attracted to the powerful propaganda the cult is burping up. The Church of Scientology is one of the largest cults in the world, and probably one of the most destructive. Wes Penre -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 04, 2007 -
(Posted here: Saturday, August 04, 2007)
- Actor Tom Cruise is becoming increasingly known for his commitment to Scientology rather than his latest film. And an article faith for Scientologists is a belief in aliens from outer space.
- CultNews.com -
(Posted here: June 6, 2005)

L. Ron Hubbard
Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology & Suicide
- When you look at the origins of a group you look at its roots and the "signature" of its genetic inheritance. Even though the organizational roots may be hidden from sight the organization will always bear the type of "fruit" dictated by its "genetic" heritage and origins. The main origins of Scientology are revealed in Hubbard's imitation of Aleister Crowley and his "Ordo Templi Orientis" (OTO). -
- FactNet -
(Posted here: July 12, 2005)

Imagine the New Scientology World Order
- After this final purging of Scientology-defined "degraded beings," Scientology will have gained control of every aspect of your life, your country, and the world. Imagine your children and their children having to live under the Scientology dominated social, economic, and political order simply because you rationalized or were afraid and did nothing, too little, or failed to organize, work with, and support those organizations who were working for the collective security of all of us. -
- Factnet.org -
(Posted here: June 19, 2005)

L. Ron Hubbard
Tom Cruise, Matt Lauer on Scientology and Psychology
- When you read what Cruise has to say, you agree with him. Of course you do... That's the purpose of this interview! What he is saying about drugs and the tendency for doctors to prescribe easy fixes rather than have people look at their diets or other factors is accurate. The Easy Fix aka prescribe drugs, is the one advocated by doctors today because insurance companies only let a doctor spend 15 minutes with each patient. -
- by Rayelan, June 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 22, 2005)

Tax-Exempt Money Purchased Street Drugs from Drug Dealer
- In a shocking video-taped confession by Scientology staff member Mike McClaughry, law enforcement officials have learned that the Church of Scientology purchased street drugs from a drug dealer in order to frame a California Health Department official for illegal possession of narcotics. -
- Pressbox.co.uk, Sep 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 22, 2005)
What You Didn't Know About Scientology
- All men shall be my slaves.
All women shall submit to my charms.
All mankind shall grovel at my feet.
- L. Ron Hubbard - Affirmations -
- ConspiracyArchive.com, Jan 27, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 29, 2006)
Church of Scientology, FLAG Organization, Clearwater, Florida
Group 'Anonymous' Declares War on Church of Scientology
- An internet group calling itself Anonymous has declared war on the Church of Scientology, in the form of an ominous posting to the YouTube site. 'In the statement, the group explained their goal as safeguarding the right to freedom of speech.  -
- by Exposé, Jan 24, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, Jan 25, 2008)

Warren S. Jeffs
Warren S. Jeffs
Polygamist Indicted in Child-Sex Case
- Warren S. Jeffs, 49, president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was charged with one count each of sexual conduct with a minor and conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor in Colorado City from March to June 2002. -
- AzCentral.com, June 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 15, 2005)

Tempest in Texas
- Jeffs says that the government is "wicked," as are outsiders and the mainstream Mormon Church (leaders prefer its full name, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or LDS), and that all will soon be stricken from the earth by God's hand. -
- splcenter.org -
(Posted here: June 15, 2005)

Satanic Child Sacrificing Rituals First Reported At Vatican And Now At LDS Temple In Salt Lake City
- A. True Ott, excommunicated by the Mormon Church for his controversial research, says he experienced death threats trying to get at the truth behind deep-seeded corruption in U.S. government and LDS hierarchy. Satanic influences abound and corruption must stop in order to avert World War III, claims Ott in his upcoming book 'Free At Last.' -
- by Greg Szymanski, Feb 13, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 13, 2006)
Mormonism and Masonry: A Ritualistic Relationship?
- Masonic ritual forms the foundation of The Mormon Church’s Endowment Ceremony ritual and Joseph Smith and his Apostles adapted their Masonic experiences to provide ritual to a otherwise ritual-less church. -
by Dr. Richard G. McNeil Jr., May 14, 2005 -
(Posted here: Feb 14, 2006)
The Godmakers
"The Godmakers" - Cartoon Banned by the Mormon Church
Video [4 videos - 7-10 min each]
- This first video is showing the supposed belief system of the Mormons in cartoon form.
   In this second, third and fourth videos, a Mormon explains which portions are true, which are half-true, and what is completely false. The cartoon in question, "the Godmakers", mocks the Mormon faith and leaves people with a distorted view of the Latter-Day Saints, according to this member of the Latter-Day Saints -
- YouTube -
(Posted here: Saturday, December 15, 2007)

