26 septiembre 2021

La mafia de los laboratorios lo CONTROLAN TODO - detras esta Black Rock y otros fondos globales




“Moderna y Pfizer tendrán unos ingresos por ventas de sus vacunas de 85000 millones de euros en Europa, de los que 1000 0 1500 millones se habían gastado en la producción de las vacunas” -

Contundente y mesurada, sin pelos en la lengua, así se muestra Ángeles Maestro, médica y ex portavoz de Sanidad de Izquierda Unida en el Congreso de los Diputados español. Ahora va de jubilada, pero escribe y da charlas sobre lo que más conoce, que es la salud pública. Hoy está aquí no por su condición de ex diputada de IU, por su cargo, pues ya no lo obstante, ni por sus ideas políticas, sino por su lucidez a la hora de escribir el escenario de una pandemia que se va revelando ficticia. Maestro nos ayuda a esclarecer qué hay detrás del escenario que nos han montado para ocultarnos la realidad. También nos recuerda que la tecnología de las vacunas “había sido utilizada en ensayos clínicos solamente para enfermos de cáncer como aprobación de emergencia. No recibió la aprobación definitiva por los efectos secundarios que producía”. Asimismo, advierte que “las curvas de mortalidad son impresionantes después de la vacunación” Sus argumentos son demoledores y, nos dice, todos vienen avalados con documentos.



Me he jubilado hace poco, trabajaba en la Consejería de Sanidad, pero aproveché la oportunidad para jubilarme y seguirme dedicando a esto como escritora y dando conferencias. Soy miembro de la Coordinadora Antiprivatización de la Sanidad.

Las grandes compañías farmacéuticas controlan la Sanidad pública de los países, y no solamente la Sanidad. Yo lo que he dicho lo he escrito y nadie me ha demandado por difamación. Las facultades de Medicina, las especialidades médicas, en el Estado español no hay ninguna especialidad que celebre su congreso sin ser financiado por la industria farmacéutica, que promociona sus medicamentos invitando a los médicos y médicas con sus parejas a lugares privilegiados del planeta. Siendo diputada recibí una denuncia de un representante de Abbott, yo era diputada, que me mostró toda la documentación por la cual se pagaban cheques nominales a determinados médicos por recetar con nombres y apellidos determinados medicamentos.

Las grandes revistas de prestigio mundial como The British Medical Journal, Lancet, etc. sus directores, cuando han abandonado el cargo han escrito y está publicado en un libro del prestigioso Peter C. Gotzshe, un hombre que ha trabajado en la industria farmacéutica y es biólogo, y que escribió un libro paradigmático, cuajado de documentación, que se llama “Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado”. Ahí, los directores de las grandes revistas científicas explican como se publican ensayos clínicos falseados en los cuales se minusvaloran los efectos adversos y se enaltecen y exageran los efectos beneficiosos.

Lancet, en 2020, todavía no había vacunas, pero se estaba buscando un tratamiento eficaz para el coronavirus y en muchos países se estaban empezando a utilizar medicamentos que forman parte de la lista de medicamentos esenciales de la OMS desde décadas, como es la hidroxicloroquina y la ivermectina, y se publicó un estudio supuestamente respaldado por un ensayo clínico, con decenas de miles de participantes, en el que se decía que la hidroxicloroquina tenía unas consecuencias muy graves en el aparato respiratorio y en el corazón. Lancet no tardó dos semanas en publicar el mismo documento atravesado por la banda retráctil. Se había demostrado que ese estudio era falso y tres de los firmantes se retiraron. Se había utilizado una dosis triple de la que se estaba utilizando para el tratamiento del COVID y dos de los firmantes tenían intereses con otra multinacional farmacéutica, Gilead, que promocionaba un tratamiento para el COVID, el Remdesivir, con graves efectos secundarios, y que tenía todo el interés en desprestigiar un tratamiento con un medicamento que además es muy barato.

Recomiendo a las personas que lean o vuelvan a leer “El jardinero fiel” de John le Carré, que relata el enorme poder de esta industria que da más beneficios que el tráfico de armas, la prostitución o la banca.

Los gobiernos de la UE empiezan a comprar, la Agencia Europea del Medicamento empieza a comprar millones de dosis cuando no solamente no estaban autorizadas, era en agosto de 2020, cuando apenas estaban comenzando los ensayos clínicos para valorar si esas vacunas eran útiles, eficaces, seguras, y la UE compraba millones de dosis, al tiempo que firmaba un acuerdo con las principales empresas farmacéuticas para eximir de toda responsabilidad económica a estas empresas por posibles efectos adversos.

Recuerdo que Donald Trump, del que se ha dicho que era antivacunas, a primeros de diciembre de 2020 amenazó al director de la FDA con que o aprovaba la vacuna de Pfizer o tendría que buscarse otro trabajo. Y este hombre le dio la aprobación al día siguiente como medicamento de emergencia. En EE.UU. hay 4 condiciones para la aprobación de emergencia. La cuarta es que no haya ningún medicamento disponible para esa enfermedad. En la India, cuando estaba la mortalidad muy alta, se redujo en un 96% con el uso de la ivermectina. Hay otros, como la utilización de suero hiperinmune, que quiere decir usar los anticuerpos de personas que han sobrevivido al coronavirus y por lo tanto han adquirido la inmunidad natural. Esto fue utilizado en un hospital del norte de Italia por el jefe de servicio de Neumología y ningún enfermo de COVID murió. Pero este hombre recibió tales acusaciones, tal desprestigio, que abandonó su puesto en el hospital y tiempo después apareció muerto en su casa.