The I AM Activity, Guy Ballard, and St Germain Exposed
- Were you ever an I AM Student? Do you wonder why the magic you first felt when you became an I AM Student was gradually replaced with uncertainty, confusion, fear, loneliness? You are not alone. -
- gil.com.au -
(Posted here: June 14, 2005)

Selina Bishop                             Justin Helzer  
Bags of Bodies - Children of Thunder
- Murderous Glenn and Justin Helzer called their cult "Children of the Thunder".  -
- Crimelibrary.com -
(Posted here: June 19, 2005)

The Raelian Embassy
The Raëlian Files: Sex, Clones and UFOs
- Members of the Raëlian Religion Believe That Extraterrestrials Created Mankind in Test Tubes and Eternal Life Can Be Achieved Through Cloning. While Waiting for Immortality to Become a Reality, They Practice an Alien-Taught Version of Free Love. -
- Kapelovitz.com -
(Posted here: July 10, 2005)
Raël along with UFO replica
Raël along with UFO replica
UFO Cult Infiltrated
- A young filmmaker says he infiltrated the UFO cult known as the Raëlians, and he's looking to blow the lid off the secretive group with footage he shot while undercover. -
- WorldNetDaily, Aug 14, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 17, 2005)

Sai Baba
Sai Baba Exposed: Fraud, Fakery & 
- Evidence has been gathering for many years that Sai Baba is not quite the saintly Indian guru whom his devotees believe him to be. -
- Nexus -
(Posted here: July 22, 2005)

Charles Manson
The Process Church of the Final Judgment
- "My prophecy upon this wasted earth and upon the corrupt
creation that squats upon its ruined surface is: THOU SHALT
KILL." - from "Jehovah on War", by Robert DeGrimston aka Christ -
- CharlesManson.com -
(Posted here: Jan 30, 2006)

Implants (See Microchipping)


Cathy O'Brien
Interview with Cathy O'Brien on the Trance Formation of America
Video 00:48:00
- Cathy O'Brien was born in Michigan in 1957 and although most of this information will be hard to believe, it is all true. The MK Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation is real and on August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA's Top Secret mind control research project and most of the congressional records are included in her book. Mandatory watch! -
- by Conscious Media Network -
(Posted here: Tuesday, October 02, 2007)

The Cisco Wheeler Interview
CKLN-FM Mind Control Series -- Part 22 -
(December 30, 2003)

Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor (cover)
Brice Taylor Interview
CKLN-FM Mind Control Series 23, Part 1-2

- Initially, up close, my father primarily was, at home on a daily basis, and my mother was also programmed to abuse and program me. My whole family was actually involved in my programming, including my grandparents on both sides, aunts, uncles and my brothers. As I grew older, by the time I was five, I was being taken to military bases in and out of California and officials there were programming me, and later, doctors at UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute in California, and places where there were NASA installations - I was also programmed. -
-  Producer/Interviewer: Wayne Morris, CKLN 88.1 FM Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto, Ontario -
(Posted here: Thursday, January 01, 2009)

The Svali Interview
- Interview with former Illuminati Programmer -
(January 5, 2004)

Born Into The Illuminati, A Friend Fears For Svali's Safety As She Has Come Up Missing
- After going public with details of her lifelong experience in the Illuminati, including childhood torture and brainwashing, Svali has disappeared. -
- by Greg Szymanski, July 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, July 27, 2006)

Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy
- Henry Makow, Ph.
D., interviews Svali, former Illuminati Programmer -
(January 5, 2004)
A Tribute to Svali, Illuminati Whistleblower
- Svali is, or was, an American woman born into an Illuminati bloodline. When she was twelve years old, she was taken to the Vatican for a ceremony she was told would be very important. What she witnessed - an actual child sacrifice (the child was 3 or 4 years old, and appeared to be compliant) on an obsidian slab over a large pentagram in a basement catacomb - is told in her extraordinary interview with Greg Szymanski. -
- ProjectCamelot.org -
(Posted here: Sunday, May 04, 2008)


MPD Glossary
(December 31, 2003)

Multiple Personality Disorder
- by Wes Penre -
(December 27, 2003)

Proof Satanic Ritual Abuse Exists
List of Legal Cases, Web Pages Proving the Existence of Ritual Abuse, Organizations with Data Proving the Worldwide Existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Ritual Abuse Books