La vacuna lo que nos inyecta es la orden genética para que nuestro cuerpo fabrique la proteína spike para que después actúe como antígeno que provoque la creación de anticuerpos en nuestro organismo. Esta tecnología había sido utilizada en ensayos clínicos solamente para enfermos de cáncer como aprobación de emergencia. No recibió la aprobación definitiva por los efectos secundarios que producía.

¿Quién determina la falsedad de una determinada información?. Periodistas sin formación sanitaria alguna censuran a altísimas personalidades como dos premios Nobel, uno de virología, otro de bioquímica, por declaraciones directamente relacionadas con el coronavirus, personas que están en el consejo editorial de las grandes revistas especializadas en Medicina, etc. Y claro, de lo que se trata es de callar cualquier voz que pretenda abrir un debate.

La historia de la Medicina está plagada de errores de los que se ha aprendido. Está plagada de debates que ayudan a que los tratamientos mejoren, hay discusiones entre las personas que han trabajado más un determinado tema, la contraposición de opiniones puede abrir luces.

Quien se negó al debate fue la ex ministra de Sanidad, lo fue casi hasta la inicio de la pandemia, María Jesús Carracedo, del PSOE, y el presidente del Colegio de Médicos de Madrid. La palabra negacionista no se la atribuiría a las demás personas que aparecen allí sentadas o a quienes, como yo, están hablando de que hay muchos intereses detrás de un discurso y que la negación del debate apunta a un conglomerado de intereses poderosos que están ganando unas enormes cantidades de dinero que ni podemos imaginar. Lo que estamos reclamando no es negar que haya una epidemia, no es negar que haya muertos por esa epidemia, lo que pretendemos es que se pueda confrontar.

Puede llamarse de muchas maneras, pero la palabra negacionista se usaba para los nazis que negaban el holocausto.

No es la primera vez que la industria farmacéutica soborna a altos cargos políticos o sanitarios. Durante la supuesta epidemia de gripe A, en el 2008-2009, aparecieron vacunas, apareció el tamiflú y diferentes medicamentos. En España, siendo ministra de Sanidad Trinidad Jiménez se compraron millones de dosis de vacuna y de tamiflú. En 2017, El País publicó un informe del ministerio de Sanidad diciendo que iban a gastarse no se qué cantidad porque ya estaba caducado. Y el mismo día que la OMS declaró extinguida la pandemia hizo público que su comité de expertos para la gripe A había sido sobornado por la industria farmacéutica. Eso está publicado. Y los gobiernos comprando aquello que era lo único que se sabía que se podía aplicar para una pandemia.

Bill Gates es uno de los personajes que mueve los hilos de este tinglado y fue el que promovió la fusión de Pfizer-BioNTcch para la fabricación de la vacuna, y dijo hace dos días que van a venir muchas pandemias, que lo sabe de buena tinta y que la única solución son las vacunas. Este señor se está forrando con la pandemia actual. Tenemos derecho a pensar que están pasando cosas muy raras.

Es evidente que por el coronavirus o por lo que sea hubo una mortalidad enorme en muchos países concentrada en personas mayores de 85 años. Lógicamente las personas más vulnerables, las personas mayores no solamente tienen la edad como factor de riesgo sino muchas patologías asociadas, mueren. Esas personas murieron mediante la negación de cualquier tratamiento médico. Murieron abandonadas, aisladas, sin el consuelo de poder coger la mano de un familiar en las residencias de ancianos. Eso le ocurrió a más de la mitad de los muertos. Lo que es verdad es que la letalidad de esta enfermedad, que mide el porcentaje de los enfermados que mueren, es relativamente baja y afortunadamente la evolución natural del virus está llevando a que la letalidad sea cada vez más baja. La variante delta es muy contagiosa, pero mucho menos letal. Ese es el gran misterio que se atribuye a las vacunas indebidamente porque hay datos que muestran que la letalidad de la vacuna está aumentando en muchos lugares del mundo, por ejemplo en Israel, el país más vacunado, o en Indonesia, países que apenas habían tenido mortalidad anterior, porque no todo el mundo sufrió las olas terribles que sufrimos en Italia y en España, y sin embargo se está vacunando masivamente a la población y las curvas de mortalidad son impresionantes después de la vacunación. En Medicina nada es inocuo, ningún tratamiento lo es, ningún medicamento carece de efectos adversos. La cirugía tiene un porcentaje alto de mortalidad por la anestesia o por errores humanos. Lo que un médico, con su paciente, y ahora estoy entrando en algo importantísimo, como es la exigencia legal del consentimiento informado, la exigencia legal por la Ley General de Sanidad del consentimiento informado, que no es como se está haciendo, preguntando a la gente si es alérgica a algo, el consentimiento informado se lo debe de dar el médico de la persona, quien coordina su historia clínica, debe informar de todos los riesgos que corre. Y no se está haciendo en absoluto. La persona es libre entonces de decidir someterse a un determinado tratamiento.

Hay determinadas personas que sería lógico que se vacunaran, seguramente las personas más mayores, sería lógico que entre las personas mayores pesara más el beneficio. Lo que yo no creo es que se deba proceder a la vacunación masiva indiscriminada de toda la población y mucho menos sin consentimiento informado.

El tema de los niños y adolescentes es gravísimo. Las reacciones en los niños, como todo en el sistema inmunitario, por ejemplo, todo el mundo sabe que en una persona joven un cáncer mata más rápido que en una persona mayor, la reacción del sistema inmunitario de un niño es muchísimo mayor que la de un adulto. Las miocarditis y pericarditis, es decir, la inflamación de la capa del miocardio y del pericardio que rodean al corazón ya, en Estados Unidos, pese a que los mayores de 65 años están todos vacunados, y los niños en un porcentaje menor, el número de pericarditis en niños es mucho mayor que en las personas mayores de 65 años. Es verdad que la pericarditis no obligatoriamente es mortal, pero es una inflamación que deja cicatrices, que luego puede provocar en la persona adulta arritmias, insuficiencia cardíaca, cuando la mortaldad en niños y jóvenes es prácticamente inexistente. Desde que empezó la pandemia en España han muerto 25 niños y adolescentes menores de 18 años y probablemente con patologías muy graves, a lo mejor tenían cáncer, graves malformaciones congénitas… frente a las más de 40.000… ¿Qué justificación hay para someter a niños y a jóvenes a riesgos mucho más probables que ningún otro grupo de edad cuando el riesgo de enfermedad es prácticamente inexistente. No puedo concebir que personas con responsabilidad sanitaria estén siendo tan irresponsables. No se saben los efectos secundarios a medio y largo plazo de la vacuna, eso está en la documentación de Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna… que se puede consultar en la página del ministerio de Sanidad. No se sabe qué consecuencias tendrá sobre la fertilidad, el embarazo, porque han sido sometidas a un ensayo clínico de 2 meses. ¿Cómo vamos a saber qué pasa después de un año? Es imposible.

Los niños y los jóvenes es un crimen someterlos a un riesgo desproporcionado e inseguro como es el de la vacunación si valoramos los riesgos que tienen de enfermar y de morir con coronavirus. En Estados Unidos se ha hecho un estudio serológico a jóvenes menores de 18 años que no tenían noticia de haber pasado el coronavirus y el 42% tenían anticuerpos naturales. Habían tenido el contacto con el coronavirus, habían provocado la inmunidad natural correspondiente y ni siquiera sabían que habían padecido la enfermedad.

El problema es cuando se amenaza a la gente, cuanta gente joven está trabajando y salen policías por debajo de las piedras exigiendo a la persona vacunarse, o si no la legislación laboral es la que es y se le puede poner a la persona en la calle con una facilidad pasmosa simplemente no renovándole el contrato.

Mi nieta, en el instituto, la profesora incumplió toda la legislación de protección de datos y de autonomía del paciente, y la propia Constitución, diciendo que se levantaran los niños no vacunados. Mi nieta se levantó, la profesora apuntó sus nombres y dijo que en las prácticas iba a ponerlos a parte… Menos mal que las madres y los padres reaccionaron y la dirección del instituto, uno público, exigió a esa profesora que pidiera perdón por haber hecho esa pregunta y mucho menos segregar a nadie, y se exigió que enviaran una circular y a ningún otro profesor se le ocurriera hacer lo mismo. Pero me consta que está pasando en montones de institutos. La gente se cree que no puede negarse a vacunar a sus hijos.

Los propietarios de las grandes multinacionales farmacéuticas, los fondos Black Rock y Vanguard, que son los grandes fondos de inversión del mundo, son los mayores propietarios de las multinacionales farmacéuticas y además los propietarios de los grandes medios de comunicación. Un periódico que se dice independiente y de izquierdas como El País y la Cadena Ser son desde hace un año propiedad de Black Rock que compró por 1000 millones de euros la deuda del grupo Prisa. También son accionistas de Antena 3, de Tele 5, de la Sexta, es decir, ese es el mundo que tenemos.


24 septiembre 2021


"Está comprobado que la música corrompe a la sociedad", 
Peter Schweige

El presidente de la Plataforma Europea en Apoyo a la Prohibición de la Música (PEAPM, siglas en español), Peter Schweigen, es una de las voces internacionales que más han aplaudido la aparición del nuevo decreto ley nacional, una normativa que podría ser la estocada final a una debilitada industria musical.

Schewigen recuerda muy bien qué estaba haciendo aquella tarde del pasado 31 de agosto, el día que puede haber cambiado por completo y para siempre el destino de la industria musical a nivel global. 

“Es uno de esos momentos históricos tan transcendentes que te llevan a recordar incluso dónde estabas y con quién estabas y retenerlo en la memoria durante años”, recuerda emocionado en relación a la publicación del nuevo decreto ley, en el que ha participado como asesor.

Hablamos con él desde su casa de Schiltach, un pequeño pueblo alemán donde el silencio se ha vuelto, como el mismo confiesa, “su mejor compañero de vida”.

LLevas años defendiendo las consecuencias negativas que la música produce en la sociedad. ¿Por qué no se ha hablado apenas de ello hasta ahora?
Simplemente, por las presiones del lobby musical. Son muchos los estudios que llevan años advirtiéndonos de las peligrosas alteraciones que la música puede ocasionar en nuestra capacidad cognitiva, en nuestro estado de ánimo, en nuestra capacidad de raciocinio... por mucho que intenten contradecirlos desde la oposición.

Entonces, ¿puede ser realmente la música uno de los mayores mecanismos de control?
Totalmente. Está comprobado que en los primeros meses de vida somos capaces de responder antes a una melodía que a una comunicación verbal con nuestros progenitores. 