- Lists of Legal Cases: Believe the children (1997). "Conviction List: Ritual Child Abuse". http://www.ra-info.org/resources/ra_cases.shtml

The Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive", by Diana Napolis, is published on the world-wide web at: This archive contains 92 cases as of February 12, 2008. http://www.endritualabuse.org/ritualabusearchive.htm -
- Compiled by "SmartNews", Oct. 2008 -

(Posted here: Saturday, October 18, 2008)


Ted Gunderson
SATANISM & THE CIA: International Trafficking in Children
- This is one of the best videos I have seen online. This is an absolute MUST SEE! It is 75 minutes long, but worth every second of viewing. Ted Gunderson is lecturing, and a Catholic woman, Linda Wiegand, whose children were subjected to Satanic Ritual Abuse testifies in public to how the Government stole all her properties and ruined her life when she tried to help her kids. If, after watching this video, the viewer is not convinced that Satanic Ritual Abuse exists on a high level of society(!) nothing will, no matter how much proof. Please take time to watch! Wes Penre -
- by Ted Gunderson, former FBI -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

The Ted Gunderson Files
- How corrupt people try to smear a genuine truth-seeker: The principle members of Ted's Character Assassination Team include Virginia McCullough, Cherie Seymour, & Kate Dixon of www.newsmakingnews.com, Stewart Webb, Barbara Hartwell, Kathleen Sullivan, Jackie McGauley, and Kathy Kasten of UCLA. These people have tried to characterize Ted as some version of a 'double agent' whose pretense to helping people is just a cover for his 'real work', which is to help the dark side. When you read their defamatory words, you will be given conclusions (E.g. Ted's "Cointelpro") without evidence or proof to back up their assertions. The tools these character assassins employ include repeated innuendo, guilt by association, and outright slander to support their unfounded allegations against Ted Gunderson. -
- Educate-yourself.org -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

Ted Gunderson's Official Website
- "I cannot accept that the truth will be suppressed because the people involved are people in power" Patrice Alegre, convicted killer -
- tedgunderson.com -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

Linda Wiegand's Nightmare: A Hideous Child Abuse Catastrophe
- According to the retired head of the Los Angeles Bureau of the FBI, the Linda Wiegand case is "the worst case of child sexual abuse and judicial corruption I've seen in 47 years of investigative work." -
- Rense.com -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children
- The CIA mind-control apparatus has been well known since 1975, when 10 large boxes of documents were released pursuant to Freedom of Information Act requests. -
- by Jon Rappoport -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

Cache Of Child Porn Found at Roman Catholic Seminary
- A vast cache of child pornography and photos of young priests having sex has been discovered at a Roman Catholic seminary, officials said Monday ... -
- CNN.com., July 12, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 13, 2004)

George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse
- ... the report claimed that senior members of Tony Blair's government were being investigated for pedophilia and the "enjoyment" of child-sex pornography. With the investigation reaching to senior members of his Government, Blair declared a news blackout on the story.  -
- by Glen Yeadon -
(Posted here: July 28, 2004)

2003: First Public Airing of "Conspiracy of Silence"
[Please read this and download the 55 minutes video! This is 100% PROOF that the giant pedophile ring goes ALL THE WAY up to the White House, and that mind controlled sex slaves are very common around our highest level politicians, including Presidents. This documentary was supposed to be aired by the Discovery Channel, but was banned. This gives credit to ridiculed former sex slaves like Cathy O'Brien and others, who in books have revealed this cancer to a world who doesn't listen! Wes Penre]
- Vote.org -
(Posted here: Sep 11, 2005)

The Franklin Scandal Tried in Civil Court
- U.S. government mind control programs, like MK-Ultra and Monarch, directed against helpless victims--human guinea pigs--have been virtually ignored by the Big Media Cartel. On Feb. 27, 1999, however, U.S. District Court Judge Warren Urbom found former Franklin S&L manager Lawrence E. King guilty of numerous crimes committed against mind control victim Paul A. Bonacci. -
- 7thFire.com -
(Posted here: Sep 11, 2005)
Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien
Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien
Trance-Formation of America
[Please read their books if you haven't already. I can't imagine any information more telling than this what is going on at the top level of our society. Wes Penre]
- TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics. -
- Trance-Formation of America Website -
(Posted here: Sep 11, 2005)
Bennett and the Great White Brotherhood Bob Dylan
Bill Bennett and the Great White Brotherhood
- In the home of the brave, Jefferson turning over in his grave,
Fools glorify themselves, try to manipulate Satan. - Bob Dylan -
- Rigorous Intuition, Oct 05, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 06, 2005)
Cathy O'Brien
Trance Formation of America
- .. the graphic nature of the footage, you will see medical footage of Ms. O'Brien's vagina under examination, which was carved with an exacto knife to resemble a demon's face by her abusers. This face is shown in the video and the examining doctor gives her opinion on the legitimacy of the carving. -
- The Rigorous Intuition Board, Sep 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 06, 2005)
Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney's Other Big Secret
[The mind controlled victim Cathy O'Brien claimed in her book; "Trance Formation of America" that Cheney raped her continuously with his oversized penis. Many people laughed and discarded this. However, there seems to be photo evidence ..., Wes Penre]
- Rigorous Intuition, Nov 15, 2004 -
(Posted here: Oct 06, 2005)

Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture
- This information may upset or enrage some people. I could not bring myself to read these books for over two years. The torture and depravity they describe is excruciating. My mental filters would not accept it. Writing about it is difficult. -
- by Henry Makow Ph.D., Nov. 13, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 15, 2004)

The U.S. Child Abuse Industry
- Remember, the OFFICIAL view of the U.S. Federal Administrative Government under Klinton was revealed by Attorney [Gestapo] General Janet Reno, during a Senate Investigation into the reason why the government murdered, by burning to death, the men, women and children, in a church on Mount Carmel, near Waco, Texas. Her OFFICIAL OPINION for the US FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION was '..to end the child abuse...' -
- by Fronline, PBS -
(Posted here: November 12, 2004)

John Conner on Michael Aquino, Head of "Church of Set"
[QuickTime Audio]
Download QuickTime here]
- Exposing Aquino as an MK ULTRA Programmer, a child molester and more... -
- by John Conner, Resistance Manifesto -
(Posted here: May 29, 2005)

T. Alexander Hickman
Canadian Corruption
Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy. RCMP Incompetence & Cover up.
Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
- If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL SYSTEMS CONTROL, at 41 years of age, rapes and impregnates your younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, what would you do? -
- http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse -
(Posted here: December 5, 2004)

When Good People Do Nothing
- Some of this abuse is described as "ritual" or "ritualistic" abuse. In a study reported by Finkelhor, Williams, Burns, and Kalinowski, the authors found that 13% of a national sample of 270 cases of child abuse in a day care setting involved allegations of ritual abuse. -
- by James Randall Noblitt and Pamela Perskin -
(Posted here: Oct 11, 2005)

Pictures From the Minds of Satanic Abuse Victims
- This patient provided me with drawings that she had done that to me held no special significance until now 2005, after reading your book, Children of the Matrix. -
- David Icke Articles -
(Posted here: January 29, 2005)

Michael Jackson on Trial
... If There is Any Justice in This World ...

- ... if Michael goes to jail, and there is any justice in this world, so should his father, Joe. I don’t defend pedophilia (if this is the case with Michael), and although he has been severely traumatized and destroyed, I believe that a person, even if he/she has such desires, should be able keep them to him/herself and not live them out. -
- by Wes Penre, March 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: March 13, 2005)

George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse
- At least one of King’s young prostitutes reported that at one party, she saw George Bush pay King and then depart with a young black man. The President was a pedophile and involved in a pedophile ring, the story had to be squashed at all cost. King is currently serving fifteen years for the failure of the Franklin Credit Union. At least two of his victims have been wrongly imprisoned for refusing to recant their testimony. Meanwhile pedophiles like George Bush are free and able to abuse other children all in the name of national security. -
- spiriton.com -
(Posted here: April 15, 2005)

Pope 'Obstructed' Sex Abuse Inquiry
- Pope Benedict XVI faced claims last night he had 'obstructed justice' after it emerged he issued an order ensuring the church's investigations into child sex abuse claims be carried out in secret. The order was made in a confidential letter, obtained by The Observer, which was sent to every Catholic bishop in May 2001. -
- The Observer Int., Apr 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 27, 2005)

Guards Assault Female Inmates
- Three years before prison guard Edmond Hook sexually assaulted and impregnated inmate T'Nasa Harris, officials at the Camp Brighton facility near Pinckney received an anonymous letter claiming he was a "sexual predator." -
- The Detroit News, May 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 24, 2005)