Con ello puedes hacerte ya una idea del increíble poder que ejercen las ondas armónicas en la estimulación del cerebro, siendo además el mecanismo que más partes activa del mismo frente a cualquier otro estímulo humano. Además, la música es capaz de alterar la propia química del cerebro, tal y como confirman diversos estudios neurocientíficos, y de afectarnos incluso a nivel fisiológico, modificando el latido de nuestro corazón, el pulso o la presión arterial, entre otros. 

Por todo ello, queda manifiesto que el poder que ejerce sobre nuestra mente y sobre nuestro cuerpo es inmenso, por lo que muchos han aprovechado para utilizarla como mecanismo de control para lograr sus oscuros objetivos. Se ha demostrado, por tanto, que la música corrompe a la sociedad.
Desde la plataforma defendéis que uno de los mecanismos que más se han utilizado para corromper a las masas han sido los llamados “earworm”. 

¿De qué se trata?
Lo que podríamos traducir al español como “gusanos musicales”, repiten siempre el mismo mecanismo. Son canciones con melodías y ritmos aparentemente simples que se adhieren involuntariamente a nuestro cerebro, controlándolo en ocasiones por completo e incluso produciendo un síndrome crónico en el peor de los casos. La sensación es la de ser incapaces de quitarnos esa canción de nuestra mente, y por tanto deshacernos de la manipulación que pretende transmitir, repitiéndola en bucle constantemente tras su escucha. 

Algunos llaman también a esta sensación “picor cognoscitivo”, o incluso en el libro Musicofilia aparece reflejada como “un tic o un ataque”. Así que teníamos claro que era uno de los puntos clave que debía recoger el nuevo decreto ley.

Hablando del nuevo decreto ley, ¿cuál ha sido la aportación de la plataforma en su elaboración y su valoración personal al respecto?
Personalmente, en nombre de la plataforma a la que represento, he ejercido de asesor en la valoración de los riesgos actuales que la música puede representar para la sociedad. La verdad es que no me ha pillado por sorpresa que finalmente se haya prohibido la difusión o creaación musical en España, tanto pública como privada, hasta nuevo aviso. Creo, sinceramente, que era algo necesario en estos momentos y estoy más que convencido de que será positivo para la sociedad española.

¿Incluso para los que no comulgan con sus ideas? ¿Qué les diría al respecto?
Sabemos que muchos de los opositores están intentando organizar una red clandestina para hacer frente a las nuevas prohibiciones. Simplemente, les diría que confíen en que todas estas medidas se han tomado con el fin de salvar a la sociedad de su propia autodestrucción, y les invitaría a que estudien más el tema en profundidad, lean los numerosos estudios que hay al respecto y dejen el individualismo a un lado para apostar por el bien común.

16 septiembre 2021

Polio - la historia real Y LA INFLUENZA -GRIPE -

 The REAL History of Polio – 

20 Things You Didn’t Know


Conversación abierta. 1 mensaje sin lee

 The REAL History of Polio – 20 Things You Didn’t Know

1. A pesticide common in the 1800’s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind.
This super toxin was also used as a dye, in many items, including wall paper and paint. It was the sole focus of murder mystery novels at the time, as arsenic was known to be a very efficient way to stage a murder “for unknown reasons”, as arsenic kills but is hard to detect after the victim succumbs to the poison.

http://bit.ly/2urZvqu and http://bit.ly/2wL5tPT

2. This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure.

3. Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure.

4. Heavy metal poisoning from lead, mercury and other similar heavy metals manifest lesions on neurological tissues, meaning the toxin destroys the nerve/communication pathways connecting the brain to the organs in the body. http://bit.ly/1OLcFgG

5. Polio victims present lesions on neurological tissue, that cause the organs to malfunction all around the body. (lungs, heart, nerves that control walking etc)

6. Polio outbreaks hit throughout the summer, only during pesticide spraying times. (not the sunless and damp winter/spring seasons regarding other disease outbreaks)

7. Polio had and has NO ability to spread from infected victims to the uninfected. Polio infected clusters of people in the exact same areas, suddenly and swiftly. http://bit.ly/1P6zShV

8. Parents report finding their children paralyzed in and around apple orchards. One of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops of the time (with lead arsenate or copper arsenate) were apple orchards. http://bit.ly/2wL5tPT

9. President Roosevelt became paralyzed over night while at a summer retreat, which contained many crops, including apple orchards. He also swam the day prior in a bay that was heavily polluted by industrial agricultural run off.

Summer again is when these paralysis based outbreaks would occur, as spraying of crops with extremely toxic chemicals would intensify as the crops hit a fully mature state. The pesticides we’re talking about were DESIGNED to terminate nervous system function in the bugs, which is “polio”……..which is and always has been complicit poisoning of the population by industry, government, science and medicine. Anyone who doesn’t understand the perpetual historical record of the ruling 1% poisoning and exterminating the “lesser halves” need to investigate the documented science of eugenics, which can be started by clicking here to watch a very well made video on the subject.

10. Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress in 1951 that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties. http://bit.ly/1DKDb3v

11. At this added link (click here) we have the actual testimony of Dr. Ralph Scobey to Congress, explaining how the government, chemical companies and the media were trying to steer the public astray     desviar  extraviar     as to the causes and the treatment of the paralysis falsely blamed on a virus that didn’t cause paralysis. 
The chemical companies were poisoning the American people and some people from academia were making accusations that this was being done purposely to increase the power of a corrupt government, over the resulting dysfunctional and toxic masses.

12. In 1956 the AMA (The American Medical Association) instructed each licensed medical doctor that they could no longer classify polio as polio, or their license to practice would be terminated.