Inmates Struggle to File Charges Against Officers
- She said the alleged sexual abuse made her feel humiliated, degraded, embarrassed and worthless. She submitted the signed complaint and then waited for authorities to investigate. They didn't. Instead, she received a letter 24 days later from prisoner affairs manager James Armstrong telling her the complaint had been rejected. "It has been determined your grievance cannot be processed further by this office because ... it is vague, illegible, or contains extraneous information," Armstrong wrote. -
- The Detroit News, May 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 24, 2005)

State Fumbles Sexual Misconduct Probe
- When Assistant Deputy Warden Willis Chapman was first accused of having consensual sex with an inmate in 2002, the prison investigator closed the case within a week as "unfounded" without even interviewing him. -
- The Detroit News, May 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 24, 2005)

Suicides Follow Unheeded Complaints
- Smith, who hanged herself with a sheet, is not the only female inmate in Michigan prisons to attempt suicide after alleging sexual abuse by a guard. Since 1990, at least eight women who said they were sexually assaulted have attempted suicide. Two died. -
- The Detroit News, May 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 24, 2005)

Status of Michigan Prison Reforms
- Dozens of guards and staff members with criminal records who were already on staff when the rule was put in place kept their jobs. -
- The Detroit News, May 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 24, 2005)

The Rutherford Institute
Ritual Abuse: The Attack on Our Children

- Dr. Hammond’s main subject was the ritual abuse of children. He stated that in as many as two-thirds of ritual abuse cases, the victims had been subjected to highly developed and uniform technology of mind control, suggesting that there is a large network of practitioners conducting such atrocities on children in the U.S. Often, according to Hammond, these will be “bloodline people,” that is, people who are involved in cultic practices such as Satanism or in American intelligence agency programs. -
- by John W. Whitehead, May 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 28, 2005)

New Leads Implicate CIA, Government Officials In Child Prostitution Ring
- Rothstein now believes the CIA was involved and tried cover it up. "They were assigned to find out if there was an agency connection to it and I am quite sure that if they found one, to make sure it was covered," he says. -
- KWWL7 News, May 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 28, 2005)
Sexual Abuse
Institutionalizing Sexual Aggression in the Military
[This is long, but well worth reading!]
- Women (and occasionally men) who are victims of rape on military installations by other military members do not have recourse to civilian courts until they have completely exhausted every remedy within the military, which can take years, especially if the military drags its feet. -
- Uruknet.info, July 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 17, 2005)
Catholic Church
Oakland, Calif., Diocese Settles Church Abuse Suits for $56 Million
- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland has agreed to pay $56 million to settle lawsuits filed by 56 alleged victims of priest sexual abuse, the diocese said Friday. -
- AP News, Aug 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 7, 2005)

Some Major Settlements in Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Cases
- Sexual abuse by U.S. Roman Catholic priests has cost the church more than $1 billion. Some of the largest known payouts to victims in the past three years: -
- AP News, Aug 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 7, 2005)
General Kevin P. Byrnes
Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes
Four-Star General Sacked
- WASHINGTON (AP) -- In an extraordinary move, the Army sacked a four-star general who was the subject of a Defense Department investigation into alleged sexual misconduct, an official said Tuesday. -
- CNN, Aug 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 11, 2005)

Four Star Army General Fired For Alleged Sexual Misconduct; Some Say He May Have Been Ousted For Attempting To Thwart The Bush Administration Plans To Strike Iran
- General Kevin P. Byrnes was relieved of his duties Tuesday, only the third four star officer to be fired in more than 15 years. Observers speculated there are much deeper reasons behind the firing of the high-ranking officer said to be against the administration's escalating war policies. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 12, 2005)
Marc Dutroux
Pink Ballets & Protected Pornographers ... Some Post-Christian Realities
- He had been convicted and sentenced (in April 1989) to a 13-year prison term for the rape of five children and the sexual torture of an elderly woman. In view of his “good conduct” in jail (no potential victims victims ), his term was shortened. This was compounded by an amnesty granted by the King of Belgium, which led to his being released in April 1992. Americans may find it hard to believe what happened next – but then you do not live in a welfare state. -
- FreeRepublic.com, May 13, 2004 -
(Posted here: Aug 23, 2005)

Richard Hamlin Vs. Satanic Ritual Abuse Conspiracy
- The Placerville, California trial of Richard Hamlin, a successful attorney in Sacramento, has all the hallmarks of a high-level Satanic Ritual Abuse criminal conspiracy, including allegations of MK-Ultra mind control, bio-warfare, child pornography, snuff films, and other "black" (covert military) projects. -
- by Uri Dowbenko -
(Posted here: Nov 18, 2005)