Any paralysis was now to be diagnosed as AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) MS, MD, Bell’s Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Guillian-Barre, meningitis etc etc.

This was orchestrated purposely to make the public believe polio was eradicated by the polio vaccine campaign but because the polio vaccine contained toxic ingredients directly linked to paralysis, polio cases (not identified as polio) were skyrocketing…but only in vaccinated areas. http://bit.ly/1WEHYzR

Today most vaccine inserts declare paralysis as a potential side effect but “reframe it” as Guillian Barre or simply “paralysis”.

This is purposely designed to obfuscate the public’s understanding of what causes paralysis, which is heavy metal poisoning plus vaccine induced autoimmunity……that ends with the body attacking and destroying its’ own nervous system pathways, in an rabid attempt to clean itself of the injected toxins.

Guillian Barre and paralysis, as listed vaccine side effects, are also a way to get the public running east looking for a sunset, keeping them as far away as possible from connecting the dots around this medical polio obfuscation.

Aluminum and mercury are ingredients in most (if not all) vaccines today and both are proven to cause paralysis and motor neuron destruction………..known as many different names, depending on just how much the science/medical authority figure in the room wants to lead you astray that day. http://bit.ly/2kga3CL

polio history
13. The first polio vaccine was worked on by Dr. Jonas Salk and human experiments using this vaccine were conducted purposely on orphans in government/church run institutions because they were vulnerable and didn’t require any parental consent signatures, as they had no parents. The vaccine was “declared safe” by “medicine” (as they always are even though that vaccine was killing and paralyzing monkeys in test trials) and that vaccine gave 40,000 orphans polio, permanently paralyzed hundreds and killed at least 10 children.

All injuries and deaths under reported of course by the same authorities who orchestrated the atrocity. This was called The Cutter Incident.

A focused attack on defenseless children, by people charged with their care. A poisoning of innocent children and then the excuses and apologies, regarding how it won’t happen again. Is this pattern still occurring today? The answer is obvious. In this attached link regarding the Cutter Incident where vulnerable children were purposely targeted, the killing of the children is advertised as “a great help to science” in better understanding the disease.  http://1.usa.gov/1mEozNJ

14. The next “improved” polio vaccine, given to hundreds of millions, carried both the SV 40 cancer virus as well as the AIDS virus.  Every step of the way, medicine declaring they know for sure, that this time, they have everything straightened out. Same story then, same story now.

The only thing larger than the pile of broken medical and government promises regarding polio, vaccines and disease eradication…..is the pile of broken and dead bodies that rockets skywards as medicine, science and government continually apply failed healing protocols to a heavily indoctrinated and bewildered public. http://bit.ly/1HfHR7W

Cancerous tumors, still being pulled out of people today, are riddled with SV40 cancer viruses from the government’s “safe and effective” and “approved” polio vaccine. http://bit.ly/1jGvysV

15. In the book Virus Mania,
top scientists in the field declare that polio doesn’t and has never qualified as a viral disease because it fails to spread from person to person or animal to animal.

If it’s not a viral disease, then what is it? The answer is heavy metal and other forms of toxic poisoning that causes partial or full paralysis. (destruction of the nervous system). Connect the dots. http://bit.ly/2ht7Lgd

16. The polio con job, ranked as 1 of the top 10 medical con jobs of all time, is clearly described in this selected chapter of the book “Dissolving Illusions” by leading medical doctor, Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
The reason so much effort is placed into medical con jobs like this is to continually infuse the public with false fear regarding viruses that don’t exist, and also to provide false hope and blind faith belief in toxic vaccines and poisonous medications, which only worsen a population’s overall health status.

Why would anyone do this?

Again, this is when a confused citizen needs to investigate EUGENICS and the history (and families) behind that movement.

The end result is the same, regardless of medical ambush. The elite groups who organize such fraud based operations increase tyrannical control over a diseased, die-empowered, depressed, dis-satisfied, dis-oriented and dumbed down population.

Such a population is easier to control, steal from, manipulate and govern. It’s not really about polio or viruses, it’s about poisoning the population into a chemical lobotomized state that ends with increased elite domination and iron fist control.

How did 80% of North Americans come to become extremely unhealthy in our most technologically advanced era?

The answer is……because this has always been the design of the system. The ruling of 8 billion people by an extremely small group of 50,000 can only be achieved when that 8 billion operate in perpetual chaos…….physically, economically, mentally and spiritually.  http://bit.ly/2jeQpUa

17. On a related note, Jonas Salk, the inventor of the first polio vaccine……..eventually wrote a book.

It contains his personal views on the general public and how the society is meant to advance, under the new scientific dictatorship. The book is reviewed here at this added link. Some very interesting beliefs of Jonas Salk are exposed throughout the book. Click here to see the video and you best be sitting down when you do.

18. At this link even more data showing that sickness, mimicking polio symptoms ,are experienced more frequently by people with an unhealthy diet

People receiving the polio vaccine (and other vaccines) were much more likely to be ill in general and present polio like symptoms. Disease isn’t a poison deficiency.
Disease is caused by a surplus of poisons and the documented toxins in all vaccines PACK A WALLOP!

19. At this added link, the inventor of the polio vaccines. admits in his own book………that vaccines were designed to wipe out the lesser halves.

20. At this added link an acclaimed author of 9 books exposes the true intent of all vaccines, including the polio vaccination. The truth is never complex, only the lies are.

When someone talks of any disease, in this day and age, they’re often just repeating what they were told by the government, media, science or medicine. If you’re willing to repeat without any confirming research or resistance, this pre qualifies you to rocket up the pyramid of control, gaining promotion after promotion along the way.