Satanic Ritual Abuse: Incest, Murder & Snuff Films
- I have detailed previously on my site the horrific details of rape, torture, and abuse perpetrated by Dr. Siemer on his children, his grandchildren, and children of others. -
- RINF.com -
(Posted here: Dec 23, 2005)
"The Illuminati Formula" Cover Fritz Springmeier
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
- Here is a remarkable and powerful book. Save it. Copy it., Give it to friends and therapists for compassionate work. You now have in your hands the very tools that can deprogram the dream. Once you know this, and you absorb its implications, you can no longer be blind folded. By reading this, you may be helping millions of monarch slaves . These techniques only work by our ignorance of knowing them. Herein, let us apply the Heart to the mind, and awaken a Middle Way, by infiltrating another piece of the cancer of sleep, as All Is God in Action. -
- by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler -
(Posted here: Oct 24, 2005)
Fritz Springmeier
Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula
- This book is dedicated to the two million Americans and counting who have been programmed with Monarch-type trauma-based mind control. This book is written to destroy trauma-based mind control before it destroys the human race. It’s time for this horrendous secret to end. -
- by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler -
(Posted here: Dec 23, 2005)
The Svali Interviews
[A Must Read!]
- The Illuminati: Interview with Ex Illuminati Programmer -
- bibliotecapleyades.net -
(Posted here: Dec 23, 2005)
Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Great Britain
Illuminati Ritual Abuse
- The Guardian newspaper of Feb 2nd 2007 highlighted the fact that teachers in Britain are now taught to watch for signs of ritual abuse. Research from 38 cases where children were either murdered as in the Victoria Climbie case, or subjected to horrific abuse.   -
- by T Stokes, Lecturer in Paranormal Studies -
(Posted here: Sunday, February 11, 2007)
She's nice, Dick, but not young enough...Hell, it's itching!
Escort Agency Business
YouTube [00:10:50]
- When New York Governor Eliot Spitzer geared up to go after the Bush administration for their collaboration with criminals in the US mortgage industry, Spitzer was politically assassinated by having his private business as an escort agency client revealed. 

  Now the owner of one of the most active DC-based escort services - a favorite of Republicans including McCain and Giuliani - has "hung herself." -

- Alex Jones interviewing Wayne Madsen -
(Posted here: Tuesday, May 06, 2008)

Hard-core Pornographic Homosexual "how-to" Booklet Given to Hundreds of Kids at Brookline High School April 30
[Warning! Disturbing pictures!]
- At statewide "Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network" conference held at Brookline High School for children and teachers to promote homosexuality in schools, elementary through high school. -
- Article8.org -
(Posted here: July 6, 2005)

Pornography - A Deadly Poison
- Is pornography a problem? According to Family Safe Media the size of the Industry could be as high as $12.0 billion US and it is growing bigger everyday. The evil elite has allowed us access to the internet so it can corrupt our society within. Sure, because of the internet we know more about conspiracies of the world, but at what cost! -
- by Richard Vizzutti, July 8, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006)

Sigmund Freud Statue at the Tavistock Institute
Tavistock Center - The Best Kept Secret in America
- by Dr. John Coleman -
(February 26, 2004)

The Tavistock Institute - Illuminati Fascists Use Nazi "Mind Control" Techniques To Destroy America
- The Tavistock Institute originated the *mass civilian bombing raids* carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they watched the guinea pigs reacting under *controlled laboratory conditions*! -
- Covertmatric.atspace.com -
(Posted here: Sunday, Apr 23, 2006)

Tavistock Institute -
Illuminati Fascists Use Nazi Mind Control Techniques To Destroy America!

- The Tavistock Institute developed the mass brainwashing techniques which were first **used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea**! -
- Covertmatrix website -
(Posted here: September 13, 2004)

The Walt Disney Agenda
- Walt Disney was a 33° Freemason and initiated in the Illuminati Order. Behind all those cartoons, magazines, movies etc., is a hidden agenda to mess up children's minds. -
- by Wes Penre, July 4, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 4, 2004)

Urban Transport
- Mind Control Survivors! READ THIS!!! Here are the forums you must avoid if you seek healing. These forums are set up by Illuminati programmers and they will do everything they can to destroy you and/or send you back to your programmers/handlers! -
- Urban Transport -
(Posted here: February 12, 2005)

The Kathleen A. Sullivan Website
- a CIA Mind Control SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) Survivor -
(December 31, 2003)

Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors & Mind Control
- We represent the North American survivors of nonconsensual, federally funded, human experimentation. -
- Aches-mc.org -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)
Coloring Outside the Lines - The Journey of a Multiple
- A Mind Control Survivor Remembers... -
- Take a journey to the center of the mind. This is a challenge. Are you willing to go to that place that is so close, but yet so far? I am tenaciously unraveling the mystery of the past, of who I am, and who I am meant to become. -
- MysteriousJourneys.blogspot.com -
(Posted here: Saturday, November 25, 2006)


Carol Rutz's Lecture at Indiana University in November 2003
- by Carol Rutz, Author of "A Nation Betrayed" --
(December 31, 2003)

The Greenbaum Speech - Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse
- by Dr. D.C. Hammond Ph. Dr -
(December 27, 2003)
Fritz Springmeier
Fritz Springmeier Interview on Illuminati and Mind Control Slavery
- Government mind control overlaps with many other things - it overlaps with a higher government and a secret world government called the Illuminati. As I investigated the Illuminati I had to also learn about their front that they operate. They hide behind the veil of National Security. They use our patriotism against us and make us think that for our own interest, for our own security of our own nations, that we have to subject ourselves to all the secrecy that they impose upon us. -
- Fritz Springmeier Interviewed by Wayne Morris, Jan 04, 1998 -
(Posted here: Sunday, October 21, 2007)

Victims' Introductions
- victims of severe mind control speak out -
(January 9, 2004)

Mind Control Forum
- list of victims and their stories -
(January 9, 2004)

Janet Jackson Reveals To the Press That She Is a Multiple Personality
- ... The other character living inside her is Damita Jo, which is her middle name and the title of her latest album. Damita Jo, she says, is "a lot harsher, and quick to put  you in your place." -
- by Wes Penre, June 6, 2004 -
Ronald Reagan Josef Mengele
Sold As A Child Sacrifice To The Illuminati Cult, Victim Survives Ritualistic Drowning To Tell Her Story. High Level Officials and Nazi War Criminals Involved, Including Ronald Reagan and Nazi Joseph Mengele
- Mauri tells about satanic horror stories beginning in Cedar City, Utah, and then moving to southern California where her life became a nightmare filled with cult torure and abuse. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Feb 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 21, 2006)
Born Into The Illuminati, A Friend Fears For Svali's Safety As She Has Come Up Missing
- After going public with details of her lifelong experience in the Illuminati, including childhood torture and brainwashing, Svali has disappeared. -
- by Greg Szymanski, July 26, 2006 -(Posted here: Thursday, July 27, 2006)
Ultimate Warrior: Robert Duncan O’Finioan
[Video: 1hr 13min
- Duncan O’Finioan was the Ultimate Warrior… brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a highly classified MKULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT. From a thousand others trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, only one of 20 left alive to tell the story. -
- Rinf.com, Dec 16, 2006 -(Re-Posted here: Saturday, December 16, 2006)
Svali is Alive!
- She had not been heard from online since November of 2006 and it was feared she had been killed. I have learned that she is residing safely in an isolated place of refuge with a number of fellow Christian brothers and sisters. She is in no immediate danger and is continuing to heal and grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. -
- by Ed Koni, Oct 11, 2008 -
(Posted here: Sunday, October 12, 2008)

Satanic Subversion of the US Military
- on Michael Aquino the Temple of Set -
(February 21, 2004)
Lawsuit Claiming  CIA Used Mind-Control in 1957 Can Proceed
- A federal judge hearing a case of a former federal agent who claimed that he was drugged by the Central Intelligence Agency as part of a mind-control project says the trial can go forward. -
- NBC4.TV, May 25, 2004 -(Posted here: June 3, 2004)

Enough Evidence For Trail Of CIA Drugging
- A San Jose man who claimed the CIA secretly had given him LSD in 1957 as part of a mind-control experiment -- causing him to try to hold up a San Francisco bar in a fit of paranoia ... -
- SFGate.com., May 25, 2004 -(Posted here: June 3, 2004)
Sidney Gottlieb, one of the evil psychiatry doctors, who was one of the master-minds behind MK-ULTRA mind control...