When someone today repeats anything about polio and polio elimination based on vaccination, they’re repeating known lies, told by known liars.

Repeating what you’re told and intelligence aren’t the same thing. Repeating or intelligence? The choice is yours. Repeaters are FIRM IN THEIR BELIEFS yet have NEVER researched beyond what they were told to believe. Such firm belief, with ZERO RESEARCH, is illogical and irrational. Research the hidden history of polio, the disease that never was. http://bit.ly/1DKDb3v

Click here to see over 100 medical doctors and PhD scientists explaining with statistics and research that
1) vaccines aren’t safe 2) vaccines aren’t effective 3) vaccines don’t improve immunity or resistance to disease and 4) vaccines injure, permanently cripple or kill each and every person they’re injected into. The darkness and deceit around the polio vaccine doesn’t just stop there. The entire history of vaccination, from inception to this very day, is rampant with corruption, eugenics, stealth euthanasia and for lack of a better phrase……evil intent.

Further research regarding the polio deception can be found in…
1. This book by Dr. Russell Blaylock – amzn.to/1PTIq73
2. This book by Dr. Suzanne Humphries – amzn.to/1TBIaR0
3. This book by Liam Scheff – amzn.to/1TBIpLN

4 This book on Janine Roberts – http://bit.ly/2gsC1s8

This portion has been added from Kate William………….

My ears practically perked up when I read that one Dr. HC Emerson, investigating a ‘polio’ outbreak in 1907, discovered that a) no polio cases in exclusively breastfed infants b) the eating of fresh fruits and vegetables preceded the onset of ‘poliomyelitis’ in many others.

Barber (1939) reported four cases of ‘polio’ that occurred the same day as strawberries were eaten, in a boarding school house.

Chenault (1941) noted the parallels between ‘polio’ outbreaks and the appearance of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Draper (1935) reported a case series of ‘polio’ which he theorized originated from a Greek fruiterer.

Naturally, I had to do some digging on this…and discovered…

Before DDT spraying, there was ARSENIC spraying!

In 1929, almost 30 million pounds of lead arsenate or calcium arsenate were sprayed in the fields and orchards of America. In fact, the government was so enthusiastic about the use of arsenic, that in 1935, an FDA-hosted radio program suggested the old nursery rhyme “A is for Apple” should be changed to: “A is for arsenate, Lead if you please, protector of apples against arch-enemies.”

In 1919, Boston Health Department was forced to destroy arsenic-coated apples because people were getting sick.

Scientists say the earth is still tainted with the residue, and believe lands once used to raise cotton, is now responsible for arsenic found in rice. Arsenate pesticides were officially banned in the US, in the 1980’s, but “modifed arsenates” are still used on cotton crops today. China, meanwhile, kept using arsenate sprays beyond 2000, and it is suspected they are still using them illegally.

Note the symptoms of acute arsenic poisoning = fever, vomiting and nausea, headache, sore throat etc. Chronic poisoning = polyneuritis and paralysis, especially in the extremities.

Sound familiar?

Also note that Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was crippled by ‘polio’ in 1921, at age 39 years, also owned an apple orchard where the family used to spend their summers, and he used to swim regularly in the pond nearby…At the time, mostly children were affected, and it was considered rare for adults to have ‘polio’.

About Jason Christoff
Jason started Physical Limits Fitness in 1994 at the age of 24. He has written over 1000 health articles, with hundreds appearing in many newspapers across Canada. Jason has been interviewed recently by several US radio stations regarding his principles on healthy living. Jason was also invited to speak on health topics on The CBS Morning Show and also appeared briefly on the Dr. Phil Show featuring fitness trainers from across North America. Jason is currently writing a book tabulating the steps that he used to lead a healthy and addiction free life. Jason specializes in exercise coaching, functional stretching, self sabotage, healthy living principles, overcoming addiction, weight loss, healing while facing a health crisis and small business start up consulting. Jason believes that health is about developing habits based in self love and self respect, as a way to propel one through life in a successful way.

20 Things You Don’t Know About Polio

1. A pesticide common in the 1800’s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind. This super toxin was also used as a dye, in many items, including wall paper and paint. It was the sole focus of murder mystery novels at the time, as arsenic was known to be a very efficient way to stage a murder “for unknown reasons”, as arsenic kills but is hard to detect after the victim succumbs to the poison. http://bit.ly/2urZvqu and http://bit.ly/2wL5tPT

2. This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure.

3. Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure.

4. Heavy metal poisoning from lead, mercury and other similar heavy metals manifest lesions on neurological tissues, meaning the toxin destroys the nerve/communication pathways connecting the brain to the organs in the body. http://bit.ly/1OLcFgG

5. Polio victims present lesions on neurological tissue, that cause the organs to malfunction all around the body. (lungs, heart, nerves that control walking etc)

6. Polio outbreaks hit throughout the summer, only during pesticide spraying times. (not the sunless and damp winter/spring seasons regarding other disease outbreaks)

7. Polio had and has NO ability to spread from infected victims to the uninfected. Polio infected clusters of people in the exact same areas, suddenly and swiftly. http://bit.ly/1P6zShV

8. Parents report finding their children paralyzed in and around apple orchards. One of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops of the time (with lead arsenate or copper arsenate) were apple orchards. http://bit.ly/2wL5tPT

9. President Roosevelt became paralyzed over night while at a summer retreat, which contained many crops, including apple orchards. He also swam the day prior in a bay that was heavily polluted by industrial agricultural run off. Summer again is when these paralysis based outbreaks would occur, as spraying of crops with extremely toxic chemicals would intensify as the crops hit a fully mature state. The pesticides we’re talking about were DESIGNED to terminate nervous system function in the bugs, which is “polio”……..which is and always has been complicit poisoning of the population by industry, government, science and medicine. Anyone who doesn’t understand the perpetual historical record of the ruling 1% poisoning and exterminating the “lesser halves” need to investigate the documented science of eugenics, which can be started by clicking here to watch a very well made video on the subject.

10. Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress in 1951 that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties. http://bit.ly/1DKDb3v

11. At this added link (click here) we have the actual testimony of Dr. Ralph Scobey to Congress, explaining how the government, chemical companies and the media were trying to steer the public astray as to the causes and the treatment of the paralysis falsely blamed on a virus that didn’t cause paralysis.  The chemical companies were poisoning the American people and some people from academia were making accusations that this was being done purposely to increase the power of a corrupt government, over the resulting dysfunctional and toxic masses.

12. In 1956 the AMA (The American Medical Association) instructed each licensed medical doctor that they could no longer classify polio as polio, or their license to practice would be terminated. Any paralysis was now to be diagnosed as AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) MS, MD, Bell’s Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Guillian-Barre, meningitis etc etc. http://bit.ly/1Ml3rpX This was orchestrated purposely to make the public believe polio was eradicated by the polio vaccine campaign but because the polio vaccine contained toxic ingredients directly linked to paralysis, polio cases (not identified as polio) were skyrocketing…but only in vaccinated areas. http://bit.ly/1WEHYzR Today most vaccine inserts declare paralysis as a potential side effect but “reframe it” as Guillian Barre or simply “paralysis”. This is purposely designed to obfuscate the public’s understanding of what causes paralysis, which is heavy metal poisoning plus vaccine induced autoimmunity……that ends with the body attacking and destroying its’ own nervous system pathways, in an rabid attempt to clean itself of the injected toxins. Guillian Barre and paralysis, as listed vaccine side effects, are also a way to get the public running east looking for a sunset, keeping them as far away as possible from connecting the dots around this medical polio obfuscation. Aluminum and mercury are ingredients in most (if not all) vaccines today and both are proven to cause paralysis and motor neuron destruction………..known as many different names, depending on just how much the science/medical authority figure in the room wants to lead you astray that day. http://bit.ly/2kga3CL

polio hostory

13. The first polio vaccine was worked on by Dr. Jonas Salk and human experiments using this vaccine were conducted purposely on orphans in government/church run institutions because they were vulnerable and didn’t require any parental consent signatures, as they had no parents. The vaccine was “declared safe” by “medicine” (as they always are even though that vaccine was killing and paralyzing monkeys in test trials) and that vaccine gave 40,000 orphans polio, permanently paralyzed hundreds and killed at least 10 children. All injuries and deaths under reported of course by the same authorities who orchestrated the atrocity. This was called The Cutter Incident. A focused attack on defenseless children, by people charged with their care. A poisoning of innocent children and then the excuses and apologies, regarding how it won’t happen again. Is this pattern still occurring today? The answer is obvious. In this attached link regarding the Cutter Incident where vulnerable children were purposely targeted, the killing of the children is advertised as “a great help to science” in better understanding the disease.  http://1.usa.gov/1mEozNJ

14. The next “improved” polio vaccine, given to hundreds of millions, carried both the SV 40 cancer virus as well as the AIDS virus.  Every step of the way, medicine declaring they know for sure, that this time, they have everything straightened out. Same story then, same story now. The only thing larger than the pile of broken medical and government promises regarding polio, vaccines and disease eradication…..is the pile of broken and dead bodies that rockets skywards as medicine, science and government continually apply failed healing protocols to a heavily indoctrinated and bewildered public. http://bit.ly/1HfHR7W Cancerous tumors, still being pulled out of people today, are riddled with SV40 cancer viruses from the government’s “safe and effective” and “approved” polio vaccine. http://bit.ly/1jGvysV

15. In the book Virus Mania, top scientists in the field declare that polio doesn’t and has never qualified as a viral disease because it fails to spread from person to person or animal to animal. If it’s not a viral disease, then what is it? The answer is heavy metal and other forms of toxic poisoning that causes partial or full paralysis. (destruction of the nervous system). Connect the dots. http://bit.ly/2ht7Lgd

16. The polio con job, ranked as 1 of the top 10 medical con jobs of all time, is clearly described in this selected chapter of the book “Dissolving Illusions” by leading medical doctor, Dr. Suzanne Humphries. The reason so much effort is placed into medical con jobs like this is to continually infuse the public with false fear regarding viruses that don’t exist, and also to provide false hope and blind faith belief in toxic vaccines and poisonous medications, which only worsen a population’s overall health status. Why would anyone do this? Again, this is when a confused citizen needs to investigate EUGENICS and the history (and families) behind that movement. The end result is the same, regardless of medical ambush. The elite groups who organize such fraud based operations increase tyrannical control over a diseased, die-empowered, depressed, dis-satisfied, dis-oriented and dumbed down population. Such a population is easier to control, steal from, manipulate and govern. It’s not really about polio or viruses, it’s about poisoning the population into a chemical lobotomized state that ends with increased elite domination and iron fist control. How did 80% of North Americans come to become extremely unhealthy in our most technologically advanced era? The answer is……because this has always been the design of the system. The ruling of 8 billion people by an extremely small group of 50,000 can only be achieved when that 8 billion operate in perpetual chaos…….physically, economically, mentally and spiritually.  http://bit.ly/2jeQpUa

17. On a related note, Jonas Salk, the inventor of the first polio vaccine……..eventually wrote a book. It contains his personal views on the general public and how the society is meant to advance, under the new scientific dictatorship. The book is reviewed here at this added link. Some very interesting beliefs of Jonas Salk are exposed throughout the book. Click here to see the video and you best be sitting down when you do.