Victim Of MKULTRA Mind Control Sues Government And Others For Torture And Abuse
- Now almost 40 years later, Smith, a successful businessman with a stable family life, has filed a lawsuit in Canada seeking some semblance of justice for the tortuous abuse he endured from defendants including unscrupulous psychiatrists on both sides of the border, doctors working under government sanctioned programs with ties to CIA operatives. // And the incredible fact about Smith's story is that he isn't alone, being one of thousands of adults and children who had their medical records changed overnight from sane to insane while being subjected to illegal experimentation. -
- by Greg Szymanski, March 15, 2006 - (Posted here: March 15, 2006)

Woman Sues Ottawa Over CIA Brainwashing at Montreal Hospital
- Five decades after unwittingly participating in brainwashing experiments that were funded by the CIA and the federal government, 78-year-old Janine Huard went to Federal Court yesterday to try and persuade a judge she is entitled to compensation. -
- by Katherine Wilton, CanWest News Service, Jan 11, 2007 -
(Posted here: Saturday, January 12, 2007)

- from Guardian Unlimited, December 4, 2003 -
 (Posted here: January 12, 2004)

The Columbine Shootings & the Perfect Manchurian Candidate
 - by Wes Penre -(February 22, 2004)

'They Hate Us Because of Our Freedom'
- Alfred A, Hambidge, Jr. -(Original website)(Posted here: April 20, 2004)

MCF Victim: Linda & Donnie Hintz
Corporate coverup in Stark County Ohio. Mother of 2 sons stalked, drugged, raped resulting in brain damage. All covered up to protect big local oil business -
- by Donnie Hintz -(Posted here: July 24, 2004)

Ain't It Great To Live In the Land of Freedom and Justice?
- When I read things like these, I really have to force myself to get the strength back to continue what I am doing. It does not happen very often that I feel that way, but this article makes me wonder - isn't there any limit to people's stupidity? -(Posted here: August 19, 2004)

Killing With God On Our Side
- How leaders, like Bush and Hitler, push God and religion to justify wars, and how the mind controlled population of the world blindly follows! -
- by Wes Penre, August 19, 2004 -(Posted here: August 19, 2004)

Mind Control: The Zombie Effect
- Methods of latent impact on the human psyche are no longer secret. -
- Pravda, Nov 10, 2004 -(Posted here: November 14, 2004)

John Creasy, Man On Fire: Top-Notch Mind Control
- We should acknowledge that the government is trying to control our minds, even if you think they couldn't do it to you.  We can agree that a certain percentage of the people are weak minded, and all these aforementioned effects will drive them a little crazy, similar to post traumatic stress.  Let us be very conservative, though, and say Man On Fire pushed only 10% of the entire viewing audience into this state. -
- by Erik Fortman -(Posted here: March 11, 2005)

US Homeland Security Department Hires Liaison To Work With Movie Makers: Report
- In Operation Hollywood: How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies, author David Robb last year portrayed the Pentagon's office as a propaganda machine that cajoles Hollywood into showing the military only in a positive light, the report said. -
- China View, March 13, 2005 -(Posted here: March 13, 2005)

Many Students Willing to Give Government Control of Press
[Mind Control on our kids works - here is the proof]
- Lindsey Pendergrass trusts the government more than she trusts the press. That's why she doesn't believe that newspapers should be allowed to publish everything without government approval. -
- The Oregonian, March 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: March 16, 2005)

Toying With Death
- In the military 'boot camp,' "brutalization is designed to break down your existing mores and norms" and cause you "to accept a new set of values that embrace destruction, violence, and death as a way of life," explained Col. Grossman. -
- by Berit Kjos, 2004 -(Posted here: May 23, 2005)

Violent Video Games Alter Brain's Response to Violence
- Many studies have concluded that people who play violent video games are more aggressive, more likely to commit violent crimes, and less likely to help others. But critics argue these correlations merely prove that violent people gravitate towards violent games, not that games can change behaviour. -
- New Scientist, Dec 12, 2005 -(Posted here: Dec 13, 2005)

Healing Roads - Ritual Abuse Resources
- Help resources for those of you who are survivors from Satanic Ritual Abuse, and information for you who want to know more ... -
(December 31, 2003)

Defending Ourselves Against Mind Control
from DavidIcke.com -
(Posted here: April 17, 2004)
Iranian Student, Victim of Psychotronic Torture, Seeks Relief
- [Editor's Note: Some of you may find it hard to believe what is being explained here, but this person is not exaggerating in the least. I get dozens of e-mails from victim of electronic torture and this man's statements are very typical. Based on feedback from other victims, we now seem to have some ideas on how to thwart these signals. It's not perfect, but we are getting some nice reports of partial, and sometimes, total success...] -
- Educate Yourself -  (Posted here: December 9, 2004)