18. At this link even more data showing that sickness, mimicking polio symptoms ,are experienced more frequently by people with an unhealthy diet People receiving the polio vaccine (and other vaccines) were much more likely to be ill in general and present polio like symptoms. Disease isn’t a poison deficiency. Disease is caused by a surplus of poisons and the documented toxins in all vaccines PACK A WALLOP!

19. At this added link, the inventor of the polio vaccines. admits in his own book………that vaccines were designed to wipe out the lesser halves.

20. At this added link an acclaimed author of 9 books exposes the true intent of all vaccines, including the polio vaccination. The truth is never complex, only the lies are.

When someone talks of any disease, in this day and age, they’re often just repeating what they were told by the government, media, science or medicine. If you’re willing to repeat without any confirming research or resistance, this pre qualifies you to rocket up the pyramid of control, gaining promotion after promotion along the way. When someone today repeats anything about polio and polio elimination based on vaccination, they’re repeating known lies, told by known liars. Repeating what you’re told and intelligence aren’t the same thing. Repeating or intelligence? The choice is yours. Repeaters are FIRM IN THEIR BELIEFS yet have NEVER researched beyond what they were told to believe. Such firm belief, with ZERO RESEARCH, is illogical and irrational. Research the hidden history of polio, the disease that never was. http://bit.ly/1DKDb3v

Click here to see over 100 medical doctors and PhD scientists explaining with statistics and research that 1) vaccines aren’t safe 2) vaccines aren’t effective 3) vaccines don’t improve immunity or resistance to disease and 4) vaccines injure, permanently cripple or kill each and every person they’re injected into. The darkness and deceit around the polio vaccine doesn’t just stop there. The entire history of vaccination, from inception to this very day, is rampant with corruption, eugenics, stealth euthanasia and for lack of a better phrase……evil intent.

Further research regarding the polio deception can be found in…
1. This book by Dr. Russell Blaylock – amzn.to/1PTIq73
2. This book by Dr. Suzanne Humphries – amzn.to/1TBIaR0
3. This book by Liam Scheff – amzn.to/1TBIpLN

4 This book on Janine Roberts – http://bit.ly/2gsC1s8

This portion has been added from Kate William………….

My ears practically perked up when I read that one Dr. HC Emerson, investigating a ‘polio’ outbreak in 1907, discovered that a) no polio cases in exclusively breastfed infants b) the eating of fresh fruits and vegetables preceded the onset of ‘poliomyelitis’ in many others.

Barber (1939) reported four cases of ‘polio’ that occurred the same day as strawberries were eaten, in a boarding school house.

Chenault (1941) noted the parallels between ‘polio’ outbreaks and the appearance of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Draper (1935) reported a case series of ‘polio’ which he theorized originated from a Greek fruiterer.

Naturally, I had to do some digging on this…and discovered…

Before DDT spraying, there was ARSENIC spraying!

In 1929, almost 30 million pounds of lead arsenate or calcium arsenate were sprayed in the fields and orchards of America. In fact, the government was so enthusiastic about the use of arsenic, that in 1935, an FDA-hosted radio program suggested the old nursery rhyme “A is for Apple” should be changed to: “A is for arsenate, Lead if you please, protector of apples against arch-enemies.”

In 1919, Boston Health Department was forced to destroy arsenic-coated apples because people were getting sick.

Scientists say the earth is still tainted with the residue, and believe lands once used to raise cotton, is now responsible for arsenic found in rice. Arsenate pesticides were officially banned in the US, in the 1980’s, but “modifed arsenates” are still used on cotton crops today. China, meanwhile, kept using arsenate sprays beyond 2000, and it is suspected they are still using them illegally.

Note the symptoms of acute arsenic poisoning = fever, vomiting and nausea, headache, sore throat etc. Chronic poisoning = polyneuritis and paralysis, especially in the extremities.

Sound familiar?

Also note that Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was crippled by ‘polio’ in 1921, at age 39 years, also owned an apple orchard where the family used to spend their summers, and he used to swim regularly in the pond nearby…At the time, mostly children were affected, and it was considered rare for adults to have ‘polio’.

About Jason Christoff

Jason started Physical Limits Fitness in 1994 at the age of 24. He has written over 1000 health articles, with hundreds appearing in many newspapers across Canada. Jason has been interviewed recently by several US radio stations regarding his principles on healthy living. Jason was also invited to speak on health topics on The CBS Morning Show and also appeared briefly on the Dr. Phil Show featuring fitness trainers from across North America. Jason is currently writing a book tabulating the steps that he used to lead a healthy and addiction free life. Jason specializes in exercise coaching, functional stretching, self sabotage, healthy living principles, overcoming addiction, weight loss, healing while facing a health crisis and small business start up consulting. Jason believes that health is about developing habits based in self love and self respect, as a way to propel one through life in a successful way.

What Vets Don't Tell You About Vaccines 

Tapa blanda – 1 octubre 1998



08 septiembre 2021

Tercera vacuna - HAY QUE TENER CARA DURA





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